
Up From Obamunism.

Vic Biorseth, Saturday, April 17, 2010

Up From Obamunism is the Counter-Revolutionary Movement intent on achieving America’s Deliverance From Obamunism. Up From Obamunism is a Reactionary and Counter-Revolutionary movement. It is a reaction against our beloved and glorious leader, Comrade Premier Barack Hussein Obama, mm mm mm, peace be upon him, and against the current Marxist-dominated Democrat Party, the Pure Socialist goals of our American SLIMC1 , and against all of our clearly Obamunist “intellectual” elites.

I submit that virtually everything Our Glorious Leader has done since assuming office is unconstitutional, and a violation of his oath of office. Every program pushed by the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives and Senate have been unconstitutional and violations of the oaths of office of the Representatives and the Senators.

I defy anyone to find in our Constitution any authorization of government to control or direct either the private health care industry or the private health care insurance of the free American citizenry. Or to find in our Constitution any authorization of government to control or direct American weather, let alone the global climate. Or to find in our Constitution any authorization of government to control or direct any private industry, or take or change any stock ownership status of any private industry or to control or direct pay, bonuses or benefits paid out by any private enterprise. I defy anyone to find in our Constitution any authorization of federal government to order and then control or direct any bankruptcy of any private enterprise. Or to find in our Constitution any authorization of government to seize any portion of ownership share or status of any private enterprise, or to forcibly change any ownership from one private owner to another without due process of law.

Nor does our Constitution direct or authorize government to directly provide such things as health care, health care insurance, any particular sort of global climate, automobiles, or any other consumer good or service normally provided by the private sector. Obamunism has sought to interfere with the privates sector in virtually everything the private sector does, and even to interfere with processes beyond the reach of man, and it has spent our treasure to do it. Money that does not even yet exist has been spent by this government on scams, frauds and impossibilities.

At issue is the question of whether we are to go back to what we were, a nation of laws and not merely of men, or to remain what we have become, which is just another nation of men, and our Constitution may be damned. Current Obamunist arrogance insists, publicly and often, that

Obama won the election, therefore Obama rules,

and thus America, Capitalism, the free market, all the petite bourgeois of the American middle-class and all of private enterprise needs to just get over it, forget the Constitution, give up our private property for the greater good, bow down and serve Obama.

So, we present here a few ideas on how to proceed from this point and get ourselves and our nation up from Obamunism. Obamunism is the word I use to describe current America and how she is currently governed.

Moving Up From Obamunism means, exactly, moving up out of Comrade Obama’s particular unique, personalized strain of Marxism. If we would define Obamunism, we would have to describe a unique blending of the sham ideology of Marxism with the personality and proclivities of our glorious leader Comrade Obama. If we ever hope to rise up from Obamunism we first need to understand exactly what Obamunism is. The three components that blend to make Obamunism are Marxism, pseudo-intellectual elitism, and Obama the man, and what makes him tick. So, the beginning point requires another look at Marxism. (Ho hum, heavy sigh and here we go again.)

Up From Obamunism: Component 1: Marxism.

We have described Marxism and what’s wrong with it in great (perhaps too much) detail in the Marxism page. We described the foundational premises more briefly among our many definition pages in the Definition of Marxism page. We presented our brief refutation of Marxist Theory among our many Arguments Pro and Con pages in our Refuting Marxism page. We have described Marxism as a sham and a fraud, grown, driven and supported by two things: First, pseudo-intellectual fad infecting most seriously the elites of our society and of just about all modern societies. Second, it is used by ruthless would-be rulers as an ideological tool with which to recruit the naïve and the corrupt in order get themselves into power.

Marxism is a house built on straw. As an economic theory, it is so obviously and fatally flawed as to be stupid. As a political system, its ultimate goal of utopia is so impractical as to be clearly impossible. As any kind of a philosophy, it is a very bad joke.

We described the completely fraudulent nature of Marxism in The Great Communist Lie page. There we showed that there is nothing truthful about any part or any aspect of Marxism. There is nothing Marx or Engles wrote that is worth a warm bucket of spit. The intellectual elite is too elite, too over-confident and too impressed with itself to know that. Some few of them who do know the true nature of Marxism are evil men with hidden agendas.

The majority of the elites are naïve to the point of stupidity on the subject, in that they have not properly studied the subject. They cannot even properly interpret what the hard evidence of history says about it.

Question: How many more men must die or be impoverished by the advance of Marxism before our intellectual elites recognize the simple fact that Marxism is not good for mankind?

Answer: All of them, including the intellectual elites.

Just as the fraud of Freudian Theory is a form of psychic evolution, which describes a sort of Darwinian progression of the psyche through its own subconscious, via psycho-analysis, to achieve some sort of mental perfection, the fraud of Marxism is a form of social Darwinism through which society is expected to “naturally” evolve into worldly political perfection. That’s the fraud part, of course. Real Marxists all know that the real Marxian social progression is not natural at all and thus needs the help of the most ruthless of men to force it to happen.

Marxism is a malignant cancer on Western Civilization. And yet, …
the most elite among us love it.

Up From Obamunism: Component 2: Elitism.

We have thundering herds of TTRSTF4 who will insist that the economic science of Marx is good, sound science. We have thundering herds of TTRSPTF5 who will insist that the philosophical aspects of Marxism are not only sound, but profound. We have thundering herds of TTRSJTF6 who are so convinced of the superiority of Marxian thought over Constitutional Americanism as to require supporting the cause of Marxism over Americanism via the way news is reported, editorials are slanted and the way commentary is delivered.

They know Marxism is good and Americanism is bad; they learned it in school.

As documented way back when in the Eco-Nazi Front page, the Clinton-Gore Whitehouse directly proselytized some hundred local TV weathermen into the global-warming hoax camp, in order to get them to “save the world” through how they reported the local weather. The last journalistic place you would expect to be politicized – the local weather, for heaven’s sake – became a tool of use to Marxists who’s real goal was to radically increase the scope and power of government, at the expense of the people’s power over their own lives. The myth of global crisis always promotes the felt need of emergency government action, which always increases government power, and reduces power of the people.

The Left-leaning elitists will quibble and argue on and on about the minute, mundane differences between Marxism, Socialism, Communism, Fascism, Nazism, Social Democracy, Leninism, Stalinism, Maoism, Trotskyism, all sorts of other sub-divisions, and about the economic theory, the philosophical theory, the social theory, the political theory, and on, and on, and on. They have giant text books and enormous lofty tomes to back up their arguments; they will point to highly respected sources among TTRSTF4 , TTRSPTF5 and TTRSJTF6 to back up their arguments.

They miss the point that the whole shebang is one big popular fraud.

Currently, among the most popular in broadcast media, elitists will argue back and forth and on and on about whether or not Comrade Obama, peace be upon him, may properly be described as a Communist, or a Fascist, or a Marxist-Leninist, or an Anarchist, or a Socialist, or etc., etc., etc., and they all have their long lists of descriptors of each of the Marxian titles to “prove” what he is or what he isn’t, and exactly where he fits in the nearly infinite realm of Marxist possibilities. Sigh. He’s a Marxist. There’s nothing tough about this.

Question: What one thing was held in common by Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Mussolini, Ho, Pol, Fidel, Obama?

Answer: The revolutionary writing of Karl Marx.

I doubt anyone today would question the statement that Marxism is virtually antithetical to Constitutional America. Marxism – every variant in existence – opposes private property, free markets and therefore also individual liberty. These are the very components that make up, that constitute, America herself. It’s the very stuff we are made of. To say that one is a little bit Leftist (or Liberal, or Progressive, etc.) is to say that one is a little bit anti-American. There can be no compromise here. Marxism and Americanism are incompatible.

We have among our elites what I call itsy-bitsy teensy-weensy Marxists. They are the ones who seek a compromise between “greedy” capitalism and flat out government control, and they think themselves wise. Itsy-bitsy teensy-weensy Marxism may have been born with Keynesian interventionist economic theory, which I maintain is just as flawed as any other compromise with Marxism. Interference with free market nature is interference with nature. The market must be free of artificial interference in order to properly establish prices, interest rates, etc., in a completely natural and automatic way. Interference leads to failure, and failure of the free market is a goal of Marxism. Market failure and market interference feed each other.

Itsy-bitsy teensy-weensy Marxists among our more common folk are those of us who have “learned” (we’ve been taught) of the evil nature of big business, and big banking, and global-ism or internationalism of huge corporations. We have forgotten what business is all about, which is, making profit, which we are taught is evil. Moving operations off-shore or outsourcing jobs is seen as unpatriotic, un-American and cruel to American Labor.

What does patriotism have to do with business?


Perform a thought experiment. If you start your own small business, whatever kind it may be, what would its primary purpose be? To make money; if it didn’t make money, it would fail as a business. If it gets difficult to make money in your geographic locale because of local taxes or regulations, or because of lack of labor, too expensive labor or the need to deal with a hostile anti-business anti-profit union, what would you do? Move your small business to another location, or go out of business.

How is a larger business any different? If your hypothetical business grows and becomes a giant corporation employing thousands of workers, nothing has changed other than scale of operations. The business still needs to make money or fail. Profit is not evil; it is necessary and it is good. Profit – money – is the prime motivating force of both the worker and the employer. You will go wherever you can make profit.

Taxes, government regulations and unions are ever increasingly making America into a terrible place for a profitable business. That’s just the way it is.

As we will see later, the Fair Tax Revolution alone could turn America and your state and your local neighborhood into an irresistible location magnet for every business on earth capable of moving, and do it naturally without any need for further regulation, advertising or any other effort at all. But that’s for later.

Alan Greenspan, as a Keynesian Interventionist, is an example of an itsy-bitsy teensy-weensy Marxist from among TTRSTF4 . FOX Network’s Bill O’Reilly, as a Global Warmer, a Secularist and a willing political compromiser, is an itsy-bitsy teensy-weensy Marxist from among TTRSJTF6 . John McCain typifies the itsy-bitsy teensy-weensy Marxist in big time politics. He will compromise on anything, and never even realize that he’s compromising liberty, independence and freedom itself. Today, what Republicans are compromising the most on is Marxism. How do you compromise at all with Marxism and remain a pro-Constitutional American?

You don’t.

Among our “Elite”, Conservative intellectuals are vastly outnumbered by Leftist intellectuals and/or itsy-bitsy teensy-weensy Marxists, in all areas of expertise. For every economist like Milton Friedman (RIP) there are ten of TTRSTF4 like John Kenneth Galbraith (RIP) and Alan Greenspan. For every true intellectual like William F. Buckley (RIP), John Richard Newhaus (RIP) or Thomas Sowell, there are fifteen of TTRSPTF5 like Comrade Barack Obama, Comrade Bill Ayers, Comrade Noam Chomsky and Comrade Saul Alinsky. For every Brit Hume or Bret Baier there are twenty like the deceased Comrade Walter Cronkite, Comrade Dan Rather, Comrade Tom Brokaw, Comrade Peter Jennings, Comrade David Brinkley, Comrade Mike Wallace, Comrade Diane Sawyer, Comrade Roger Mudd, Comrade Sam Donaldson and so many, many others among TTRSJTF6 who are all anti-American Marxists.

Note that it is not possible to be a Marxist, of any variety, and not be an anti-American. Marxism and American Constitutionalism are completely antagonistic, opposing and incompatible ideas. To whatever degree one is Marxist, to that same degree, at least, he is and must be anti-American.

When America has flat-out Marxist anti-American professors like Comrade Obama and friends teaching such things as Constitutional Law for years and years, and when she has devout Communists such as Walter Cronkite blurring distinctions by hiding behind obfuscating titles such as “anti anti-Communist” reporting (or propagandizing) the so-called news, is it any wonder we have whole generations who lean Left, and who don’t know their own Constitution, their own national history, their own very special place in the world, or even how America even came to be?

God help us.

The last component is, of course, the nature of our beloved leader.

Up From Obamunism: Component 3: Comrade Obama.

Our glorious leader, Comrade Premier Barack Hussein Obama, peace be upon him, is every bit as Marxist and every bit as anti-American as is the SLIMC1 . (The SLIMC1 had gone fully Marxist and fully anti-American long before Comrade Barack was even born.)

Rev. Robert Legg gave us a particularly timely insight into who Comrade Obama is, and what motivates him, in Rev. Legg’s Who Is Barack Obama? article. It was submitted in that crucial time frame when many of us were so alarmed at the beginning (and still ongoing) economic depression masquerading as a recession; I gave his article the 2008 Obama Ethos navigation button to put it in among the articles outlining the beginnings and causes of America’s economic decline. Understanding a man’s ethos, or the lack thereof, tells us much about the man and what drives him. Rev. Legg showed us how Comrade Obama identified himself as a died-in-the-wool Marxist Revolutionary.

In that time frame I did the whole “2008” series of articles on political and economic aspects of what was happening here, with super-crisis hyped to the max and Marxism in rapid ascendancy, and the American Constitution being trashed in rapid-fire government action after government action. We were, and still are, witnessing the beginnings of economic depression and American national collapse, with real live ruthless Marxists waiting to jump into the void left by a dead and inoperable government mechanism. The Marxism of Obama was a warning; Deliverance From Evil fleshed it out a little more. Like Hitler, Comrade Obama has told us what he is well ahead of time.

Bottom line, Comrade Obama’s own written and spoken words identify him as, by far, the most committed Revolutionary Marxist anti-American to ever assume the American Presidency, and America herself is now in very deep trouble, and may not survive.

Many are befuddled, others shocked and confused and some enraged by how so many Democrats are committing political suicide by participating in the most under-handed, unconventional, illegal and unconstitutional legislative tricks to pass gigantic new law that is not only un-representative, but universally despised by the people. And the more of it is revealed the more it is despised. The befuddled and confused wonder aloud how any professional politician could not see our rage and our serious intention to kick him the hell out in the next election, as he eventually comes around, or he just continues to cooperate with Comrade Obama, perhaps after putting up a false show of opposition. The enraged ones see that it is not suicide at all, for some – there are major payoffs going on, out of “stimulus” funds, out of possible appointments, to judgeships, diplomatic posts and ambassadorships, and positions with favored lobbying groups, gangsters, news networks and so forth.

