
International Communism's Dream

Yesterday's Utopia is the future's Global Village

But, since Marxism is supposedly dead, who's buying it?

Vic Biorseth,

The Global Village concept seeks to replace National Sovereignty by default.  Marxian "Global Village-ism" makes major inroads among outlaws, and among elitist intellectuals.

Four major groups, and those that they influence:

  1. Islamic jihadists of various groups, nations and alliances.
  2. Outlaws, gangs, smugglers of various groups, nations and alliances.
  3. Big business, including what used to be called Corporate America.
  4. Modern Leftists and Elitists of various groups, nations, loose alliances, including the UN and all its NGOs (Non-Government Organizations), the SLIMC1 , show-biz, and most professional academics.

First Major Group:

The Islamic jihadists are what I call Islam's front line shock troops in its terror-war on the non-Islamic world. Some of these groups have been listed in the Islam and the Jews page and elsewhere in Catholic American Thinker WebPages and articles, as Islamic Jihad, Hamas, Al Queda, Hezbollah, etc., etc., etc. Each of these organizations is quasi-independent, operates branch-offices in multiple countries, here and there is virtually merged with sitting governments, operates "sleeper cells" or clandestine operations in many countries, and is loosely confederated with other like-minded organizations. They also actively recruit, indoctrinate and train new members in many countries, including America and England. Despite the fact that some of these groups hate each other, they all hate us more than they hate each other.

Those Moslems who consider themselves jihadists, or holy warriors, often operate under the principle that says that the enemy of my enemy is my friend, which helps to make them perfect candidates for membership in a larger Islamic Global Village effort against the common enemy. The biggest split in Islam happened when Mohammed died and an argument ensued about his successor, which pitted the Shiia against the Sunni, and they've been killing each other over this argument ever since. So, you would think that the predominantly Shiite Iranian/Hezbollah jihadists would stand opposed to the predominantly Sunni Baathist/Taliban/Al Queda jihadists, right? Well, sometimes, but not always. Like I said, they hate us more than they hate each other.

In all of our previous wars, we have fought sovereign nations and international alliances of sovereign nations. In the current War On Terror the enemy is not a nation, but an ideology, who's main combatants swim in the sea of the non-combatant people of many nations. While most of the Islamic people in most of the Islamic nations involved may truly be non-combatants, they are not neutral; for the most part, all Moslems support, in one way or another, the Islamic jihadists. Or at least the vast majority of them do. You would be hard pressed to find any Moslem anywhere who supported the state of Israel's right to continue to exist.

Which reveals the flagrant falsehood of all the public statements that Islam is a religion of peace, and that Moslems, Jews and Christians are all people of the Book. If we are all people of the Book and the Book in question is the Holy Bible, then, all of us people of the Book should all be in total agreement about where the Jews ought to be living, which is, present day Israel, known in Biblical times as Canaan. Go to the Old Testament story of the Exodus, which involved Egypt, the Jews, and the promised land, with a closest neighbor of Arabia [Gal 4 1:25 ref to Mt. Sinai being in Arabia] and see if modern Egyptians, Arabians and Israelis agree or disagree about this story of the Book.

Go to Egypt and ask any Egyptian Moslem, any one at all, whether he thinks Israel should continue to exist, or be wiped out. Go to Saudi Arabia and ask the same question of any Moslem you find there. Go to the current day places of the historic cultures of Assyria, Babylonia and Persia, and ask the first Moslem you encounter in each of these places the same question, and then listen very carefully to the answer.

And then look me in the eye and tell me, with a straight face, that Islam is a religion of peace, and that we are all people of the Book. When anyone tells you that, you will be listening to a FLORMPORIF13 , incapable of doing good critical thinking and certainly not a good thinking Catholic, thinking Jew, thinking Protestant or thinking Moslem. As I've said before, anyone who believes that Moslems join Jews and Christians as the People Of The Book either haven't read the Book or haven't examined the ideology and/or false religion of Islam.

When you find a Moslem who, at some personal risk, publicly supports Israel's right to exist, you will have found a Moslem who's personal faith in Islam is weakened to some extent, and who might be philosophically moving away from Islam and toward notions of independent thinking and real representative and strictly civil government, which does not mandate any religion (or irreligion) on anyone, but remains aloof from religion. Some of whom might be found in present day Iraq; may their numbers increase. And there might be some in Lebanon, and other places, who might be revealed to the world if they ever got the blessed opportunity to vote for a candidate who was not an Islamic jihadist, and was not somehow entangled with one or more Islamic jihadist movements.

