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The Globalist Stupidity: Building a Global Government on Stupid Premises.
September 07, 2016
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The Globalist Stupidity: Building a Global Government on Stupid Premises.

The Globalist Stupidity is an agenda aimed at eliminating borders and nations by frightening populations with fake environmental predictions.

Vic Biorseth, Tuesday, September 06, 2016

Evil advances by fooling good people into believing falsehood. In this manner evil "recruits" good people, and gets them to support falsehood, and, eventually, to become evil themselves. All through falsehood.

It's a process. First, the "good" victim of the ruse is convinced of the truth of a falsehood. Then, he is fooled into accepting the premise that he should be willing to lie to advance the falsehood, for the good of some cause, or for the better good of society. The ends justify the means. So, this good person becomes a liar, but for the good of the people, or for the good of the environment, or for the good of some species, or for the good of the whole planet.

What he doesn't realize or what is glossed over is that a lie is a sin. Always. That he has crossed the line, and now stands with evil.

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