But there is a third way, after considering the sacrificial political suicide of the committed Marxist ideologue possibility, and the big-time payoff possibility. It involves the possibility that Comrade Obama just may become America’s dictator and our Constitution will permanently die. In that case, many of these politicians who cooperate now may become future Czars or top bureaucrats or high-ranking bureaucrats in huge, brand-new bureaucracies that are to come into being, with lots and lots of sub-bureaus, and millions of petty bureaucrats beneath them. At the very bottom will be the street gangsters, union thugs and ACORN workers. America will have become a Fiefdom, closely resembling a status-class society reminiscent of feudal Europe, with Comrade Obama at the top of the heap. And everyone who is not working for the government will be impoverished.

The other side of the “cooperating congressman” reward of high bureaucratic reward is, of course, the subtle veiled threat: death, or entry into the new American Gulag, once Comrade Obama succeeds to the new American dictatorship. It will be “Shut up and get on the cattle car” time. There are political winners, and there are political loosers; when the political winner has the mindset and the temperament typical of a low-brow, third-world Marxist dictator, it is not good to be a political looser.

I have heard all the arguments that Comrade Obama is in over his head, that he is inexperienced and naïve, that he is educated beyond his intelligence, and even that he is just plain dumb. I ain’t buying any of that. There is no way he could be that stupid. He knows exactly what he is doing. He is a Marxist, and therefore he is a MEJTML14 .

We have an avowed Marxist in the Presidency, and he is backed up by a Marxist-dominated Congress and a Marxist-dominated SLIMC1 . All he needs is a sufficient crisis, whether real or contrived, by which he may declare a National Emergency, declare Martial Law, Suspend the Constitution and silence his opposition. And all the Democrats will say Amen.

Never put anything past a Marxist.

We have prayer, of course; but our only worldly defense against a Marxist coup over our Constitution involves our military. Those in uniform, of all ranks, who are stationed in and around the Capital and closest to our elected officials all took an oath, before they put on the uniform, to defend our Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. They, and, perhaps, they alone, stand between us and the possible permanent destruction of Constitutional America.

Everyone who is still shaking his head wondering what the hell is in the head of Comrade Obama is still looking at it too narrowly; you need to broaden your view before any of his actions begin to make any sense at all.

The Higher Goal of Comrade Obama involves the whole world; the destruction of Constitutional America is merely a stepping stone, a necessary task along the way, for him. He aims to actually accomplish the dream of every International Communist Revolutionary since Lenin: True Internationalism. He intends to rule all, using the United Nations and the World Court as mere tools, along with whatever is left of the United States of America. America is small potatoes to Comrade Obama.

Comrade Obama has despised America all his life; all of his closest relatives friends, teachers, mentors and associates also despise America. We are now in a position where, if I am right, and I believe that I am right, America’s most mortal enemy ever is the current sitting elected President of America. He actually wants something truly terrible to happen here. He is practically inviting and causing multiple catastrophic events, from economic to terrorist attack to attack by outsiders to uprisings from within.

He wants an excuse to suspend the Constitution, silence his opposition and assume dictatorial power. I believe he will, somehow, do that very thing sometime between now and a date near or after the November election. When that happens, it will be time to put our rosaries in our pockets, and it will be time to lock and load.

Regarding our Glorious Leader, mark my words here:
He is not stupid;
He is not naïve;
He is not inexperienced;
He is not in over his head;
He knows exactly what he is doing.

Up From Obamunism: Action 1:
Return to God.

“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” – John Adams.

We have said that America is a Christian Nation, but that is not to say that America is any kind of a theocracy. We are identifiably Christian by our culture, our ethos, our behavior and our sense of telling right from wrong. No one is forced to practice any religion here. However, our guiding ethos is Christian. No matter how diverse that word may have become over the centuries, the deepest historical root of all Christianity is Catholicism, and the deepest historical root of Catholicism is Judaism. All Jews and all Christians know the Ten Commandments, and all good Jews and all good Christians try to follow them. That is what sets us apart as a distinct people, different from other peoples.

The unique American Constitutional Republic has been at war with the religious-cleansing efforts of the Secularism movement since before Karl Marx was born. Secularism and Marxism have become inseparable partners working to displace Constitutional Americanism and the whole theme of Western Civilization. What many still may not recognize is that what we are talking about here is direct opposition to God and His Law, which is to say, Pure Evil.

Morality, for a people, comes out of a common religion. Morality strictly for an individual is no morality at all. The Judeo-Christian Ethos that defines the American people and the American nation comes out of the Judeo-Christian religion of This Christian Nation. We have had, since our nation’s birth, a proper sense of right versus wrong upon which we base our behavior and our law. That common sense of right and wrong defines us as a people. As we become less Godly, we become less recognizable, and more like the ungodly and the godless.

The notion or movement or Party of Libertarianism is particularly attractive, and therefore dangerous, to traditional America today. It is attractive because it champions all the correct political, economic, constitutional and organizational attributes that make America great among nations. It is dangerous because it espouses a “hands off” attitude toward social issues such as open homosexuality, dope, sexual “freedom”, prostitution, abortion (under the preferred Libertarian title of choice,) etc.

The Libertarian position says that whatever that guy over there or those other people somewhere else do that does not affect me or my rights or my property in any way is perfectly legitimate; I will likewise restrict my actions to not affect any other person. This is a blatant abandonment of all tradition and moral discipline necessary for maintaining a common community sense of right versus wrong.

This is just moral relativism; it is the mortal sin of Indifferentism. It is saying “Let your conscience be your guide” to youngsters in whom a proper conscience has not yet been formed. It is equivalent to saying “study all religions and pick one,” or, “It doesn’t matter what you believe so long as you believe in something.” But, you see, it does indeed make a difference what you believe, and all religions are most certainly not the same.

Our Judeo-Christian ethos is what makes us definitively American.

When you say it’s OK if that guy does it, but it’s not for me you teach your children and your grand children and your great grand children that it’s up to them if they want to experiment with un-chastity, perversion, dope, prostitution or all manner of ungodliness. That is not supposed to be what America is about. These are all un-American activities. Your personal example just as much as any formal teaching have lasting effect on the moral formation of your offspring. Looking aside from evil because it does not affect you is little different from openly approving of evil.

He who justifies the wicked and he who condemns the righteous are both alike an abomination to the LORD. (Prov. 17:15)

We are supposed to raise up our children to know the Lord and to know right from wrong; a good moral conscience doesn’t just come to any child; it must be properly formed. That’s our job as Judeo-Christian adults. If our children and grandchildren are immoral, it is largely our fault.

Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it. (Prov. 22:6)

Scripture is loaded down with instances of man turning from God, suffering the consequences, begging forgiveness, being forgiven and starting over. I know many scholars will argue the point, but from my limited view, never has man strayed so far from the narrow path as today. Just look at our leaders, our teachers and even our published text books.

Where there is no guidance, a people falls; but in an abundance of counselors there is safety. (Prov. 11:14)

Where are all of our counselors today? Where is wisdom? What happened to decency? What happened to adult judgment?

Fear of God is just the bare beginning point of wisdom; and most men today act as if they don’t even recognize that God exists, let alone fear Him. Yet, to know that He exists is such an awesome thought that it strikes fear into the marrow of the bones and the core of the soul of the new believer. The unbelievers think themselves wise. They even think they teach a new form of wisdom, but apart from God they are nothing.

Technology is a wonderful thing, and it advances so rapidly that none of us can keep up with its many advances. But technologies of various type are within the realm of our understanding, and we can control, to some degree, what we can understand. Our pre-occupation with the world we live in, and with worldly things, including all the technical aspects of matter encountering other types of matter, because it is comprehensible, leads our active worldly minds to dwell on that which we can comprehend, rather than on the incomprehensible, which is to say, God, the original source of matter, and the sole reason that there is stuff that exists rather than nothing. He Who named Himself “I Am” is the only thing that just is, everything else being merely a creature (creation) of Him.

Age after age, discoveries are made, man is uplifted somehow by new knowledge, and he thinks himself the source of whatever is uplifting. He makes or remakes new social orders and new sets of social rules, striving for worldly perfection, forgetting that the world is ruled by Satan, and that perfection is not of this world but the next. Ah, but this time, my friends, we have invented something new, and now perfection is right around the corner. Yet … consider the wisdom of the Solomon on this matter of new knowledge:

The words of the Preacher, the son of David, king in Jerusalem.

Vanity of vanities, says the Preacher, vanity of vanities! All is vanity.
What does man gain by all the toil at which he toils under the sun?
A generation goes, and a generation comes, but the earth remains for ever.
The sun rises and the sun goes down, and hastens to the place where it rises.
The wind blows to the south, and goes round to the north; round and round goes the wind, and on its circuits the wind returns.
All streams run to the sea, but the sea is not full; to the place where the streams flow, there they flow again.
All things are full of weariness; a man cannot utter it; the eye is not satisfied with seeing, nor the ear filled with hearing.
What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done; and there is nothing new under the sun.
Is there a thing of which it is said, "See, this is new"? It has been already, in the ages before us.
There is no remembrance of former things, nor will there be any remembrance of later things yet to happen among those who come after. (Eccl. 1:11)

There is nothing new under the sun. This has all been done before. Einstein’s Relativity was at first greeted with great skepticism, until it had been proved multiple times in various ways; still, many said, how could such a huge, comprehensive explanation of gravity, space and time be summarized into such a simple little mathematical formula as E=MC2 and be correct? Too simple? Too elegant? Well, it has been independently proved many times in many ways, and has yet to be disproved; and yet, all these things were, before they were explained by E=MC2.

If The Great Incomprehensible had a similar elegant, concise, brief yet accurate explanation of use to man, it might be this:

The end of the matter; all has been heard. Fear God, and keep his commandments; for this is the whole duty of man. (Eccl. 12:13)

Spend some time in repentance, fasting and prayer. Pray in atonement for those of us who do not even know God. Commit yourself to studying and doing God’s will, and to being a good example to others. Set your course in accordance with the will of God, and everything else will begin to fall into line. Turn your face back toward God and never look back. Beg forgiveness for the past, atonement for you neighbor, and pledge your life to live in godliness from this day forward. When you have turned yourself around, you will be ready to fight the good fight.

Take Psalm 1 to heart, and follow it.

Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers;
but his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night.
He is like a tree planted by streams of water, that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers.
The wicked are not so, but are like chaff which the wind drives away.
Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous;
for the LORD knows the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will perish.

Then, turn your house around. Be an example to all around you. Be steadfast. Walk the walk. It’s time for a manly decision.

As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. (Joshua 24:15)

Objection 1: But … but … but, what about all the New Knowledge that homosexuals are born homosexual and have no choice in the matter? Science has come a long way since Scripture was written; how can we condemn someone for something they cannot help?

Response: Show me the scientific evidence supporting your argument. Popularity polls do not count. Head-bobbing consensus among a herd of TTRSTF4 or a herd of TTRSPTF5 or a herd of TTRSJTF6 or even a herd of big-time Celebritwits with all of their adoring Celebritards do not count. Show me the evidence. If you cannot show me any real evidence then stop treating it as though it were settled science. If you cannot show me any evidence for it then you are honor-bound to stop supporting in your written or spoken rhetoric or by your personal example, either directly or indirectly, to any younger or less informed citizens. It is a fraud and a lie.

Objection 2: But … but … but, to adamantly oppose abortion on demand is an election-loosing political position. That’s just a well known fact. If we all support even just that one issue at the ballot box we will loose the election, and it will all be for nothing.

Response: Bull. The abortion issue is not and never was an election-loosing issue at the national level; if it ever was, the Democrats certainly would have put it on a national ballot long ago, rather than doing everything in their power to avoid representative law on the issue. A few local areas such as the Democratic People’s Republic of Massachusetts might support it, but not the American nation; not by a long shot. The federal government had no business even addressing the issue, let alone in the sneaky underhanded non-legislative un-constitutional way that they undid all existing legally established representative legislated state law all across the land.

Objection 3: But … but … but, what you are proposing will turn America into a Christian Theocracy and everyone will be forced to be or pretend to be and behave as though they were Christians. That is not what the Founding Fathers intended.

Response: Our Founding Fathers expressly avoided a Christian theocracy with the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment. No one in government tells anyone how or where or when to worship. That is left to the individual states to decide. The first states, all of which began life as theocracies, at their own option, disestablished their legal religions and adopted Establishment clauses similar to the federal one. This does not mean that any of them stopped being Christian, or that our National Ethos changed from Judeo-Christian to anything else. We were and we remain a thoroughly Christian people, and those of us who remain true to our faith resent and resist the religious cleansing efforts of the Secularism Movement. Our collective ethos still forms the basis for our supposedly representative civil law.

Objection 4: This sounds like a proposition to form a new political Party based on Christian or Judeo-Christian morality.

Response: We propose nothing of the kind. What we support is taking back the Republican Party through selection and election of decent representatives of the American people. A re-invigorated Constitutionalism, limited government and the Fair Tax Revolution are not enough. Internal immorality will always work to destroy us as a nation. We need decent and upright representatives who will serve us in government. How are we to judge their decency and uprightness? By the standards of our Judeo-Christian Ethos, that’s how. What other standard would you use? Atheism? Marxism? Any other form of un-Americanism? What other alien standard should we use for our American representative law? Show me one that’s better.

It’s decision time. Who will you serve? Decide.

Up From Obamunism: Action 2:
Local Counter-Revolutionary Groups.

Exercising our right to speak and be heard, and being blithely ignored and dismissed by our representatives has led us from shock, to anger, through a slow burn, to outrage, and finally to flat out, controlled, determined, revolutionary rage. Spontaneous encounters with each other at town halls and seats of government have led to mutual semi-organization. Our voices will not be silenced and our purpose will not be re-directed.

We have our Town Halls, and now our Town Hall Groups. We have our Tea Partys, and our Tea Party Groups. We have our Patriots, and our Patriot Groups. We have an awakening to the Fair Tax Revolution, and now we have our Fair Tax Groups. All of these groups, all across the country, loosely organized and growing in every state, are largely local, spontaneous groups of angry and frightened citizens who mean to take action to save what’s left of America and build her back up. Except in the most local sense, we are largely leaderless, and would like to keep it that way, especially in the present lack of leadership qualities on exhibit among our local, state and national political elites.