For Islam, the non-government, non-sovereign nation, borderless Global Village loose confederation of terror organizations is working very well indeed. It's considerably harder for Western nations to fight a war against an enemy that has shelter in many sovereign nations, none of which are publicly committed to the war. Thus, we see committed, sneaky, cross-border terrorists and murderers of innocents clearly using our Western-Culture Judeo-Christian guiding ethos against us. Believing Jews and believing Christians, who really are people of the Book are not allowed by their religion to do that which Islam seeks to do every single day, which is, to indiscriminately kill lots and lots of innocent non-Islamic people.

They know that we will not go in and just clean out everyone in Lebanon, or everyone in Iran. And, just in case we do, they are in other countries, too; they have become what modern day Marxists promote everywhere: a truly borderless Global Village. A very fuzzy target, indeed. But, they hate Marxists as much as they hate everyone else. Islam does not discriminate; it is totally intolerant of all other belief systems.

Second Major Group:

Then we have the Outlaws, gangs, smugglers forming their own version of the borderless Global Village. Once upon a time organized crime groups were recognized as, more or less, national problems, with some illegal import/export activities.

The Mafia was once known as a particularly Sicilian and Italian problem. Then, we experienced our own problems with American branch-offices of the Mafia, as did many other countries. These gang-families have historically waged open warfare on the courts and governments of countries in which they could not buy and/or control members of the courts, police and government. These days we don't hear much from that quarter, but it's difficult to tell whether that's just because they're keeping a lower profile, or they've been largely subdued by the law. My suspicion is that they're still active but largely hiding behind the semi-"legit" businesses involving casinos and gambling, through the judicious use of surrogate owner-operators.

In more recent history we experienced our own increasing infection with the Russian variant of gangsterism, known popularly as the Russian Mafia, which is purportedly more vicious, brazen and totally corrupt than the older Sicilian Mafia ever dreamed of being. These were (and are) gangsters who once operated quite officially from offices in the various levels of Soviet bureaucracy, who were quite used to exercising total authoritarian power to enrich and further empower themselves. When the Soviet Union came crashing down, so did the vast bureaucracy, and all the bureaucratic positions of total power over the people and over lower bureaucrats. These are the people who, both before and after the crash of the evil empire, were responsible for selling Soviet weapon systems, from submarines to missiles, to various dictators and terrorist groups.

It is through their offices that it may be said today that the Middle East, Asia, Africa, South and Central America, and virtually the whole so-called third-World, is awash in Russian AK-47 rifles and Russian RPG (Rocket Propelled Grenade) launchers. Indeed, Kalashnikov rifles and RPGs are as ubiquitous in the third-World today as the single-action-army "peacemaker" and the lever-action rifle once were in America's Old West. Leftists of the SLIMC1 will blather and editorialize on how American weapon manufacturers and arms dealers profit on overseas sales, but they will not report the fact that all of those weapons in the hands of all of those people, including children, in all of those countries, are Russian, not American.

Of course, there are Asian variants, including the infamous Tong, and various other Japanese, Chinese and Southeast Asian "Mafias" that have gone international and have representative factions here. We have our own home-grown gangs. The other day I saw something on TV relating to an English branch of the Hells Angels. But even with the huge problems we have with our own American gangs, those problems pale in comparison to those from other countries who are now increasing their operations here.

Through a Global Village of increasingly international gangs, loose alliances of criminals and inter-gang deal making, it's ever increasingly difficult to tell if the dope being smuggled originated in the poppy fields of Afghanistan, or Southeast Asia's Golden Triangle, or Columbia, or Turkey, or China, or wherever. Ancient smuggling routes are no longer well worn paths and hidden mountain trails; smuggling has gone high tech, high volume and high speed.

On any given day, it's difficult to tell whether countries like Columbia are being run by the government or by the infamous drug cartels. Or even whether the government is a drug cartel. It goes pretty much the same way as you move North; Mexico may be the scariest one of the bunch. Competing drug gangs wage open warfare on the streets of towns nearest our borders, with local authorities either conspicuously absent, or participating on one side or the other, or both.

Mexico has degenerated to the point that the largest source of national revenue, after the illegal drug market, involves the illegal smuggling of millions of Mexicans (and others) into America to send money home. That money is earned both legally and illegally. I use the term legally rather loosely here, because even when one gets otherwise legitimate employment, if he's here illegally in the first place, then his employment is not legal, and neither is the money he earns. In other words, his employment is illegal, his pay is illegal, and his employer is committing a crime.