The people’s political broom is growing every day. The local meetings are larger every time, the rallies are larger, the marches are larger, the calls-to-action more frequent and more responded to, and I’m still astonished at the number of Democrats and the number of union members among us. Our so-called government “representatives” are too evil, too stupid or too cowardly to take a solid stand against what’s going on. Republican politicos have lately, perhaps too lately, seen the light and begun to listen to us and stand together; but even they have been party to this disgusting rise of fraudulent, tricky governance and Marxism, and the decline of Constitutionalism, for decades. Believe it or not, this didn’t happen over night. Comrade Obama, peace be upon him, just made it clear and visible to everyone with eyes to see.

We must unite & enervate our patriotic third of our voting population to put America back on the Constitutional track and keep her there. From our nation’s birth until now, we have always been of three political mindsets. Pre-revolutionary America was roughly divided one-third patriots, one-third loyalists and one-third on the fence.

Ben Franklin referred to the fence-sitters as Mug-Whumps, with their Mugs hanging over one side of the political fence and their Whumps hanging over the other. They were the “undecideds” or the “independents.” Some of them were cowards, afraid of the fight. Some of them were mere opportunists, waiting to see which side would win before they quietly got in the game by joining the winning side. Some of them were stupid, and some of them were just the dregs of society, living by trickery and dependency on hand-outs from whomever they could get them. Fence-sitters generally have loose morals if any, or at least they hold no principle worthy of much toil or effort or blood. They are luke-warm.

So, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew you out of my mouth. (Rev. 3:16)

Many of them simply do not care; they are more interested in leisure activities, sports and diversions than serious matters. Politics? How boring. Religion? That’s reserved for weddings and funerals.

The opposing third is generally committed to their cause, just as is the patriotic third. In pre- and revolutionary times, this third were loyal to their sovereign, the King of England, and considered those opposed to him, his policies and his representatives to be traitors. It was a logical position, honorable, and nothing really wrong with it in principle. This was an honorable opposition. Today’s opposing third is another story. Increasingly unscrupulous over the years, today they are dominated by Marxist ideology, and therefore intending to destroy notions of private property, individual liberty and free markets. Which means that they must destroy Constitutional America.

The weakness of the opposing third is the falsehood of its ideology. Marxist ideologues come in two varieties: a minority of committed, ready-to-die radicals, and a majority of what Stalin referred to as his Useful Idiots; unthinking ideologues who don’t really know the true nature of what they have gotten themselves into. If and when the terrible truth of it dawns upon them, if it is not too late, many will change sides.

The opposing third, or, if you will, the anti-American third, includes all of those recruited into the Marxocratic Party’s so-called Big Tent. For the most part, they are lost to us; they cannot be won back. They include the solid voting blocks that are always thought of as major, but are in reality minor. The so-called Black Vote, the so-called Woman’s Vote, the so-called Gay and Lesbian Vote, the so-called Union Vote, the so-called Youth Vote, the so-called Hispanic Vote, etc., etc., etc. For the most part, the power of these groups is highly over-rated, with the single exception of the Black Vote.

Look around at your next Patriot meeting or Tea Party meeting, and you will see lots and lots of women, and union members, and Hispanics, and some homosexuals, and even some Democrats. And you will see some blacks. I would wager that at least half of us are women, and they didn’t even know they were “angry white men” until they heard it on the news. But here’s the important thing about the opposing-third, “big-block” members who cannot be swayed with reason: the inner-city ghetto blacks, the “committed” servants of popular black leadership, the NOW, NAG, etc., activists, the gay and lesbian activists, the pro-abortion activists, etc. – they are incapable of reason.

They have approximately the cognitive ability of a box of grapefruit, the intellectual level of cranberries, and they are about as smart as a box of doorknobs. Just look at them. Look at their faces, and what’s stuck in them or tattooed on them. They’re not even smart enough to pull up their pants. They have never read their own Constitution; they have no real clue about what’s going on around them and what it is that we’re all talking about. They’re pre-occupied with their skateboards and celebrity news, sports, vampire movies, movies with thunderous noise and no plot, music with no melody, etc. Forget them. They are lost. They are so damaged it is questionable if many of them can ever make up the huge educational deficit they don’t even recognize.

Even the ones among them who at least appear to be adults, who’s public appearance is more or less normal, use coarse, crude and vulgar humor, conversation, choice of words, language, and identify themselves readily enough to be crude and vulgar people. They recognize no moral norm; they are amoral; they are not smart enough to recognize the difference between good and evil, or even right and wrong. Forget them. Their judgment will always be suspect.

The opposing third is the anti-American third, which is the Obamunist third. For the most part, by this time, they cannot be swayed away from Obamunism. All the thinking blacks are already with us. All those blacks and others who always vote in blocks as ordered and who remain the Obamunist camp are always going to vote Obamunist, if they vote at all. They have been converted or they converted themselves from homo sapiens – thinking man – to something lower; more akin to contented, cud-chewing, domesticated, subservient and willing servants of their seemingly kind Obamunistic masters. They willingly wear blinders; they cannot see beyond their paltry benefits.

We are, nearly daily, thunder-struck at the sheer audacity of the open lies, and the repetition of the same public lies, out of our President, on camera, with his bare face exposed. He will not hesitate to repeat a lie or tell a new one. We all just look at each other, flabbergasted. Does he really think we’re that stupid is the most frequent question. But, here’s the thing: we’re not the ones he’s talking to. He is talking to his beloved Obamunist Third, and they actually believe the lies. They do not listen to talk radio; they don’t get on the internet much, or if they do they access Leftist sites; they certainly don’t watch FOX for their news. And even FOX insists on providing “balance,” which means giving equal time to the very anti-Constitutional American viewpoint that aims at our national destruction.

The “Big Lie” invented by Hitler and perfected by Goebles has been mastered by Obama. It goes like this: Tell a big, giant, whopping lie, tell it often, repeat it, get others to chime in and repeat it, and eventually it will be believed by many. It works. The SLIMC1 is operating as the official Propaganda Arm of the Obamunist Movement. They all repeat and support all the lies of Obamunsim. They put a positive Obamunist spin on all news, including economic news, employment-unemployment news, political events, bills, candidates, and even the nature of us – the people.

My wife and I didn’t even know we were racists; but I guess we must be racists, because we heard Comrade Juan Williams say so on TV, and we all know that he couldn’t say such a thing on TV if it wasn’t true, right? Right.

Job One for the Patriotic Third is getting the whole Patriotic Third involved and committed, and staying committed to the cause, without wavering, over many years, over many elections. It means speaking the truth boldly and not backing down, and it means teaching your offspring to do the same, and standing on Principle. We can get some of the middle third to see the light, and we can get some of the opposing third to gather with us too. But our whole third has got to be absolutely committed, and in it for the long haul. This ain’t gonna be easy, and it ain’t gonna be quick. If you love your country, then you have to save it, and you have to show your offspring how real Americans behave. We cannot completely transform Congress in one election, because all of them are not up for election in any one election. This will be a long process.

United We Stand, and Divided We Fall. There is no room here for a third Party, or a fourth, or a fifth. Each one that arises will breed more. Look at those European Parliamentarian Democracies that have six, or ten, or eighteen, or thirty individual Parties, and see where it has gotten them. Every time a Referendum is called for, they get a whole new government. Four, eight, even twenty whole new governments, in one year. The reason is so simple, and so obvious:

No one is ever elected by a clear majority vote.

There is nothing tough about this. The people are not represented. Jiminy Carter had more people voting against him than for him, and he was elected, because of conservative vote-stealing third-Party candidates. Billary Clinton was elected, twice, in elections in which more people voted against him than voted for him, because of conservative vote-stealing third-Party candidates. A new – a third (or fourth, or any number) Conservative Party – is the only way conservatism could possibly loose a future election against the Marxists now in office, now that everyone finally recognizes them for what they really are.

America is not a land of landslide elections. Most Americans do not even vote. There will always be voter fraud, there will always be voters with evil intent, and there will always be voters who are deceived and ill-informed. No matter how good a candidate or an issue looks, it can be defeated, if we are divided. There is far too much at stake here to begin building a Party to take the place of the Republicans and try to win a three-way or more-way political race. We have got to get decent candidates on Republican tickets, everywhere, and we have to do it in multiple elections. There is no other way. Hold your nose and do it. Get in the game. Get your neighbor to stand up. Put yourself on the ticket. It’s the only way to take back the Republican Party and save the Republic.

We, the Patriotic third of American voters, have got to stay united in purpose and in fervor. We, all of us, have got to focus our talents, abilities, resources as a unit. All the patriotism in the world is useless without unit discipline, unit cohesion and unity of purpose. If some of us splinter off in another direction, it will be the beginning of the end. We must stick together. We are all we’ve got.

If we don’t do it, it won’t get done.

Up From Obamunism: Action 3:
Re-learning Constitutional Limitations.

All true American patriots need to know their own Federal Constitution. Spend some time at the link and study it; it’s very important to you. Go to a local Tea Party meeting and pick up some shirt-pocket copies and distribute them among your family and friends. For this discussion, we will look at Article I Section 8, as quoted below:

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

To borrow Money on the credit of the United States;

To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes;

To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization, and uniform Laws on the subject of Bankruptcies throughout the United States;

To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;

To provide for the Punishment of counterfeiting the Securities and current Coin of the United States;

To establish Post Offices and post Roads;

To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries;

To constitute Tribunals inferior to the supreme Court;

To define and punish Piracies and Felonies committed on the high Seas, and Offences against the Law of Nations;

To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water;

To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years;

To provide and maintain a Navy;

To make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval Forces;

To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;

To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;

To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of particular States, and the Acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of the Government of the United States, and to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards, and other needful Buildings; — And

To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof.

As you can see, Article I Section 8 addresses what the federal government may raise money for, through taxes or borrowing, and what the federal government may spend money on. Whatever you may think of that government does, if it isn’t in there, then it’s out of scope for the federal government, and it’s not what the federal government ought to be doing.

Much is made by some of the term welfare in the opening clause, “ … provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States … “ to mean something other than what it says, but what it says is quite clear. It’s talking about the common defense and general welfare of the nation, and has nothing to do with the welfare of the citizenry or any sort of welfare program. It’s talking about defense and welfare of the whole nation, not just of the citizenry. States and local governments look out for any other sort of defense and welfare of citizens, as they deem necessary.

Note well that there is nothing in Article I Section 8, or anywhere else in the Constitution, about doctoring people or insuring their physical health. Medicine is not among the purposes of government. Nor is there any mention about controlling weather or climate. Nor is there any mention about educating children, or educating anyone. Nor is there any mention housing or assisting with housing of anyone, or “developing” any urban or other neighborhoods.

Let us pause for a moment to look at the Tenth Amendment:

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

It is quite clear that any federal government powers that are not delegated by the Constitution do not exist. The intention is to limit federal government power. Read it again, and mull it over. Whatever it is, if it is not specifically spelled out in the United States Constitution, then the federal government has no business doing it, taxing for it, spending for it or passing new law regarding it. Expanding bureaucracy and growing the government is not among the powers delegated by the Constitution, and growing the government is therefore unconstitutional.

Think about it. Look at all the things our federal government does that it has no constitutional business doing. This didn’t just start yesterday with the election of Comrade Premier Obama, peace be upon him. He just brought it all to a head, so to speak, and made everyone with half a brain painfully aware of the true nature of the problem, which is, government grown beyond its own legal limits, and now completely out of control of the people it’s designed to represent. We need to return our government to merely being our representative government, and not our mommy or our nanny or our dictator, and we need to make some enormous cuts in the federal government in order to do that. First, we need to take it back from the scoundrels.


A word regarding the potentially dangerous Constitutional Convention:
Some of the changes recommended will require amendments or repeal of amendments to the Constitution. There are multiple ways to call such a Convention together, one of which is from the bottom up, instigated by the states. The fact that it has never been done does not mean that it cannot be done. However …

Once a national Constitutional Convention is called to order, if there is a Marxist in the room, it could turn into a political free-for-all and a disaster. There could be calls for inclusion of a “constitutional right” to equal portions of spaghetti on every plate, equal size plates, equal chairs, equal table space, etc., etc., etc. It could descend into either no progress at all at one end of the possibilities, or to the destruction of a recognizable Constitution. This is dangerous business.

All wording calling for any Constitutional Convention must be clearly limiting solely to the subject matter for which the Convention is being called. Meaning no extraneous subjects may be considered or entertained by that Convention. The safest way is to limit each Constitutional Convention, if there are to be more than one, to one topic and one topic only. That may mean a completely separate Convention for each separate Constitutional amendment topic.


All that ain’t gonna be easy, but neither was the original Revolution.

Up From Obamunism: Action 4:
Repeal Obamacare;
Recognize the Enemy.

While I’ve been occupied with life and work and lacking the spare time to finish this, the greatest legal travesty in all of American history has been signed into law. It was done with such underhanded trickery, open bribery, fraud and legislative shenanigans that any American would think that the process was not even American, and it wasn’t. It was alien to America. Everything about it was and is a lie. Even what it is called, its very name, is a lie. As I said before, This Ain’t Health Care. If the Marxocrats really wanted to provide health care or health insurance, this is exactly the wrong way to provide it; it is a recipe for the destruction of existing health care and existing health insurance. But, like I said, health care has nothing whatsoever to do with it, and neither does health insurance.

What this is really about is the systematic destruction of two interdependent things, neither of which can survive without the other, and those two interdependent things are the Free Market, and Individual Liberty. What they are to be replaced with are two other interdependent things, and those two other interdependent things are a Planned Economy, and a Dependent Population. Dependent means, exactly, Not Independent. The end of a free market economy means the end of liberty. Period. That, and that alone, is what this is all about. It is the replacement of the American Ideal with the Marxist Ideal.

This law cannot stand. It absolutely must be repealed, in its entirety. Not changed; not modified; not fixed. It must be eliminated. However long and however much effort it takes, this abomination of a law must be completely destroyed. All the states passing laws and/or amendments exempting themselves from this law or parts of it are to be commended; the various state attorneys general filing suits challenging the constitutionality are to be commended; Jay Sekulow and any others pursuing suits are to be commended; pray for them and support them any way you can. But that’s not enough.

This law absolutely must be completely repealed. There is no part of it that is not a danger to you and yours, and to America as founded. The very idea of this law poses a devilishly sly menace to liberty. There is and never was any great national emergency here in the first place; even that was a lie, no matter how many sob stories might crowd onto an Oprah show or an Obama signing ceremony or any invitation-only Obama rally. If you want to modify existing health insurance law, do it later. First, we must act to completely destroy this law.

Cloward-Piven is alive and well, and being used. The Cloward-Piven Strategy, which came out of the Communist hotbed of 1960s era Columbia University, consistently uses the Democrat Party, which I now refer to as the Marxocrat Party, as its cooperative conduit through which to overload a given system and cause it to fail, on purpose. The ultimate goal was and still is to cause all of Capitalism and all forms of independence of government to fail, inducing by default an eventual state of government welfare for everyone. Cloward-Piven was first used to get huge numbers of people who were not on welfare to apply for welfare, so that it would bog down and overload the welfare system, force it over its own budget and cause it to fail. Then, a new Marxocrat government program could be announced to come to the rescue on an emergency basis.

Cloward-Piven Strategy was involved in getting lots and lots of people to get bank loans they couldn’t possibly pay back, helped along by giant Marxocratic programs like Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac, to cause an eventual banking disaster, with another government to the rescue super expensive program done on an emergency basis. Going at the same thing from another angle, Cloward-Piven was used by Marxist activists under the guise of so-called “Black Leadership” to bully, brow-beat and extort banks and lending institutions into granting very dubious loans in very dubious “red lined” areas to extremely risky borrowers, and, while they were at it, to also give large donations to civil rights organizations solely to avoid bad publicity, boycotts and huge demonstrations. Where I come from that’s called extortion, but among Marxocrats, that’s just normal operating procedure. It’s what they do.

The law is not important to the our Democrat Party, nor is the process; all that matters is getting the job done. The noble ends justify the means, you can’t make an omelet without breaking some eggs, and anyone who doesn’t like it can just shut up and get on the cattle car. Private enterprise would be happy to serve the Fuhrer for free and starve for the good of the God State, if it had any decency at all.

Today we see Cloward-Piven alive and well in Obamacare; one facet of it involves all the free Preventative Care Comrade Pelosi loves to publicly emote about. Get yourself down to your local dentist for a teeth-cleaning; get to your doctor for a check-up, or a mammogram, or a colonoscopy – after all, it’s all free. Tell all your neighbors and friends and relatives and get them all to go too. No charge; it’s like Christmas. Your health insurance will be forced to pay, whether they like it or not. By law, they cannot raise premiums, even to cover something like this, except once a year when the policies roll over, and for most health companies that’s usually in January. Next January – which, by the way, comes after the November elections - expect a premium bump to you and to your employer of somewhere between 300% and 700%, or, for your health insurance plan to be canceled outright. And, once again, expect the government to come to the rescue on an emergency basis, because those dirty rotten Capitalist exploiter health insurance companies refused to do everything for nothing and just starve to death on “principle.”

The Democrat Party is Marxist to the core. You need to recognize that fact. Every thing they do, every act they instigate, every thought they have is anti-American, anti-Constitution, anti-free market and anti-liberty. Every thing they say is a flagrant lie, which should be expected since they are all MEJTML14 s in the first place. The differences between our two great political Parties have never been more stark, obvious and crystal clear.

The Democrats seek to grow government, control the economy, either rule or eliminate private enterprise and impose social-sameness and a sense of dependence on the people.

The Republicans (ideally) seek to reduce government, unleash the economy, cut taxes and reduce regulation on private enterprise and promote the ideal of independence and exceptionalism among the citizenry.

That difference has never been more clear than it is now.

Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher and John Paul the Great were the prime movers and shakers who ultimately, in Reagan’s words, relegated the evil empire of the Soviet Union to the “dustbin of history” as he had predicted. It is now our job to relegate the Democrat Party to the dustbin of history. They have declared open war on our constitution, the free market and our liberty. It’s time to take them out.

After all of this, can there be any question left in your mind regarding the true nature of the Democrat Party? They despise us and our liberty and our independence, and they intend to rule us.

The immediate problem is getting to a veto-proof majority in Congress so that Comrade Obama’s evil intentions can be nullified. I don’t think we can do that with one election. He needs to be impeached, which will leave us with Comrade Biden, who is also a Marxist, but who is also an absolute idiot, and – possibly – not as dangerous as Comrade Obama. We need to get to the second election in 2012 with as little damage as possible done by the Democrats before then.

From this day forward, the absolute elimination of the Democrat Party as any kind of a viable political entity in America needs to be a fixed and permanent goal.

This is not a time for “bringing us all together”; this is a time for divisiveness. It is the patriots who love the constitution against the Marxists who intend to destroy it, and to hell with the fence-sitters and the negotiators and the yellow bellies. It’s time to take sides and decide. The Patriotic Third of America has got to get itself animated and steeled for the long haul. It’s the only way to crush the anti-American third. Anyone in the middle who can’t make up his dinky little mind can just go sit in the corner and suck his thumb until after it’s all over.

It’s time to get it on, and it’s not a job for unprincipled lukewarm wimps.

Remember who we are. We, the Patriotic Third, are, I believe, the most independent people on earth; at least among the larger civilized nations. That makes us a bit unruly, perhaps, and it partially explains why we still have no real discernable leadership. Leading independent petty bourgeois middle-class American citizens is kind of like trying to herd cats. We will not be ruled, by anyone.

Remember the principle of unity of purpose. We need to stick to our original aim, to get decent representatives into Republican candidacy and positions. We need to ascertain that any existing Republican candidates who hope to keep their jobs will listen to us, and represent us, and our values, and the constitution, and act to reduce government and spending, and cut taxes. Now, since the ascent of Obamunism, we need radical representation in government. Candidates for office must be radically representative of the people and of the constitution.

We, and they, must remain committed to America as founded. We have got to sweep Marxism out of America and into the dustbin of history.

And that goes for the official Democrat propaganda arm, the SLIMC1 . Turn off those channels, or block them on your TV. Boycot their advertisers. Drop your subscriptions.

And that goes for all the Marxist educators at all the big universities. Don’t send your kids there. Send them to Hillsdale or similar colleges.

Recognize, for God’s sake, that these people are out to destroy our free market and our constitution and our nation and our liberty. The only difference between them and Comrade Obama is that he is doing it suddenly and they are doing it piecemeal.

The only compromise we should make would be compromise between varying levels of conservatism among candidates. No Marxocrat should ever even be considered worthy of even one vote. Now, we all know that the errors and missteps of big Republicans like Bush II, McCain, the infamous “Gang of 14” and others are legion. Expansion of Medicare/Medicaid, No Child Left Behind, growing government, growing spending, mushy attitudes toward illegal aliens, etc., etc., etc. Against all that, Bush did a pretty damned good job of defending us, and both he and McCain have amply demonstrated that they are men of principle.

When a man has opportunity to transgress and he does not transgress; when he has opportunity to do evil and he does not do evil; when he has opportunity to take unfair advantage and he does not take unfair advantage, we know, among other things, that, at least, he is a man of some principle and therefore he is not a Marxist. No Marxist holds to any principle other than the ends justify the means. If we are to choose “the lesser of two evils” in the voting booth, let the choices be made from among candidates who are at least on our side of this monumental moral, social, political, philosophical and religious divide. Any “different” vision of America from ours, or from the Founding Fathers, should still at least include the Constitution and recognition of established law and fixed rules of morality and decency.

Good is the opposite of evil, and life the opposite of death; so the sinner is the opposite of the Godly. (Sir. 33:14)

When we are forced by circumstance to choose the lesser of two evils among candidates it must be from among Republican candidates only for national level or state level office, and from among the best non-Democrat candidates running for local office. If we do not present a united one-Party front against the Marxists we will loose, and the loss will be permanent.

Marxist Redistributionism is opposite and antithetical to Constitutional Americanism. It seeks and intends the destruction of Constitutional America. The Democrat Party is Marxist.

The real enemy of liberty here is Marxism. I’ve been saying it for so long I feel like I’m just whistling in the wind.

Up From Obamunism: Action 5:
Impeach Obama; roll back Obamunism.

Primary elections are, more than ever, going to be more important than the general election. We absolutely must have conservative pro-American candidates winning primaries. This is vital. No Rinos, no Liberals, no moderates. Committed, dedicated pro-Constitutionalists only. Negotiators who seek to compromise our Constitution with Marxism need not apply.

In the general election, the only time any non-Republican candidate should even be considered worthy of your vote is if he is a strict, solid conservative and the Republican candidate is a Rino or any sort of Lefty or compromiser on American principles.

All candidates should be expected to support impeachment proceedings against the President and efforts to stop and roll back wherever possible TARP, Stimulus, etc., damage and spending. Criminal investigations need to proceed, against the White House and against Congress. “Czars” and their bureaucracies need to be fired everywhere and imprisoned whenever they can be charged, tried and convicted of crimes.

Up From Obamunism: Action 6:
Elect a decent President.

I have already amply spoken of my preference for Sarah Palinism over Barack Obamunism. First, we had our submitted article describing current fear and loathing of the Marxist SLIMC1 and the Marxocrat Party expressed against Sarah Palin, and why. We have our Elitism Versus Palinism page describing how our self-proclaimed intellectual elites despise Palin equally as much as they despise Middle America. And, we have given our Presidential and Vice Presidential picks in our Palin-Parker Ticket article. What we are talking about in moving toward Palinism is the absolute opposite of Obamunism.

Up From Obamunism: Action 8:
Fair Tax Revolution.

We talked about this in more detail in our Fair Tax Revolution argument. Here, on this topic, I believe I have actually found an item about which the mighty Rush Limbaugh is wrong. I know, I know – it’s hard to believe, and I really had to dig on this and study it, because Rush is so rarely wrong. I even had to reboot myself a couple of times. But, what Rush said about the Fair Tax was, it will never happen.

Now, as much high regard and respect as I have for output of the Great Maharushie, I think I may have actually found an actual error in something he said. Doubting the word of Rush is almost tantamount to questioning something in the Creed; well, maybe not that serious, but you get the point: Rush is hardly ever wrong about anything. But, anyone who thinks it will “never happen” has not been to any local Patriot or Tea Party or Constitution meetings. It’s become a grass-roots kind of thing, and, believe me – it will happen. We intend to make it happen. I think it’s safe to say that most of the people who are now politically stirred up against Obamunism favor the Fair Tax as a path back to Constitutional sanity.

The only arguments I’ve heard against Fair Tax are not well thought out, or they are offered by ill-informed arguers. For instance, the loss of mortgage interest deduction supposedly stands against the Fair Tax, despite the fact that you don’t pay any income tax from which to deduct anything. The argument is nonsensical. Fair Tax eliminates income tax, social security, and every single form of federal tax in existence. It eliminates the need to file your taxes every year. It immediately destroys all the hidden tricks hidden in the 70,000 page tax code, because the whole tax code is abolished.

An American Tax Haven for businesses of all sorts would be immediately created by the passage of the Fair Tax, because no business would be paying any federal taxes of any kind in America. This would make America into an irresistible business magnet. That means American, Foreign and multi-national companies of all variety seeking to relocate operations into America. Which means jobs, of course. Lots and lots and lots of jobs. And lots and lots and lots of government revenue.

A State Tax Haven for businesses of all sorts would be immediately created by the first state to pass a state version of the Fair Tax, because no business would be paying any state taxes of any kind in that state. State legislators and governors need to study the Fair Tax to use as a model, and develop a state version that would similarly eliminate all existing state taxes, including property, estate, whatever kind of existing state tax, to eliminate them and replace them all with a state version of Fair Tax. Nobody in the state would fill out an annual state tax form ever again. Companies of all variety will seek to relocate to that state from other states to avoid state taxes elsewhere. Which means jobs, of course.

Is it possible that there could be a state in America where no business and no person would ever pay any state taxes other than at the cash register, or annually file any federal or state tax forms at all?

Yep. The first state to do it will touch off a fierce competition among states for both business and population.

A Local Tax Haven for businesses of all sorts would be immediately created by the first Locality to pass a local version of the Fair Tax, because no business would be paying any local taxes of any kind in that locality. Mayors, city councils or county taxing authorities need to study the Fair Tax to use as a model, and develop a local version that would similarly eliminate all existing local taxes, including property, estate, whatever kind of existing local tax, to eliminate them and replace them all with a local version of Fair Tax. Nobody in the locality would fill out an annual local tax form ever again. Companies of all variety will seek to relocate to that locality from other locality to avoid local taxes elsewhere. Which means jobs, of course.

Is it possible that there could be a place in America where no business and no person would ever pay federal, state or local taxes other than at the cash register, or annually file any federal, state or local tax forms at all?

Yep. The first locality to do it will touch off a fierce competition among localities for both business and population.

I urge you to use the Fair Tax Revolution page as a starting-point and dig deeper into the whole design of the Fair Tax, if you haven’t done it yet. This tax would immediately and single-handedly return solvency to dangerously under funded and insolvent programs such as Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, VA, etc. These programs would now be fully funded. It radically out-performs every conceivable taxing method ever dreamed up, including VAT (Value-Added), Flat-Tax, or any other form of taxation, alone or in combination. And, unlike them, it replaces all other forms of taxation and eliminates the need to file annually, and it eliminates the government’s interest in your personal income. It virtually eliminates the IRS, with the exception of bookkeepers, and the need to keep track of citizen’s filings for their monthly Prebate checks from the government.

The behemoth current 70,000 + page federal tax code would hit the dust bin of history, no individual and no business entity in America would ever file income tax statements again, and something like 95% of the IRS would be permanently shut down.

And – can you spell ECONOMIC BOOM?

Repeal of Amendment XVI, the Income Tax Amendment, is required for the Fair Tax to work. (See the American Constitution page for the 16th Amendment wording.) If the income tax is not repealed, Fair Tax would just become another tax among the pantheon of taxes now used by an increasingly corrupt taxing authority, and nothing would have been gained. We would still be in economic trouble, and more taxed than ever before. Wording of the Fair Tax bill and the Amendment Repeal effort make them co-dependent on each other’s enactment before becoming law.

All Republican candidates for office should be scrutinized for their support for the Fair Tax and for repeal of the 16th Amendment. It is one of the top three items on everybody’s mind at any meeting; if you mention tax reform at any meeting, within about one minute the whole discussion will be dominated by the Fair Tax or parts of it. Everybody who takes the time to learn about it wants it.