Mexico is today one of the most difficult places on Earth for any Mexican citizen to just earn a decent living honestly. And, despite Leftist arguments to the contrary, none of that is the fault of America. It is the fault of the Mexican government, and of all the corrupt officials who pretend to represent the Mexican people, and the common criminals who have become such an indispensable part of the Mexican system and economy.

Honest economic opportunity follows freedom. These two things are indispensable to each other. That's why economic opportunity exists in abundance in the USA, and why Mexican citizens have little or no honest economic opportunity in Mexico. And points South. People from Central and South American countries seeking to get into the USA illegally start out by bribing and making deals with the Mexican officials and Mexican drug lords, who may be the same people, just to get into Mexico in the first place. Often they are subjected to rape and other abuse, including being forced to become dope smuggling "mules", and are virtually robbed of everything they have in exchange for being brought or allowed to go close to the American border. Where they have to somehow earn more money to be smuggled further.

That's the true picture of the Great Opportunity Mexico has to offer today. In Mexico and in these other countries, the situation is so desperate that people pay thousands of dollars, or all that they have, and prostitute themselves, just to get someone in the family through Mexico and into the USA. Unlike the situation in the USA, poor people can actually starve to death in these countries, and their governments don't particularly give a damn.

From our point of view, there are two aspects of Mexico smuggling illegal aliens in and out of the USA that are of a very serious threat to our national well being.

  • First, the common criminals involved in illegal smuggling of any kind - which includes Mexican government officials directly involved in the smuggling of human beings and drugs across our borders - don't particularly care whether they make their profits off of Islamic terrorists, or Ecuadorian peasants.
  • Second, the Mexican gangs themselves smuggle their own gang members in and out of the USA, both to control smuggling operations on both sides of the border, and to compete with other gangs for their ever increasing share out of the American organized crime pie.

We have no need of more criminals; we have quite enough of our own. And we most certainly have no need of any more Islamic terrorists. We need to secure our own borders, regardless of the terrible harm it will do to the predominantly corruption-based Mexican national economy. Perhaps it's time the Mexican people took charge of their own supposedly representative government.

Third Major Group:

Third, Big Business and what used to be called Corporate America are morphing into International Corporate entities that seem to fit the description of the Global Village very nicely. As Leftist-sponsored legislation and bureaucratic regulation increasingly make it difficult to do profitable honest business here, the corporations respond by doing honest profitable business elsewhere. It's a predictable free market response. It's very easy to move a corporate office offshore. Business does not exist for any nationalistic interest; business exists to make profit. Big business may be expected to be drawn to those places where they pay the least taxes and are constrained by the least regulations. If it is too expensive to profitably produce a product in America due to taxes and/or strangling regulation and/or union demands, and there is opportunity to move a plant somewhere with lower taxes and/or less regulation and/or a willing work force at lower cost, then, - well, what would you do?

This is a trend that is easily reversible. Lower corporate taxes and looser but still reasonable limiting legislation and regulation draws big business - including foreign big business - to the shores of free economic opportunity.

Big business operates only when and where it can make profit.

That simple principle is the how and why we have before us the fact that most all commodities, from metals to coal, oil, food, just about everything you can name, have gone down or stayed the same in constant dollar price throughout American history. Visit the Eco-Nazism page to see what happened to gas prices, in actual constant dollars, since the invention of the automobile.

It's also the reason that a major disruption in oil from the entire Middle East would bring about a price spike that, no matter how severe, would still be temporary, even if the disruption were permanent. Whenever the demand-driven price is high enough to support a profitable combination of legislation, regulation, taxation, exploration, production and refinement of more oil from somewhere else, multiple big-business competitors will competitively bring it to the market, raising the supply and eventually bringing the price right back down again.

Despite all the chicken-little stories from the Left, the world is not running out of oil. Proven reserves have increased, not decreased, throughout the entire history of identifying proven reserves. There are huge areas of Asia and the rest of the world that have never been properly explored with modern oil exploration technology, which is continuously improving. Somebody is going to go there, whenever it's both legal and profitable to go there.

Yeah, three dollars a gallon bugs me, too. However, in constant dollars, it's about the same price per gallon that it was back in the fifties. Don't just listen to the shrill screams from the Left. Try actually doing the math. You are, after all, homo sapiens, and you are called by your very nature to actually think about things.