The whole idea of tax is to raise revenue for the legitimate constitutional purposes of government, as spelled out in the Constitution. Not to support the people. Not to feed the people. Not to shelter the people. Not to medically treat the people. Not to educate the people. Not to modify the behavior of the people. Not to control the people, or to control the behavior of any corporate entity. Not to punish or reward behavior of people or other taxable entities. There should be no government expenditure greater than that of national defense.

The job of government is to secure our blessings, including life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That means freedom of opportunity. Getting back to American constitutionalism therefore means eliminating multiple huge departments and bureaucracies that have grown up to control us and defeat the Constitution, and reapportioning their budgets most appropriately. That means radically cutting government spending on the unnecessary and the unconstitutional.

Up From Obamunism: Action 9:
Repeal of Amendment XVII.

The 17th Amendment changed the selection of Senators to be by popular vote as with the House of Representatives. It has proved a political failure, in that the Senate has been reduced to a mere copy of the House, with periodic political contests and Senators and Candidates campaigning among the voting public for the opportunity to represent the voters rather than the State. The 17th Amendment moved us away from being a Republic and toward becoming a pure Democracy, which as we have seen carries with it the danger of moving toward pure majoritarianism, or mob rule.

One House is supposed to be political, and the other is supposed to be above politics. Since adoption of Amendment XVII, Senators have become politicians no different than Representatives. Indeed, they often work together on scandalous pork-barrel projects for local area needs that have no legitimate business whatsoever even being considered at the national government level. Sticking a line item into a defense bill to fix a pothole in front of the Podunk-Junction post office should be immediately recognized as unconstitutional, but it isn’t. It has become the norm, in both houses.

Repeal of this Amendment would revert back to Article I Section 3 as written by the Founders, in which we see that Senators are chosen by State Legislatures, and serve at the pleasure of the State, not at the pleasure of the citizens. U.S. Senators would therefore be above the political fray and would represent the interests of the sitting State Government, much as any Ambassador or Diplomat would represent the United States to a foreign government. The whole idea of an Upper House was to have Senators representing the interest of their States, and not the state’s population, on an equal footing with the House of Representatives, who’s members each represent the interests of the voters in their respective state districts.

The idea is that a very populace state could not necessarily carry more political clout than a lesser populated state, for the rule of the Senate is equal to the rule of the House, and acts as a counter-balance to pure majority vote. If both houses of Congress are elected by popular vote, that defeats the original intention of the Founding Fathers, which was to prevent that very thing.

Since adoption of the 17th Amendment, our Senate has degenerated into a body similar to the House, with both Houses guilty of participating in a virtual political feeding frenzy over illegitimate Earmarks for constituents and immoral if not illegal Pork, and disgusting Pork Barrel Politics. We have got to bring this to an end if possible; a good start is to immediately remove one House of Congress from the realm of popular and populist politics.

Up From Obamunism: Action 10:
Term Limits in the House.

We have got to end the elitist noble class that our Congress has morphed into. Thirty or forty or fifty years in a seat has made some into professional seat holders, who have learned all there is to know about gaming the system and tweaking it to their own benefit and enormous profit. Repeal of the 17th Amendment should take care of the Senate, for if a Senator’s performance is not satisfactory to his state, his state will replace him. There should be a regular turn-over of seats in the House, so that no one gets too comfortable or builds himself a little empire. It should be a part time job for those who love their country, not a cushy political reward for Party favorites, or any good-old-boy’s club.

Up From Obamunism: Action 11:
Public Schools: Privatize ‘em.

Or shut ‘em down; that’s what I said in the Against Public Education page, where I proposed using a voucher system to do that very thing. However, since then I have gained more familiarity with the Fair Tax and I no longer think the complexity of the voucher system I described is necessary. I would still privatize the schools as I said; however, the payment to parents of funds for tuition could be easily handled via the applications for Prebate payments.

Taken from some portion of the huge, no longer necessary yet still fully funded federal Department of Education budget, tuition amounts could be simply added to the monthly Prebate checks to citizens who still had school-age children at home. Very simple. No need to add the complexity of a voucher system. See the Against Public Education page for the details of how to turn existing public schools into private schools and put the parents of students in charge.

In my opinion, all existing truancy laws or education requirement laws, at all levels, should be repealed. Those who choose not to be educated should be perfectly free to suffer the consequences of that choice. Those who do not wish to be in the classroom environment should not be forced to be there to disrupt the process for the rest of the students.

As we said at the argument link, public schools are, in actuality, state schools. They have morphed into engines of indoctrination rather than education. Topics such as sex, perversion, Marxocratic Party philosophy and happy Obamunism have nothing whatsoever to do with normal education or with scholarship, in the classical sense of that word. Yet they are taught. Judeo-Christian religion is religiously censored. Public schools teach academics so poorly that high school graduates frequently can’t read at a fifth grade level, can’t point out their own state or the Pacific Ocean on a world map, don’t know their own nation’s history and don’t know their multiplication tables. What can I say?

We talked about how the local school would open up the first day after the law went into effect, and how the teachers would (if they chose) show up, and parents would show up with their children and their money if they think the school is good enough. Go to the link for the details. Teacher’s union representatives would have to negotiate with individual parents if they wanted to get a raise, or to not have salaries or benefits cut, and so forth. The government monopoly would be ended. In the long run, the teacher’s unions would be broken, some schools would close, some would prosper, new ones would spring up and real education would improve, in the private sector.

(Update Thursday, May 06, 2010:
Use Vouchers; leave Fair Tax alone.)

Upon reflection, my first recommendation could be the beginning of the unraveling of the Fair Tax by allowing the first of potentially many excuses to add and pile-on to the well thought-out Prebate for reasons other than the original mission of the Prebate. If we are going to cut spending, we have got to cut bureaucracies, and one of the biggest ones to cut is the Department of Education, which is not and has never fulfilled its mission in the first place. But we can’t help parents with tuition via the Prebate; we need a voucher system.

School Tuition Vouchers should issue monthly in the name of the parent or guardian of the school-aged child. The amount should be based upon an average of existing tuition among all schools, whether, public, private or parochial, per child. Vouchers would issue in the name of a specific person, and would expire in one month if not cashed. Vouchers could be given to the home-school teacher or the parochial school, private school or newly privatized public school of the parent’s choice. We talked about how to Privatize ‘Em, or Shut ‘Em Down in among the Arguments Pro and Con in the Refuting Socialized Education argument page.

Vouchers would be redeemable by qualified teachers or educational institutions from the government in US dollars, and would expire in one month. Vouchers issue in parent’s name; parent would be required to produce picture ID when submitting vouchers in payment for education of children. Home-school teachers and educational institutions begin as acceptable recipients and redeemers of vouchers, but would need to show evidence of acceptable education levels of student annually. Two years in succession with one third of students passed to next grade failing an international standard scholastic test for that grade would eliminate that teacher or educational institution from among those authorized to receive and redeem vouchers.

One or more private sector organizations would do the testing; the government can’t be trusted to do it right. Just as the non-government BAR certifies lawyers, medical universities and the non-government AMA certifies (or disbars) doctors, non-government CPA testing certifies accountants, etc., non-government professional educational organizations can certify (or disbar) educators and educational institutions.

A professional educator should be able to begin a career in educating students with exactly and precisely the same qualifications of those who educated Abraham Lincoln and all of his contemporaries. I submit that the record shows, and his own handwriting proves, that he was better educated then than most college graduates today. And he was largely home schooled.

What happens to the school board? It becomes unemployed. Just like the department of education, there is no need for it. All the administrators and bureaucrats would need to find a way to make a living by actually doing something necessary, something for which someone will willingly pay.

What happens to school sports programs? Sports have nothing to do with scholastic education. If someone or some group thinks it important enough, they can convince local parents and/or local voters to pay more through donations and/or local taxes for the extra associated costs. The sole purpose of an educational institution is to educate students.

What happens to the teacher’s unions? If they want to negotiate pay or benefits or work conditions, they are free to do try to negotiate a contract, one parent at a time. And individual parents are just as free to take their vouchers and their dollars elsewhere.

Up From Obamunism: Action 12:
Housing & Urban Development: Eliminate it.

What the hell business does the federal government have to do with housing or urban development or rents or anything at all that this department does? Shut it down; fire them all; eliminate this giant budget.

Legislate to undo previous law, regulation and case-law precedent involving government regulation of and/or subsidizing rents, mortgages or dealings between land owners and occupants.

Up From Obamunism: Action 12:
EPA: Privatize what’s necessary, eliminate the rest.

If any part of this bureaucratic monster can be shown to actually be necessary, it should be privatized and gotten completely out of the control of government. Competitive private enterprise can do a far better job of cleanups, pollution monitoring and certifying industrial pollution controls than any giant mountain of petty bureaucrats. Put it out for bids and let the best bids win.

Recognize shear stupidity and don’t waste time and money on it. See the Global Consensual Fraud page, and the Eco-Nazi Front page. We cannot and should not even consider, for instance, trying to legislate the weather.

I submit that if and only if the legally instituted “Endangered Species” list can be shown in some empirical way to actually be legitimate, then it’s ongoing maintenance should be privatized, and it should be turned upside down. What I mean by that is that anyone who sues anyone else to stop a development or a project because of impending extinction of something on the list, the filer should prove the case that the development will cause extinction of the species, and that the new extinction would somehow be harmful, i.e., any different than any other extinction that ever occurred. If the suite fails, he should pay the defendant’s costs, including huge penalty fees for loss of time due to legal delay of legitimate activity for trivial reasons.

Up From Obamunism: Action 13:
Health Care/Health Insurance Law.

All of this stuff has been touted by Republicans and by talk radio until it’s coming out of the ears of those of us who pay attention. The Obamunist SLIMC1 very dutifully ignores it all and propagandizes that the Republicans have no ideas to put forth on health care. They all got the same memo. Let me try to put it in a nutshell for you:
  • Modify plans so that individuals and not employers are the owners of their own policies, which do not necessarily terminate when employees leave employment or change employers.
  • Allow purchase of health insurance plans across state lines.
  • Institute health savings plans.
  • Serious tort reform, so that medical professionals do not have to pay upwards of $50,000 to $100,000 per year in malpractice insurance premiums.
  • Discourage or eliminate health insurance for everything; insurance should be for serious illnesses only. Check ups, minor injuries, flue and cold visits should not need insurance coverage at all.
  • End “one size fits all” plans. Men should not have mammogram coverage, or gynecological coverage, etc. No one should have such things as hair transplant coverage unless in a special voluntary rider.

There’s probably more that I can’t remember right now, but you get the idea.

Some other things I think might help involve getting the government out of the doctor’s face. Medicare/Medicaid somehow got into the driver’s seat in setting rules on how doctors are to do their doctoring, if they expect their claims to not be rejected. It’s important to recognize two things:

  • Health insurance is not health care, and has nothing whatsoever to do with treating patients.
  • All health insurance companies follow the lead of Medicare; whatever rules Medicare imposes on health care professionals, the rest of the insurance industry will soon include in their own business requirements for claims.

Medicare-invented and insurance-industry adopted medical coding for treatments, procedures, devices, prescriptions, etc., etc., etc. force medical doctors to pay coding specialists just to document what they do so that claims will eventually be paid, or a higher percentage of them will eventually be paid. None of these “codes” are medically necessary. They have nothing whatsoever to do with how a doctor treats his patient, but only how the insurance company is to be billed. Screw up one of these codes, and the whole claim will be denied.

Submit coded claim. Delay. Denial. Re-code and resubmit. Delay. Denial. Repeat.

Insurance, with Medicare in the lead, is directing the medical profession, and yet, the practice of medicine is something insurance knows nothing about. I wrote a couple of articles about it at the Insurance Grading Doctors? page, and the Medical Boiler-Plate Language page.

What the hell does the insurance industry know about medicine that a medical doctor doesn’t know?


Once Fair Tax is passed, Medicare and Medicaid will suddenly be fully funded; but I still think we should find a way to get rid of them, although I don’t know how. Any ideas out there?

It would be nice to privatize them, but, if you put it up for bid, I doubt that there is anyone out there stupid enough to bid on it or to want anything to do with it. I don’t see how they could ever be made to be profitable.

Note that health insurance has no constitutional business even being addressed at the national law level.

Up From Obamunism: Action 14:
Welfare & Food Stamps: Eliminate them.

The whole purpose of the Fair Tax “Prebate” program is to return taxes, ahead of time, on money used to pay on the cost of life’s basic necessities for everyone, including even those with no income. The only part of welfare that should remain is disability and V.A. benefits for truly disabled people, with particular attention paid to disabled veterans. Since Fair Tax, if enacted, fully funds welfare and VA expenditures, if they are not all expended (meaning we are no longer paying people who are not disabled,) this represents another huge cut in federal spending. Everyone, including the disabled, gets a bump in income from the Prebate. But there is and never was any government, social or moral need to pay the living of those who can but will not work.

Eliminate Unemployment Benefits, along with any other government inducement of workers to not go back to work. Needing to eat is a very strong inducement to get out there and find a job. Being fed by the nanny state is a very strong inducement to laziness and dependency. Hard economic times should be an inducement to temporarily seek help from family, church, charity, and maybe your mommy, until you can find a job.

Hard times are where strong families shine, and where those who alienate themselves from family, or who never even had families, suffer the most, which is as it should be. Why should it be otherwise? If you use the good times to reconcile family differences, or to form your own family, or join one, life will be more bearable during the next downturn.

Eliminate Minimum Wage laws and any wage or bonus or other income “caps” as purely unconstitutional government actions. Government has no constitutional business addressing wages paid by private enterprise. There are lots and lots of workers out there who would happily work for less than the minimum wage, and lots of employers who would hire them. At the other end of the spectrum, we now see that America has a Pay Czar.

Excuse me? A Pay Czar? In America?

What on earth can we even say about that.

Up From Obamunism: Action 15:
Right to Privacy Court “Precedent”: Overturn it.

This so-called “Constitutional” right does not exist in the Constitution, was never legislated, never signed by any executive, and came into being by adjudication of all things, and was based on a so-called precedent, from a loosing argument in a case involving artificial contraception. Here’s how we described it in the Abortion in America page:

Let's look a little bit closer at the two Constitutional rights that can't be found anywhere in the Constitution, and see if we can figure out where the Justices' brains were. You can comb the Constitution till hell freezes over, and the only place you'll find anything remotely related to a right to privacy will be in the Fourth Amendment describing how we are to be secure in our homes and personal "papers and effects" against unreasonable searches and seizures. Nowhere else does it imply any right to privacy.