Fourth Major Group:

Which brings us to the last group, the Modern Leftist Elitists who push their ideal and ideology of the Global Village as a replacement for sovereignty and nationhood. Which means, of course, scrapping our Constitution and Bill Of Rights in favor of some bland, general, all-encompassing set of international rules that will make everybody happy.


So Lincoln's government of the people, by the people, for the people would morph into something like the old Soviet model, which would be government of the people, by the bureaucracy, for the dictator. Or, perhaps, the United Nations model, which would be government of the people, by the bureaucracy, for the bureaucracy, since the UN is, like the Soviet Union, a pure bureaucracy, but unlike the Soviet Union, is representative of, and accountable to, absolutely no one. And the old American principle of the sovereign citizen? Forget it.

We're talking Utopia here, and perfection has no need of representation.

The latest argument I heard from this quarter came from some high placed fools who seek to move all of our national border security efforts out to become a North American border security program. Which means, paying less attention to our existing borders with Canada and Mexico, and more attention to who gets into Canada and into Mexico and into the USA. How's that for a brilliant idea?

The notion is supported by the fact that Canada, Mexico and the US are friendly to each other, mean each other no real harm, and should willingly cooperate with each other and with new high-technology to make the whole continent safe (or safer) from illegal border violations from non-North Americans, see? And, it would make our own three-country internal borders a lot less critical, and we could all come closer together, following the Rodney King "can't we all just get along?" philosophy, and eventually we could all sit around in a circle and sing Kumbaya together.

I'm having a hard time believing that this idea actually has some support in the sitting Bush administration.

Mexico is so corrupt it can't even properly govern itself, depends on crime for its national economy, has a population of millions willing to risk association with criminals, desert and death just to come here for economic opportunity, and we're going to work with them to increase our internal security? Excuse me? Has someone up there lost their mind?

Canada was, once upon a time, a recognizably Christian nation, with a clearly Judeo-Christian guiding ethos; but that was then, and this is now. Today, Canada is guided by the ethos of BMDFP10 and secularists. Just look at her recent laws and popular direction.

Her government, and, apparently, even her people, all seem hell-bent on following the lead of France and other Western "EU leadership" into an obvious and ever deepening economic catastrophe. Incredible levels of taxation, high unemployment, high interest rates, high prices of everything, and an absolutely stagnant economy all mean nothing, in the European Union's version of the new Global Village. Every one of them was better off as a sovereign nation than they are now, and yet none of them appear to be smart enough to figure it out. And, just like them, today's Canada would probably not even be willing to fight for her own freedom, let alone that of any ally.

We need to secure our own borders, and we don't need anyone else to do that. Canada and Mexico are our neighbors, and if anyone attacks or threatens them, we should come to their defense without hesitation. But we should never depend on them, or anyone else, for our own border security.

The whole notion of a grand, international Global Village is born of Leftist silly twittery, and proves my contention that, wherever Marxism is ascendant, critical thinking may be seen to be in decline, if not absent.

Pray for America; and pray for Mexico and Canada.

Pray for our troops, and pray for our President.

And may God bless the USA.


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SLIMC1 Secularist Liberal Intellectual Media Complex
GESGOEAEOT2 Gradually, Ever So Gradually, Over Eons And Eons Of Time
PEWAG3 Punctuated Equilibrium's Wild-Assed Guess
TTRSTF4 Them There Real Scientifical-Type Fellers
TTRSPTF5 Them There Real Smart Perfesser-Type Fellers
TTRSJTF6 Them There Real Smart Journalistical-Type Fellers
SNRTACBT7 Surely No Right Thinking Adult Could Believe Today
STNSEACPB8 Surely Today No Serious Educated Adult Could Possibly Believe
WDN9 We Don't Know
BMDFP10 Baboons, Mongrel Dogs, Filthy Pigs and ...
HBAACOTE11 Human Beings Are A Cancer On The Earth
ACLU12 Anti-Christian Litigation Union
FLORMPORIF13 Flagrant Liar, Or, Mindless Parrot, Or, Innocent Fool
MEJTML14 Marxist Ends-Justify-The-Means Liar
IEJTML15 Islamic Ends-Ends-Justify-The-Means Liar
MPAV16 Marxist Principles And Values
WBESSWG17 Wise, Benign, Elite, Super-Scientific World Governance
TRMITM18 The Reason Man's In This Mess
IYI19 Intellectual Yet Idiotic
TTRSCBTF20 Them There Real Smart Catholic Bishop Type Fellers
IACMPVND21 Illegal-Alien-Criminal Marxocrat-Party-Voting Nation-Destroyers
PEJTML22 Palestinian Ends-Justify-The-Means Liar
PSYOP23 "Psychological Operation" Mind Trick
CDC24 Covid Developmentally Challenged
LGBTQ+ Every Letter Represents A Serious Psychotic sexual Identity Disorder
HEJTML26 Hedonist Ends-Justify-The-Means Liar
SEJTML27 Scientistic Ends-Justify-The-Means Liar