QUESTION: where did this "Constitutional" right to privacy, upon which the brand new "Constitutional" right to abortion is based, come from?

ANSWER: Justice Douglas made it up out of thin air.

Here's the history of it. Planned Parenthood was involved from the beginning, probably with the collusion of at least two Justices. In 1961 there was a case called Poe v. Ullman involving contraception that was dismissed by the Supreme Court because there hadn't even been any adjudication, no law had been enforced or broken, and there was nothing for them to uphold or overturn. Pretty simple, right? Get this: Justice Harlan issued a dissenting opinion - from the losing side - that in his opinion legal restrictions on contraception represented an invasion of privacy into an individual's personal life. Now, however thin this looks, this was the pre-ordained "precedent" to be built upon, because Justices don't like to be seen breaking entirely new ground; they need SOMETHING, however lame, to build upon. It's much easier to rewrite the Constitution while pretending to uphold it. So with this losing-side, dissenting, pure personal opinion, Planned Parenthood was then able to say "hey, we got ourselves a precedent, man."

Planned Parenthood then found a way to be arrested so they could mount another challenge to the law, and wound up again before the Supreme Court. In the 1665 Griswold v. Connecticut, the right to privacy became Constitutional Law, thanks to Douglas. He wrote in the decision striking down the legal prohibition on selling contraceptives that "specific guarantees in the Bill of Rights have penumbras, formed by emanations from those guarantees that help give them life and substance."


If you don't know what a penumbra formed by an emanation is, don't feel like the Lone Ranger. Neither did Douglas. It was his way of implying that Supreme Court Justices could and can imagine non-existent Bill-Of-Rights rights into being. There was no legal reasoning here, just naked personal opinion, pure and simple.

For the record, a penumbra is an astronomical term describing the partial shadow in an eclipse, or the edge of a sunspot, and, alternatively, is a way to describe something as unclear or fuzzy. Emanation is a scientific term for a gas that comes from radioactive decay, or, alternatively, it could mean an "emission."

The words are typical of Materialist / Atheist attempts to obfuscate and cover the truth in the presence of non-Materialists and / or Theists who might publicly argue, if they could figure out what had just been said.

This was either a dumb-assed decision, or an evil one; I'll let you decide. This was not the decision of brilliant legal minds whose lofty legal language is beyond the comprehension of us lowly hoi polloi. Dumb-assed decisions are not made by brilliant legal minds; dumb-assed decisions are made by dumb-asses. The alternative possibility is that it was planned that way all along, which would make the majority on the Court, clearly, evil, and destructive of our Constitution. This decision was no different than Dred Scott.

Douglas even manipulated the facts in the case to invent his new Constitutional right. At question was a doctor-patient relationship, but Douglas' opinion was framed around a non-existent, trumped-up husband-wife relationship, and even raised the imaginary specter of sex police, with the phrase "Would we allow the police to search the sacred precincts of the marital bedrooms for telltale signs of the use of contraceptives?" even though nothing in the entire case was remotely related to police searching anything at all, or even to marital privacy. After Douglas' dumb-assed quote on emanations and penumbras, this is, perhaps his second-most famous and most often repeated quote, which has been used in a lot of “new Constitutional law” cases since, from pro-abortion to pro-sodomy. More new precedence for immoral groups like Planned Parenthood. Ain't precedence wonderful?

The affects of this ruling have been gigantic. The Court made new law, with no input from the other two supposedly co-equal branches of government, violating the principle of the separation of powers. This is new law.

This “precedent” needs to be undone and made illegal, by legislation, which is how new law is supposed to come into being in America, in accordance with our Constitution. The other two branches of government just sat around and let this happen; now they need to wake up and undo it. The Court had no business inventing a new legal right here that did not previously exist in the Constitution or in legislated law.

Up From Obamunism: Action 16:
Right to Abortion Court “Precedent”: Overturn it.

This is another example of the Court making new law on its own, ignoring the other two branches of government and ignoring the Constitution as written. Again, see the Abortion in America page for the details of how this judicial travesty came to be. Doe v Bolton was adjudicated using Roe v Wade as a precedent, and Roe v Wade was adjudicated using the so-called right to privacy precedent described above

Again, this is new law. It is not legislated law. It is not in the Constitution. In fact, abortion as practiced today was illegal in all 50 states and the District of Columbia, by legislated, representative law, before being undone by these two Court decisions. The Supreme Court, and the rest of the Federal Government, had and has no Constitutional business even addressing the issue of abortion.

Marxists, Secularists, Atheists and Agnostics on the Court are the result of Marxocratic Party control of Congress and the White House. They pad the court with like-minded moral monsters. They seek the destruction of our fundamental morality, our ability to tell right from wrong, our national ethos, and the very basis of our national people-hood. They seek to change the very nature of our nation, and of us, the people. They are succeeding.

Do you need any more reason to oppose the Democrat Party? We do not need people who oppose or water-down our Constitution and our community sense of right versus wrong on the bench, in the halls of Congress or in the White House.

Up From Obamunism: Action 17:
Separation of Church and State: Overturn it.

Our history shows, as we said in our This Christian Nation page, that the original Colonies on North America were established as Christian Theocracies of various denomination. After our Revolution, with the establishment of a new federal level of government, the Founding Fathers included among our certified (Constitutional) rights, in our First Amendment, the prohibition of Congress from establishing a state religion, and the prohibition of Congress from restricting our ability to worship as we pleased. Thus, the First Amendment protected not only our rights, but also our rites, from state interference.

As we argued in our refuting Separation of Church and State argument page, the whole purpose was to free religion from government hindrance, not to restrict religion or religious expression. The Court has turned this upside down. There is no Separation of Church and State “principle,” or whatever, anywhere in the Constitution. Never was; still isn’t.

In the 1947 Everson case the Black Court invented, out of thin air, a radical reinterpretation of the First Amendment establishment and exercise clause to involve law regarding religion, government behavior regarding churches, church behavior regarding government, and a whole slew of rules designed to destroy any linkage between any church and any government official, including even private behavior. This was a massive, huge success for the Secularism movement that seeks to destroy Judeo-Christian moral norms in our society.

There is no Constitutional basis for the invented “principle” of separation of Church and state. Again, we see new law established over the heads of the Legislative and Executive branches, while legislators and executives just sat on the sidelines like dumb animals and did nothing. There was no precedent in law. There is no legal foundation whatsoever for it. It was just done as an act of supreme judicial arrogance, and it violated the Constitution, by creating a new “Constitutional” principle never intended or even envisioned by the authors.

It needs to be undone by legislative action.

Up From Obamunism: Action 18:
Recognize that Untruth Equals Evil, and Oppose Untruth.

From Machiavelli to Hegel to Marx to Obama: the supplanting of our Judeo-Christian Ethos with “The Ends Justify The Means.”

The precursors to Marxism and the nature of Truth versus Falsehood.

Machiavelli (1459-1527) was a renaissance man of the city-state of Florence (Italy did not exist yet.) He wrote, among other things, The Art Of War, and a political polemic called The Prince. This last would become famous as the most cynical and ruthless approach to political power yet imagined or put down on paper in decent society. It was the birth of the notion that The Ends Justify The Means. Machiavelli sought some high office serving the ruling Medici family, but failed, because the Medici family was repulsed by the blatant immorality of The Prince. When Florence turned out the Medici family and became a Republic, Machiavelli ran for office, but was defeated, due to his political opposition using clear immorality of The Prince against him.

The unforgivable sin he had committed involved the ends justify the means notion. He had postulated that, once it was determined that the goal was to become ruler, that any means at all – bribery, forgery, lying, murder, extortion, etc. – was justified if it would accomplish becoming ruler. What he wrote to that effect involved sending agent provocateurs into the land to be ruled. These secret agents would then stir up some sort of animosity or rebellion, or perhaps class strife or jealousy. Once they got people fired up to the level of actual violence of some sort, if not open rebellion, the opportunity would exist for the would-be ruler to heroically ride in with his forces to brutally wipe out the rebels, and even the agent provocateurs along with them.

Surviving shop-owners, aristocrats, elites and others who had been terrorized by the mobs would welcome the new ruler as their savior, join forces with him, bless the new order that he brought to the land, and recognize him as sovereign protector and ruler and even swear oaths of fealty to him.

Cause a crisis; heroically ride to resolve the crisis; be recognized as savior. Sound familiar yet?

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831) was a German philosopher who took it a little farther and refined it. He is credited with the Hegelian Dialectic, which is usually illustrated by a triangle with a wide base and a short height. One base angle is labeled Thesis, the opposing base angle is labeled Antithesis, and the short top angle is labeled Synthesis. The dialectic assumes – I don’t know why – that every thesis requires an antithesis. A settlement point between Thesis and Antithesis is the Synthesis.

This takes the ends justify the means action in incremental steps, rather than the Machiavellian sudden leap, involving causing crisis, resolving crisis, becoming ruler. In the Hegelian model, Thesis represents Independence (or Pre-Dictatorship,) Antithesis represents Dictatorship, and Synthesis represents a negotiated settlement point between the two extremes.

An example might be a contrived or natural banking crisis, or a contrived or natural big business crisis, or a contrived or a natural criminal activity crisis, or a contrived or natural anything crisis. Government moves from Independence toward Dictatorship in order to eliminate the crisis, and settles at some point closer to Dictatorship than it was; this becomes the Synthesis point. Once the dust has settled, this new point becomes the recognized beginning point – the Thesis – where Independence used to be, and the process starts all over again. It’s the same old thing, just in smaller steps.

Cause a crisis; heroically ride to resolve the crisis; be recognized as savior. Repeat. Sound familiar yet?

I’m not even going to go into Marx’s return to Machiavelli-ism with his Communist Manifesto, the gradual morphing of Communist Revolution into the Hegelian Dialectic after the multiple failures of open revolutions, and the gradual acceptance of the politics of immorality as Politics As Usual. Today, almost nobody recognizes the real Marxist, or the real Marxist goal. They see it as just normal politics, with one side just as bad as the other. Even the opponents of Marxism are willing to compromise with it, which should be seen by any thinking man to be akin to negotiating for your life with a hungry crocodile. Yet, even after the negotiator is minus a limb or two, he continues to negotiate.

What’s missing from this picture? What happened to God and His law? What happened to Judeo-Christian morality? What happened to our common sense of right versus wrong? What happened to the very reason for our very being?

All of that has just been dropped; religion and the morality that comes out of it are side issues, not to be considered in politics. That stuff is for church; this is politics. Right now, we are all stirred up because, finally, increasing numbers of us see and recognize that our Constitution is being violated by officials who solemnly swore oaths of office to protect it. Even during the growing immorality of Florence in Machiavelli’s time, everyone, universally, recognized the evil of saying the ends justify the means. Today, that is no longer true. It is normative among Democrats; it is not verboten among Republicans. It is merely a political fact, among others, not even seen as a position or a belief any more.

And that is why the notion of redistributionism is so fuzzy in the public mind; it is not even recognized as opposition to the free market and to liberty, which means that it directly opposes the pursuit of happiness. Among many Americans, it is viewed as a positive thing. There is no critical thinking applied here; just follow-the-leader group-think.

We have already discussed the need to turn back toward God and His law, and I don’t want to belabor the point again, but perhaps a little more needs to be said. If we think we can just throw the bums out, repeal the damage done so far by Obamunism, cut taxes, cut spending, cut government and move back toward a coherent Constitutionalism, and that will fix everything, then we are dooming ourselves. The real problem is at the core of our national being, because the real problem is morality, and morality comes out of our religion. The linkage is unbreakable. If you put your religion aside, you put your morals aside, and if you abandon your morals, it won’t be long before you are right back here again.

It’s a time for divisiveness, not inclusiveness. We need to shape up. First, as we said, repent, fast, pray, turn back to God and seek His will. But that also means changing our behavior and our associations. If you would not have your thoughts, your language, your chosen words, your humor, your appearance, your behavior to be coarse, crude and vulgar, then you must avoid all that is coarse, crude and vulgar.

If you would be a more decent person, then you must associate with decent people, and not with the coarse, crude and vulgar people. If you allow your children to associate with crude and vulgar children or families, do not be surprised when your children begin to display crude and vulgar behaviors.

Take Psalm 1 to heart. Do not walk in the counsel of the wicked; do not stand in the way of the sinner; do not sit in the seat of the scoffers. Do not keep company with evil. Denounce it forcefully and publicly. Get yourself and your family apart from these people. Do not wait until God’s winnowing fork is in His hand. Do not wait until He places the sheep at His right hand, but the goats at His left. Do not wait until it is too late. Your country needs decent men, right now. The civil law must be based on decency and good principle.

Without God there is no virtue because there is no prompting of the conscience … without God there is a coarsening of the society; without God democracy will not and cannot long endure … If we ever forget that we are One Nation Under God, then we will be a Nation gone under. President Ronald Reagan August 23, 1984

Blessed be God forever.

His will be done.

Addendum Monday, April 19, 2010: Some thoughts that occurred to me after initial publication.

Up From Obamunism: Action 19:
Repeal Federal Reserve Act of 1913.

There was never a good reason for the US government to delegate its Constitutional power to coin money and print paper, or to create any banking cartel, or to “protect” large banks, or to try to control any boom – bust economic cycles, or to set or control interest rates. Interest, like wages and prices, are best determined by free market forces and the law of supply and demand, as applied to money. Maintaining a stable money supply, keeping the nation’s books in order and up to date and protecting the nation’s treasure is the responsibility of the Secretary of the Treasury. Private banking is not the business of government. Controlling the economy is not the business of the government. Saving failing financial entities is not the business of the government.

There is no such thing as a financial institution or a private business entity that is “too big to fail.” Never was; never will be. No bankruptcy or other failure of any private enterprise is the responsibility of the innocent American tax payer, and American treasure should not be expended to bail out any business. Government has no proper business interfering with private business, and no private enterprise or cartel of them has any business controlling American national treasure in any way. Any bank that holds American national treasure has a fiduciary responsibility to protect those funds the same as similar funds of any private or public customer of the bank.

Up From Obamunism: Action 20:
Pass and Enact Amendment XXVIII.

This Amendment was proposed and languishes under a thoroughly Marxist current regime, which has no interest in even discussing it let along considering it. Here is the wording:

Congress shall make no law that applies to any citizen of the United States that does not apply equally to all US Senators and Representatives. Congress shall make no law that applies to any US Senator or Representative that does not apply equally to all citizens of the United States.

Seems fair enough to me.

Obamunism is just the latest rendering of Marxist totalitarianism. Like all the others, it has its following of believing, faithful, expendable Leftist Useful Idiots, of temporary value to the regime. While the opposition ideal – a free market and a liberated citizenry – has historical precedent, such as shown in the Colonial Communism page, the Marxist counterpart to it – whether labeled Socialism, Communism, Fascism, Nazism or whatever – has never, ever been successful, and thus, there is no historical success story for any variant of Marxism. Socialism is pure bureaucracy, and all Marxists love and grow bureaucracy, and they point to the Roman Catholic Hierarchy as a model to follow, but the noted Austrian economist Von Mises showed the error of this thinking, as we quoted him in the Catholic Communism page.

You can’t get around it. Marxism doesn’t work. Never has. Never will. A free market and a liberated citizenry does indeed work, when the citizenry are moral. That’s just the way it is.

Please God, and live forever.


Addendum Tuesday, April 20, 2010: I cannot sleep. These thoughts woke me up, and I must write this.

Revolution and Horrible Internal War are coming to America. America is about to go through an historical test and transformation, and whatever the outcome, nothing will be the same again.

What is Barack Obama?
      He is a Marxist.

What did Marx write?
      The Communist Manifesto.

What was Marx?
      He was a violent, bloody Revolutionary.

So, what is Barack Obama?
      He is a violent, bloody Revolutionary.

Lenin was so committed that he was fully prepared to die for the cause. So is Obama. In Lenin’s desperation move in Russia, he acted ruthlessly and very quickly to wipe out the leadership and slay the Czar long before the masses of the population even knew what was going on. There was no turning back from that point; but what Lenin had going on his side was that he had wiped out the leadership and thus his opposition was, unlike him, totally disorganized.

The big difference here is that Obama will start his Revolution from the top, rather than from the bottom, and he acts from the official position of the leader, rather than as some outsider or pretender. If he is killed in the coming internal war, there are plenty of other Marxocrats, ex-Presidents among them, ready to take his place and keep the Revolution going.

Just as the street supporters – ACORN, SEIU, gangsters, etc. – are loaded down with agent provocateurs, the leadership of America’s top intelligence and police agencies, and the top ranks of our military, are being loaded down with fellow Marxist Revolutionaries.

If I am right, the strike will be sudden. All political opposition will be eliminated all at once. At that point, there will be no turning back, just as it was with Lenin. The SLIMC1 has always been Marxist, and will be in full support of the Revolution. Opposition news and commentary will be silenced very quickly.

This is not just politics as usual any more.

To be forewarned is to be fore-armed.

May God save America.

Addendum Thursday, April 29, 2010:

Up From Obamunism: Action 21:
Modify Amendment XIV Section 1.

Re-word Amendment XIV Section 1 sentence 1 from the original:

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.

to be worded as follows:

All persons born of American parentage or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.

This is to address the problem of aliens illegally entering the USA and giving birth here in order to have an American “sponsor” or supporting argument for remaining or returning to the USA.

Up From Obamunism: Action 22:
Establish “Profiling” in law.

Where any anti-profile law or established legal precedent exists, overrule it with new legislation.

Profiling is a valid investigative and preventative police and defense tool used with great effect world-wide. It works; it is effective; it is foolish and dangerous to not use it. The notion that it is racist is nonsensical; it is a valid method of screening the most likely perpetrators of a particular crime, act of terrorism or military attack of some sort.

Current legal abominations such as “equal opportunity,” “affirmative action,” “minority set-aside,” “disadvantaged business” and “minority contract award” programs already use profiling, and this profiling is based solely upon race. Students get breaks on grade-point averages, SAT scores, advancement and so forth based on their racial profile. Workers get special protections against layoffs or firings based on their racial profile. Business owners get special contract bidding breaks based on racial profiling. The only place we are not allowed to use profiling is when someone is trying to kill us all, or when someone is in or trying to enter the country illegally.

Local, state and federal police and intelligence agencies and the military need to be able to use this perfectly legitimate method to screen Moslem terrorists and illegal aliens from among the rest of the population with the most efficiency and accuracy with the least effort. Not using profiling is just plain stupid.

You shouldn’t have to think more than about 10 seconds to come up with a clear profile image of an Islamic terrorist. You shouldn’t have to think more than about 10 seconds to come up with a clear profile image of an illegal alien.

Up From Obamunism: Action 23:
Modify illegal entry law.

Following the established pattern of Mexican law and the law of other sovereign nations, make illegal entry a felony punishable by 3 years in prison followed by deportation, and life-long ban from re-entry.

They are not immigrants. If they were, they could produce their immigration papers. If they have not applied to immigrate, then they are not immigrants. They are not legal or legitimate workers of any description; if they were, they could produce the green card all alien workers are required by law to carry and produce on demand. What they are, are, precisely, criminal aliens. They broke our law to come here, and that makes them criminals. They are in violation of the law.

I shouldn’t even need to explain the terms illegal alien and criminal alien. It should be self explanatory.

Up From Obamunism: Action 24:
Repeal 1966 Miranda decision.

Legislative action to put aside the Miranda decision and all related case-law precedent. The 1966 Miranda V AZ decision produced a legal precedent that has no basis in the fifth amendment or anywhere else in the Constitution. People in America are granted the Constitutional right to not self incriminate in the courtroom, not in the street, not at the crime scene and certainly not on the field of battle. This stupid decision has accomplished nothing other than to hamstring investigators by granting criminals a legal weapon and a way out of facing justice. Legitimate investigators of crime should be perfectly free to take down the words of witnesses and suspects in the accumulation of evidence without first advising speakers of any elaborate court-invented set of rights to not produce evidence.

Miranda rights are not Constitutional rights if they cannot be found in the Constitution.

Addendum Saturday, May 08, 2010

Up From Obamunism: Action 25:
Repeal Sarbanes-Oxley.

Sarbanes-Oxley is just another stupid let’s pile on law intended by the authors to make something already illegal even more illegal, if that makes any sense at all in the first place. It came on the heels of the Enron and other scandals, in the popular or populist media and Marxocrat Party hyped “There oughta be a law!” mentality in which opportunistic professional politicians always benefit. The result was horribly increased business control by an increased government, increasingly restricted free enterprise, and almost impossible to follow regulation of private business. If officers of large businesses are required to personally certify all financial statements, then what the hell are they employing staffs of accountants and auditors for?

The world is an imperfect place. Scandals will always occur. When they occur, we can punish the culprits under the law, as was done in these scandals. But we will never make the world perfect, nor will we make any particular kind of crime disappear by passing more and more and more and more laws on top of laws against it. The bill was stupid, the effect was to stifle business and to increase government, and it needs to be repealed.

Fraud remains illegal, as it was before.

Up From Obamunism: Action 26:
Repeal McCain-Feingold.

McCain-Feingold is just another stupid complexifying law intended to hamstring opposition political ads even at the expense of free speech. There is no part of it that even makes any sense, let alone is un-harmful to freedom in political advertising. We need no distinctions between such things as soft money, hard money, number of days before an election or a caucus and so forth. Campaign funding could be greatly simplified by use of two rules, and two rules only:

First Rule: Campaign contributions are completely unlimited, as to source or amount or time.

Second Rule: Full Disclosure. Every contribution to every political campaign must be openly published, showing full contribution amount and full contributor identity. If the donor is an individual then any employer, nation, institution or other entity he might represent or be associated with must be clearly identified.

Very simple. Nothing to it.

The Red Chinese military would be perfectly free to contribute to a Clinton Presidential campaign, as they have done in the past. The only difference would be that all the American voters would know it ahead of time.

Up From Obamunism: Action 27:
English National Language.

This is to establish English as the national language of the United States of America through legislation. Remove or overrule any established legal burden on any private enterprise in America to supply any non-English translations of any product/service descriptions, instructions, menus, etc. If any business or other entity wishes to provide such translations they should be free to do so. No one should be required to speak, read, write or provide any material in any language other than English anywhere in the USA. Requirements for work with companies or entities that deal with foreign language customers or associates may be excepted from this law.

Up From Obamunism: Action 28:
Repeal “Hate” crime laws.

A crime is a crime. Speech is speech. If a man strikes another man without provocation, he has committed a crime. If a man speaks ill of another man, he has committed a social transgression. If the perpetrator is white and the victim is black, why would there be any difference between that and the perpetrator being black and the victim white? If the perpetrator were homosexual and the victim heterosexual, why would there be any difference between that and the perpetrator being heterosexual and the victim being homosexual?

Universities have already excluded themselves from Constitutional America with their speech codes and other dictatorial rules. The rest of America does not need to follow suite. When someone breaks established law, he can be punished. When someone violates social rules, he can be ostracized and shunned.

There is no need for piled-on hate laws.

Up From Obamunism: Action 29:
Immigration Reform.

We are NOT a nation of immigrants. I am not an immigrant. Probably, neither are you. My parents were not immigrants. My grandparents, on my mother’s side, were immigrants. My great-grandparents, on my father’s side, were immigrants. None of their children, none of their grandchildren, none of their great-grandchildren, none of their great-great-grandchildren, etc., were or are immigrants. The vast majority of us are native born American citizens.

Those of us who’s ancestry immigrated here have learned the handed-on stories of the actual immigration and the naturalization process by which our ancestors became American citizens, and the story of their assimilation into the American culture. Almost always, it is a story of hardship and sacrifice, to which our generation owes everything. But we are American, and not immigrants; we are American thanks to the immigrants, but we are American nonetheless.

Willing Assimilation is Key. My immigrant ancestors came here for something different; for a new start. They did not come here for something old, or for something that existed where they came from. They came for American opportunity, and to become American, and for their children to be born into American opportunity.

There is nothing wrong, and indeed everything right, with keeping alive religion, and ethnic languages, traditions, dances, costumes, music, cuisine, holidays, etc. However, the purpose of the original immigration was to take advantage of American Opportunity and to become part of the American Ideal. This was something entirely new for them, and it was a very daring, almost breath-taking gamble for a better future.

Many immigrants, including my maternal grandparents, were refugees from Communism or some other form of dictatorship or totalitarianism. They most certainly did not come here to see this country ever turn toward that which they fled so long ago. They despised it, having witnessed the atrocity of it, up close and personal.

Recognize Enemies among immigrants. It seems odd to even have to say it. America, and the American Ideal, has many mortal enemies in the world. No one should welcome a mortal enemy into his home.

We have shown elsewhere in this site that Marxism, in every known variant, is so diametrically opposed to Constitutional America as to be the anti-thesis to her. The whole goal of Marxism is to destroy private enterprise and render the population dependent upon the state for everything.

Now, today, the Democrat Party, some of the Republican Party, all of American academia, the whole of the SLIMC1 , and more, are Marxist, although many may not realize it, and they may use some other title, such as Liberal, Progressive, etc. And you may think that it is too late to close the door. But if you think any of our home-grown Marxists are pretty bad, you haven’t even looked at the foreign-raised variety.

We have shown elsewhere in this site that Islam, as a theocracy – a radical combination of religion, law and government – is directly opposed to Constitutional America, and seeks to displace her with the rule of Islam. Democracy, our Republic, and every other form of government or rule of law, with the sole exception of Islamic Sharia law, is against the religion of Islam. The goal of Islam is Ummah, a one-world state ruled by Islam.

Now, today, we have many large and growing enclaves of Moslems, the most notable being in Dearborn Michigan, a major Detroit suburb. And we have many home-grown Moslems among us, and you may think that it is too late to close the door. But if you think any of our home-grown variety of Moslems might be bad actors, you haven’t even looked at the foreign-raised variety.

Prohibit Marxists from Immigration. Any application for immigration who has shown in his writing, speech, associations, affiliations, memberships, etc., an affinity for any variant of Marxism, must be denied. This will avoid a severe and potentially destabilizing conflict of interest for the person, because a belief in the goals of Marxism, as rendered in the Communist Manifesto, precludes the honest ability to take the oath of citizenship of the United States of America. Our oath requires swearing to defend the American Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic, which oath is antithetical to the world goals of Marxism.

When any convicted criminal in the US is identifiably Marxist, upon completion of his criminal sentence, he should be deported and banned from re-entry into the United States for life.

Prohibit Moslems from Immigration. Any application for immigration who has shown in his writing, speech, associations, affiliations, memberships, etc., an affinity for any variant of Islam, must be denied. This will avoid a severe and potentially destabilizing conflict of interest for the person, because a belief in the goals of Islam precludes the honest ability to take the oath of citizenship of the United States of America. Our oath requires swearing to defend the American Constitution against all enemies, foreign or domestic. Islam is an enemy of the Constitution, in that it seeks Ummah, ultimate world rule by Islam.

When any convicted criminal in the US is identifiably Islamic, upon completion of his criminal sentence, he should be deported and banned from re-entry into the United States for life.

It could be argued that Marxists and Moslems should be prohibited from alien worker (green card) status in America. The only time any socio-political-theocratic enemy of our Constitution should be allowed into our country might be under the auspices of foreign embassy or diplomatic missions. We should not allow people diametrically opposed to the American Ideal free range within the USA.

Up From Obamunism: Action 30:
Military Reform.

Do ask; do tell. Get all homosexuals out of military service. There is no need to impose homosexuals into the close company of heterosexual young men in communal showers, common sleeping facilities and so forth when the mission of the unit demands attention not being disrupted by sexual undercurrents, homosexual liaisons and potential perversion. None of this homosexual nonsense is necessary to the mission of the military. It is counter productive to the military mission, and to unit cohesion.

Get all women out of combat roles, out of all units that may go into harm’s way and out of any and all co-ed barracks, dorms, housing or field encampment arrangements. With the exception of medical and a few very high-tech units, I question the need for women and men to even serve in the same military units. The mission of the unit demands attention not being disrupted by sexual undercurrents and increased potential for sexual affairs, liaisons, abuse and even rape. None of this is necessary to the military mission. It is counter productive to the mission, and to unit cohesion.

Get all Marxists out of the military. One cannot be a Marxist and be true to the oath sworn on entry into the military. The oath involves defending the Constitution; Marxism seeks the destruction of the Constitution. A person may serve the Constitution, or Marx, but not both.