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Jesus Christ; Matthew 7:13–15

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The Three Big Ideas competing in global geopolitics today. The Three Big Ideas, and a Fourth one: aggressive, militant atheism, or secularism. 

Only clear, distinct political battle lines will save Constitutional America.  Fuzzy, indistinct political battle lines only encourage and feed the "bipartisan" progressive destruction of this last bastion of Human Liberty.

Political, Theological and Philosophical Pigeonholes.  No one exactly fits any Pigeonhole; you're not supposed to Pigeonhole anyone; but what about their own words, actions and behavior?

Absolute Truth, as The  Winning Political Force to be Reckoned With.  The 2016 Candidate who stands in Truth rather than whatever various audiences want to hear will beat everyone, severely.

The Social Formula [Culture=Religion+Politics] is Inviolate.  Politics merely organize Human Culture around the predominant Religious beliefs of a distinct and identifiable People.

Whether the result means death or rebirth, the American Reset will be painful.  America was born in Revolution. If the reset means rebirth, it will only come through re-revolution.

Linda Kimball

The evil materialist faith of global Luciferianism, Technocracy, Socialism, and Marxism

Prayer Against Wicked Ideologues Rescue us, O Lord!

System of Lies: Ideological Paradise on Earth and Why the Bloody, Violent Dream Will Not Die

Christendom and Protestant America’s Apostasy into Paganism A Timeline

The presence and influence of powers, principalities, and demons in our age of apostasy into godlessness

Nihilism…All That Exists is Matter and Energy The Worldview that Caused the Collapse of Christendom and Protestant America

Revisiting Nihilism: The Will Turned Toward Evil and the Destruction of Western and American Civilization

The enemies of God, reality, truth, western civilization and our souls Linda Kimbal column

The Last Hour and the New World Order Prayer

Our Call to Battle: Rise of the Spirit of Antichrist Prayer Article: “And this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.” (1 John 4:3)

God to Mankind: NOW Do You See the Stupidity, Depravity, and Evil in Your Hearts?

Raising the New Tower-- Occult Evolution: Antediluvian, Babylonian and Modern Expressions

Psychopathy and the Western and American Tyranny of Evil Leftist Progressive Myths

Supernatural Genesis 1-11 vs. Pagan Darwinism God and Liberty or Fallen Mankind and Tyranny

Luke 21: 29-31: Some Signs Of America's Abandonment And Spiritual Bondage

Eternal Paradise Or Hell? How And Why Both Choices Are Freely Made

Luciferian Humanists: Citing the Genesis Account is Evil "Any country grounded in Judaeo-Christian values can't be overthrown until those roots are cut ... "

Who is intolerant because ashamed: Creationists or Evolutionary Theists?

Death of the Christian God in Hearts of All Humans Why America and W. Europe are Committing Suicide


Pagan-Darwinian-Materialism Redoubt of Miserable Self-Deceived Non-Self Nihilists

Americas' Spiritually Dead, Deep State and Ruling Class Nihilists Walking Dead Parasitic Idolaters

Doctrines of Demons and the Modern Pagan and Pantheist Antithesis The West's Greatest Threat

Gnosis: The Main Expression of Paganized Christianity in the New Age Inner Knowing, Self-Salvation

Our Age of Malicious Perversion How Truth, Meaning, and Reality Have Been Perverted

The Serpent's Gnostic Luciferian Elite Oligarchy and Global Powers Demonic Darkness Over the West and America

The Creation Model Versus Modern Pagan Models
2 Corinthians 10:5

What Kind of God Do You Believe In?
2 Cor. 10:5 Destroying 'scientific' arguments for false Gods

Evil Spirits, Death of God, Satanic Inversion Pagan America's Reality of Madness, Demonic Bondage, and Non-Self

Judgment and Wrath The Biblical Explanation for Madness and Evil

The Worldview of Evil Spirits Revolution, Evolution, Materialism, Nihilism, New World Order, and More

Gnosis The Main Expression of Modern Paganized Christianity

America's Transformation Into A Mystical Pantheist God-State What the Death of God Has Wrought

Message to All Wearied Truthtellers: Let Isaiah Be Your Inspiration the Remnant

The Triune God, Supernatural Heaven, Souls, Hell, and Demons Do They Exist?

Teachings of Demons The Aeon of Horus, Reign of God-Men, and End of the Christian God

Revelation 2:7" ...the closing of a steel door – a solemn, cataclysmic slamming of a door."

Systemic Nihilism: End of the Human Race Eternal Damnation of Human Souls

Infernal Apocalyptic Atmosphere Over America Disintegration into nothing

Global and Ruling Class Criminal Elitists Their Ring of Power and Pact with the Spirit of Death and Hell

Blessed is the Man Who Does Not Listen to Falling Stars Who Follow After Damnable Heresies

Darwinism: An Abomination Aborting and Rotting the Church. The falling away and apostasy from the one true and personal Holy Triune Creator God has not ended

The Evil One and the Impenitent Who Receive His Mark“. And the LORD God formed man (and) breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.” Genesis 2:7

The Fall of Mankind, the Religion of Evolution, and the Antichrist. "Pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall." Proverbs 16:18

Why Secular Liberals Actively Promote Evil. Mentally Retarded Liberals

Cultural Marxism. The Many Hidden Faces of Living Active Communism

The Devil, the Big Bang, Evolution, Extraterrestrials and the Genesis Problem

The Ascension To Power Of Misogyny. Hatred of Women

Gnostic Chiliastic Evolution: Satan's Alternative Plan of Salvation. The Great Reset

Why Proclaiming Jesus Christ the Word Became Flesh is Offensive. The Technocratic Utopian World Order

The Divine Androgyne, Pandemonium, and the Battle for Our Souls. Satan's Rising New World Order

America's Modern Pagan Oligarchy, Aztec Gods, and Human Sacrifice. Isaiah 57 Revisited

The Peace Symbol: Occult Sign Meaning Death Against Christians. Hatred of Jesus Christ and Christianity

Americas’ Spiritually Desolate, Parasitic, Ruling Class Nihilists. Satan and Powers and Principalities

Global Oligarchy, Forces of Darkness, and the Spirit of Antichrist. Forces Darkness Within Church and State

Darwinism: Idol of mind symbolizing hatred of Triune Creator God. And Logical End of America

Is the World a Computer Simulation in the Minds of Robotic Overlords? Magic Science, Transhumanists, Gnostic Physicists.

Your soul: Cost of admission to the Progressive Pagan City of Man. New Egypt, Babylon, Sodom and Gomorrah

Iron Curtain Over American Minds Progressive Marxisms’ Ideological Utopia

Satan’s New World Order Blueprint and Key Strategy. Christian Capitulation To the Serpent's Consensus Process

Chaos, Breakdown, Demoralization, Destruction: America's New Normal. How it came about and where we are going.

Demonic Darkness: America's Invisible Wave of Evil. Staring into the abyss

Cain, Marxism, Leftism and America's ruling class of 'superior' humans. The dragon they have in common

Modernist Christians in a Man-Centered Universe. Scientific Neutrality and Biblical Deconstruction

The Connection Between Baphomet and Why Researchers Are Creating Interspecies Embryos. 2 Corinthians 10:5

Isaiah 57 revisited: America's progressive pagan elites. Staring into the Abyss

Evolutionary Theism Implies That Christ is Wrong About Creation"For if you believed Moses, you would believe Me, for he wrote about Me. But if you do not believe his writings, how will you believe My words?" John 5:46-47

Utopianism. Progressive Utopian Cultural Marxism Poisoning Minds, Churches, Schools, Politics

Acts 17:18-19-modern pagan and pantheist antithesis of the Word of God Ecclesiates 1:9 "What has been is what will be.."