Get all Moslems out of the military. One cannot be a Moslem and be true to the oath sworn on entry into the military. The oath involves defending the Constitution; Islam seeks Ummah, which necessitates the elimination of the Constitution. A person may serve the Constitution, or Islam, but not both.

All that is required to accomplish this military reform is a Commander In Chief with the balls to issue the orders and then stick to his guns.

Up From Obamunism: Action 31:
American Super-Power Status.

As Rush Limbaugh recently pointed out, the real source of America’s super-power status is less our navy and our military presence than it is our wealth. We show up, when disaster strikes somewhere in the world, not only because we have the ability, but because we can afford to spend the money to do it. Who else shows up to help after an earthquake, tsunami, hurricane or whatever? Russia? China? Cuba? Vietnam?

No. It’s always some free-world country. Australia, Britain, a few others, and us. But nobody ever comes in with as much as the USA, and the whole world knows it. The UN is next to useless. We do these things because our wealth has allowed us to do it, but our wealth is now being rapidly destroyed, on purpose. We have always done it, because it is the right thing to do, and because we, the American people, know right from wrong. If we have the ability to help someone in need, we will do it. But now, the economic engine of the world is grinding to a halt.

Militarily speaking, our power has historically been the only hope for nations coming under totalitarian rule, not by their own choice. Marxism failed in its attempts at fomenting open revolution in many places, because America came to aid the resistance to Marxism, in one way or another, sometimes with military force. The aim was always to support Democracy, in whatever form, and the notion of Representation of the people in government, against totalitarianism and dictatorship. We hold no empire. We leave behind us lands under self-rule, not under any iron curtain or bamboo curtain.

But now, the ground rules have changed, and the war is much more subversive than I ever thought it might become. False ideology appears to be winning the game, everywhere. Now, the enemy is everywhere, and out of uniform.

The final end game for Marxism involves anarchy. Absolute lawlessness. When you see the black flag of anarchy raised, you will know what is about to happen. We may see it soon in Greece. Among the anarchists will be agent provocateurs sent in by the opportunistic would-be dictator, or his minions. When the battle cry is Rape, Pillage, Plunder, Burn and when the whole populace fears for life itself, let alone property, then, the opportunist will strike. He will wipe out all of the anarchists, including even his own agents, and he will be hailed as a hero by the survivors, and blessed, for bringing order to the land, and eliminating the fear of death.

Sometimes, when a country is destabilized enough, anarchy will happen on its own; sometimes it will happen by design. Most frequently, whoever seizes the opportunity to crush anarchy will wind up totalitarian dictator almost by default if not by design.

I submit for your consideration the theory that Constitutional America winning the ongoing socio-political struggle against Obamunism is the last best hope for freedom in the larger world. If we do not return to wealth, if we do not return to military power, if we do not return to God and His Law, if we do not continuously know right from wrong, then the economies of the world will crash and burn, and liberty will die everywhere, for a very long time. Perhaps one day to be reborn somewhere again; but nothing like the USA will ever come to be again.

Now, you may think that the upcoming November election has significant national importance, and even that it may be more important than any previous American election. But I am telling you that its outcome, and our ability to keep America Constitutional during and after it, will be the most significant event in determining the future of the whole world since, at least, the Reformation, or perhaps the Crusades.

God help us. And may God bless the USA.

Addendum Tuesday, May 25, 2010: Some thoughts that occurred to me after last publication.

Up From Obamunism: Action 32:
One Bill, One Purpose, No Pork.

This may require a Constitutional Amendment, for all I know. Until it is established in law, any bill with unrelated “Earmarks” attached to it should be vetoed, forcing Congress to override the veto, and then allowing it to go into law without the President’s signature, showing strong opposition to it from the beginning and setting the stage for it to be eventually overturned. See the Argument Against Earmarks page for the reasons. The Pork Barrel feeding frenzy of professional politicians has got to be forcefully and permanently ended.

The purpose of government is to govern, and that’s it. The federal government is not supposed to fix a pothole in East Podunk Junction due to any rider or line item in any defense bill, or any other bill. Let Podunk Junction take care of Podunk Junction, and let the Federal Government stick to governing, and only governing, as clearly explained and delineated in the Federal Constitution.

And let the Federal Government be appropriately reduced so that it is doing solely the tasks enumerated in the Constitution, and no others.

Do you begin to see the importance of the upcoming November election? Right now, our whole national government – our Presidency and both houses of Congress – are strongly controlled by registered members of the Communist Party. I mean Democrat; excuse me. I’m sure there is some minor difference between the Communist Party and the Democrat Party, but I cannot see it. Both of these Parties ferociously push government control, collectivization and redistribution over a free market and individual liberty. Both despise and oppose Constitutional America. Taking the oath of office, swearing to defend our Constitution, was a joke for these people. They lie. They ignore our Constitution. They trash it.

We have got to throw them out. We have no choice.

His will be done.


Sarcastic Acronym Hover-Link Footnotes: For the convenience of those readers using devices that lack a mouse, these footnotes are provided for all webpages, in case any webpage contains any hover-links. (If you don't have a mouse, you can't "hover" it over a link without clicking just to see the simple acronym interpretation. Click any footnote link to see the acronym and a detailed explanation; "Hover" the mouse over it just to see the simple interpretation.)

SLIMC1 Secularist Liberal Intellectual Media Complex
GESGOEAEOT2 Gradually, Ever So Gradually, Over Eons And Eons Of Time
PEWAG3 Punctuated Equilibrium's Wild-Assed Guess
TTRSTF4 Them There Real Scientifical-Type Fellers
TTRSPTF5 Them There Real Smart Perfesser-Type Fellers
TTRSJTF6 Them There Real Smart Journalistical-Type Fellers
SNRTACBT7 Surely No Right Thinking Adult Could Believe Today
STNSEACPB8 Surely Today No Serious Educated Adult Could Possibly Believe
WDN9 We Don't Know
BMDFP10 Baboons, Mongrel Dogs, Filthy Pigs and ...
HBAACOTE11 Human Beings Are A Cancer On The Earth
ACLU12 Anti-Christian Litigation Union
FLORMPORIF13 Flagrant Liar, Or, Mindless Parrot, Or, Innocent Fool
MEJTML14 Marxist Ends-Justify-The-Means Liar
IEJTML15 Islamic Ends-Ends-Justify-The-Means Liar
MPAV16 Marxist Principles And Values
WBESSWG17 Wise, Benign, Elite, Super-Scientific World Governance
TRMITM18 The Reason Man's In This Mess
IYI19 Intellectual Yet Idiotic
TTRSCBTF20 Them There Real Smart Catholic Bishop Type Fellers
IACMPVND21 Illegal-Alien-Criminal Marxocrat-Party-Voting Nation-Destroyers
PEJTML22 Palestinian Ends-Justify-The-Means Liar
PSYOP23 "Psychological Operation" Mind Trick
CDC24 Covid Developmentally Challenged
LGBTQ+ Every Letter Represents A Serious Psychotic sexual Identity Disorder
HEJTML26 Hedonist Ends-Justify-The-Means Liar
SEJTML27 Scientistic Ends-Justify-The-Means Liar

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Date: Wed Apr 21 21:08:18 2010
From: John Doe

Currently the Tea Party, We The People, etc., and talk radio are under constant attack as instigating sedition and violence against the government. This article is only going to give them more ammo. Unless you can prove what you say it is only rhetoric, and you should tone it down, unless you really do intend to incite violence.

Date: Thu Apr 22 06:08:58 2010
From: Vic Biorseth


Yes, I have seen that. All the Marxocrat big shots, all of the Obamunist SLIMC1 , all the provocateur snobs and the Marxist elites must have all got the same memo, on the same day. Suddenly, we are all seditionists.

But that sort of thing only comes from them, which is to say, from the Left, and not from the Right. History lives, the record stands, and I will not modify my words.

Timothy McVeigh was not motivated by any conservative rhetoric; what got his fire going was the Leftist Clinton regime’s Waco Masacre, and the Leftist Clinton regime’s murder of the innocent woman on Ruby Ridge. The Uni-Bomber was motivated by Al Gore and the Global Warming hoax, of all things.

All through the entire Vietnam War the Marxist SLIMC1 , using the pen rather than the sword, fought with all their might and power, heart and soul for the Viet Cong (Vietnamese Communist Party) cause against America, which they despise.

It was Lefties John Kerry, Jane Fonda and friends who actually sat down to deliberate and take a formal vote on whether or not to begin murdering Republican United States Senators yet.

It was Lefties who burned buildings and raged on campuses all over America, and who spat on returning veterans. It was the Weather Underground and Panthers who burned and bombed and raged against America and the government. It was Obama buddies Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn who bombed, who are unrepentant, and who only wish they had murdered more for the cause of Marxism.

Now that the Left owns the government and the destruction of America is coming from the top, those who love America are the new seditionists. Go read the Declaration of Independence.

I ain’t buying it.  That's their modus operandi, not ours. 



Date: Sat Apr 24 23:59:16 2010
From: June

I most strongly object to your “Objection 1” regarding the fact that people are born homosexual. You are not, and so you do not understand. People have feelings, and different people have different feelings and urges and natural tendencies. You are encouraging opposition to something you do not understand, and you are encouraging opposition to nature. Nothing could be more harmful to a person than to oppose their own nature. You really need to learn something about the subject before you spout off on it.

Date: Sun Apr 25 07:58:46 2010
From: Vic Biorseth


Right. I would agree with your position, and will agree with it, just as soon as I see some serious empirical evidence supporting it. As yet I have seen none. Where is the evidence?

There is just as much verifiable evidence for your position as there is for the notion that some of us are just born to fornicate, and cannot help it, and so should be free to just fornicate away.

There is just as much verifiable evidence for your position as there is for the notion that some of us are just born to commit adultery, and cannot help it, and so should be free to just commit adultery over and over again.

There is just as much verifiable evidence for your position as there is for the notion that some of us are just born to rob banks, and cannot help it, and so should be free to just rob banks over and over again.

Free choice, self control, moral discipline, a common moral code, learning and practicing virtue rather than vice, all of these things have nothing to do with how we live our lives. It’s how we feel that’s important. Right?



Date: Wed Apr 28 13:43:17 2010
From: John Doe

Nevertheless, all of this demonizing the President has the potential to incite someone out there to do something. How will you feel about it if someone shoots the President?

Date: Wed Apr 28 18:10:07 2010
From: Vic Biorseth



Again, that kind of violence, including even thoughts about assassinations comes overwhelmingly not from the religious Right, but rather from the godless Left, almost always.

Lee Harvey Oswald was a Leftie.
Sirhan Sirhan was a Leftie.
Squeaky Fromme was a Leftie.

You would be hard pressed to provide any historical examples of Presidential assassination attempts or plots that originated from the political Right. That’s the sort of stuff Marxists do, and Moslems. Believing Christians and Jews don’t do that sort of thing, and most American conservatives tend to be believers.

Again, Timothy McVeigh was roundly condemned by all of Christendom. Nobody cheered. Everyone was shocked and angered. That’s not the normal universal response from the godless Left or from Islam when one of their own pulls a trigger or lights off a bomb.

This is still America, the First Amendment still applies, I will speak the truth openly and I will not soften it in any way. Comrade Obama is a Marxist who seeks the destruction of Constitutional America. The evidence is glaring at everyone with eyes to see and thundering at everyone with ears to hear.

Remember that in November. Remember that when an impeachment movement begins. Remember that in 2012.



Date: Thu Apr 29 11:51:23 2010
From: Curmudgeon

Re the entry from June objecting to “Objection 1” and people being born homosexual. She says:

“ … you are encouraging opposition to nature.”

Really? So homosexuality is natural? Does that mean that heterosexuality is unnatural?

Perhaps someone needs a remedial class in biology.

Date: Thu May 06 23:23:13 2010
From: John Doe

What about Hinkley? He was no “Leftie.” What about James Earl Ray?

Date: Fri May 07 05:51:13 2010
From: Vic Biorseth


Re Hinkley: No, but neither was he a Rightie. He was a real mental case.

Re James Earl Ray: His political leanings are indeterminate, but he appears to have been a common criminal and a godless man, which puts him more in league with the godless Left and the Marxocratic Party than the religious Right. And the man he murdered, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., was, of course, a registered Republican.



Date: Mon May 24 02:26:09 2010
From: Ron
Location: Idaho

John Doe is right (pun left as H***) you have incited me (after reading your articles for the last few hours) to say "PRAISE THE LORD & PASS THE AMUNTION". I’m just an ignorant 65 year old Catholic, wishing I had 5% of your knowledge.

Thank you very much for your web site & God Bless You.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Converted Page to SBI! Release 3.0 BB 2.0. 

Date:   Thu Sep 25 2014
From:  Vic Biorseth

Changes pursuant to changing the website URL and name from 
Thinking Catholic Strategic Center to
Catholic American Thinker.

Pulled the trigger on the 301 MOVE IT option June 1, 2014. Working my way through all the webpages.  . 



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Enter ye in at the narrow gate: for wide is the gate, and Broad is the way that leadeth to destruction, and many there are who go in thereat. How narrow is the gate, and strait is the way that leadeth to life: and few there are that find it! Beware of false prophets, who come to you in the clothing of sheep, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
Jesus Christ; Matthew 7:13–15

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"We belong to the Church militant; and She is militant because on earth the powers of darkness are ever restless to encompass Her destruction. Not only in the far-off centuries of the early Church, but down through the ages and in this our day, the enemies of God and Christian civilization make bold to attack the Creator's supreme dominion and sacrosanct human rights." --Pope Pius XII

"It is not lawful to take the things of others to give to the poor. It is a sin worthy of punishment, not an act deserving a reward, to give away what belongs to others." --St. Francis of Assisi

Find a Latin Mass

Truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is.—Winston Churchill

Note the Military Assault Rifle common to the American Founding Era.

The smallest minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities.—Ayn Rand

Atheist Genesis:

In the beginning there was nothing, and nothing happened to nothing.
And then nothing accidentally exploded and created everything.
And then some bits of everything accidentally encountered other bits of everything and formed some new kinds of everything.
And then some bits of everything accidentally arranged themselves into self-replicating bits of everything.
And then some self-replicating bits of everything accidentally arranged themselves into dinosaurs.

(See The Darwinism Pages)

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