Trotsky's Permanent Revolution From Hell In America. The Soviet System in America

Why Transgenderism Is Being Forced Upon America and Our Children. The Divine Androgyne

The Evil Eye Of Envy: Why Being ‘White’ Is Offensive To Some People. No Vice Worse Than Envy

Absolute Nothingness and Non-Self: The Reigning Worldview of Global Power Elites and Western Ruling Classes

What is Evil? Man-made alternative realities

Cliff Kincaid

Trump is Destroying Reagan's Legacy By Cliff Kincaid

Trump is a Marked Man By Cliff Kincaid

Terrorist Attack in Baltimore By Cliff Kincaid

Moscow Terror Attack is Another KGB Operation to Fool the West

Obama’s New Nazi-Communist Alliance

On the "Days Of Rage" Planned For The 2024 Marxocrat Party Convention Some of you just couldn't believe that the formerly Democrat (Confederate) Party had already gone totally Communist before the 1968 Party Convention

Making Russia Great Again By Cliff Cinkaid

De-Nazification and De-Communization in Russia The The mutual non-aggression Hitler-Stalin Pact, which started World War II, has been carefully “forgotten”

Climate Emergency To Produce a New World Order By Cliff Kincaid

The Next Phase of Obama’s “Permanent Revolution” By Cliff Kincaid

Evil in the White House In This War, The Enemy Is In The Ranks, Standing Right Next To You

Satanism, Communism: What's The Difference? Look To The Roots Of Communism

Fox Is the Leading "Trans" Channel There are some rather peculiar goings-on at the Fox News Channel.

Trump and His Communist Enemies The Demonized Joe McCarthy Turned Out To Be Accurate In Everything He Claimed: Fox News Is Wrong About Him And About Much More

The Five Stooges on Capitol Hill They Think We Need Even More Doped No-Hopers In The American Intelligence Community

The Biden Doctrine of Demoralization and Defeat By Cliff Kincaid

A Republican Church Committee? Do Pro-American Republicans Even Know Who Frank Church Really Was?

A Top to Bottom Housecleaning of America When we clean our house, my wife has a slogan, “Top to bottom,” meaning you have to target the whole house. The same advice applies to nations.

China's Mass Murder Experiment Phase Two

Bury The Dead And Move On Fuggedaboutit!

9/11 Truth This is the real 9/11 Truth: Our “intelligence” agencies are infiltrated.

Moving Toward Gorbachev’s “World of Communism” It's called the Monster Plot.

The Errors of Russia, the Dupes of Putin, and Another Holocaust Can The Increasingly Faithless Free World Be Saved From Russia?

World War Quietly Conquering A Distracted and Blithely Unaware World. Could it actually be Satan's world war on despised humanity?

Stand With Ukraine Against Russia and China By Cliff Kincaid

Tucker Carlson Carlson Gets His Comeuppance. Tucker's View: It is not moral for us to intervene in support of any nation's (Ukraine's) democratic self-determination and against Soviet military expansion.

The Need for Secure Borders. Have we so easily forgotten what borders are for? Have we forgotten that evil exists in the world? Have we forgotten how to keep apart from this evil?

Can Ukraine Survive Putin and Biden? Can America? Can the Free World? Can Faith in God?

The Soviet Union: Back From The Dead The Return of the Evil Empire

Could an American Surrender be in the offing with Biden at the wheel? Is this not the perfect time for Communism to strike, with Commies now governing America, China and Russia? What would Biden do?

Abortion and Communism. If you ever wondered where all the popular abortion-contraception-sexuality-perversion nuttiness came from, look to Marx's Communist Manifesto.

The Secret Life of Martin Luther King, Jr. A life almost totally at odds with his reputation as a minister of the Gospel.

"We belong to the Church militant; and She is militant because on earth the powers of darkness are ever restless to encompass Her destruction. Not only in the far-off centuries of the early Church, but down through the ages and in this our day, the enemies of God and Christian civilization make bold to attack the Creator's supreme dominion and sacrosanct human rights." --Pope Pius XII

"It is not lawful to take the things of others to give to the poor. It is a sin worthy of punishment, not an act deserving a reward, to give away what belongs to others." --St. Francis of Assisi

Find a Latin Mass

Truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is.—Winston Churchill

Note the Military Assault Rifle common to the American Founding Era.

The smallest minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities.—Ayn Rand

Atheist Genesis:

In the beginning there was nothing, and nothing happened to nothing.
And then nothing accidentally exploded and created everything.
And then some bits of everything accidentally encountered other bits of everything and formed some new kinds of everything.
And then some bits of everything accidentally arranged themselves into self-replicating bits of everything.
And then some self-replicating bits of everything accidentally arranged themselves into dinosaurs.

(See The Darwinism Pages)

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