
The New Degenerate Generations of America.

Vic Biorseth, Friday, November 23, 2012

The “Big Lie” strategy is working. We have written about it many times in this site. It’s an old trick, effectively used by Sanger, Hitler, Goebbels, Lenin, Stalin, Alinksky, Cronkite, Rather, Jackson, Sharpton, Wright, Ayers, Jones, Obama and too many others to mention. Who knows where or with whom it originated. The important thing is how well it has always worked in history, and how well it is working today. Here it is, in a nutshell:

Tell a great big lie; the bigger the better, and the more unbelievable the better. Some fraction of the audience will accept it right off the bat. They will wonder “How can this man stand there and say such an incredible thing if it is not true?” And even that question will tend to lend some credence to the lie in other minds, because many people simply couldn’t believe anyone would dare to say such a thing unless it was true. Then, repeat the lie; do not back away from it. Double down on it. Get others to repeat it. Get it printed; get it broadcast; say it again and again; hammer it, and it will be believed.

That is how a lie becomes a truth unto itself in the minds of men. Over time, people stop questioning it. Now, in earlier days and in other nations the radical revolutionaries who perpetrated the lie could only hope to convince a small fraction of the population, but that was enough. Revolution does not need a majority; it only needs a very dedicated and highly motivated minority to ultimately succeed. Lenin had only about 15,000 committed and dedicated Communists when he successfully took over the vast Russian population. The rest of the population didn’t really have a clue about what was going on until it was too late to stop it.

Here in America, the revolutionary ground has been much better prepared over a much longer period of time, having been seeded with lie upon lie upon lie. Untold numbers of crops of lies have had their effect on increasingly large fractions of the population. We have become a degenerate people, largely incapable of distinguishing good from evil, virtue from vice, decency from indecency or even simple right from wrong. Our education system proved to be the key. Once Marxist revolutionary thinking took over the American academy, the writing was on the wall.

Each public school educated generation is more degenerate than the previous one. Each graduating class from our universities is more degenerate than the previous class. We now have multiple degenerate generations of citizens, raising new generations. And the process continues: the current degenerate generation is just as shocked as their grandparents had been at what their children are being taught in school today. And their children are less respectful of them, and of all authority, than even they had been of their own parents at that age.

First, we will talk about how Marxist ideologues prepared, and are still preparing the American ground for general acceptance of The Big Lie; then we will return to that theme with some examples.

Dumbing Down the Electorate, by dumbing down all formal education, is a major stepping stone in the promotion of falsehood. We have all encountered the college graduate, even with multiple advanced degrees who is still incapable of constructing a proper English sentence, and who cannot even sign his own name so that anyone speaking the same language could possibly read it and recognize it for what it is. How did we get to this point?

Generations after generation of pupils in elementary schools and in high schools are graduated with ever decreasing academic scores and academic skills. It is not unheard of for high school graduates to not be able to read. It is not unheard of for public school teachers to not be able to read. Every year, expenditures on public schools increase, and every year the test scores go down. Increasing taxes for education are touted to be “investment” dollars in the future, but the only product ever produced is increasingly semi-literate and even occasionally totally illiterate graduates.

It isn’t merely the poor quality of National Union protected, Democrat Party protected and Democrat-appointed Bureaucrat protected incompetent teachers; it is worse than that. The curricula of traditional scholastic and academic courses must be reduced to make room for non-scholastic, non-traditionally academic “social” programs meant to “improve” the student’s view of the larger world, so that society may one day be similarly “improved” through them. That’s the real investment the Democrats are talking about.

Traditional academic courses are shortened or eliminated to make time for more important subjects. Students are taught the normalcy, the acceptability and the “naturalness” of homosexuality, and the homosexual life-style. Religion, particularly Christian religion, is taught to be a backward, silly superstition at best, and a dangerous fundamentalist disorder at worst. Believers are held to be ignorant if not stupid, and adamantly opposed to all science. Children are taught the falsehood that Capitalism is a controlled system of man, by which evil exploiters exercise control over the “working class” and, basically, destroy the planet for profit. Children are taught the goodness, healthy advisability and actual mechanics of safe fornication, protected sodomy and “responsible” promiscuity.

Now all of this places the teacher and the whole of the educational institution between the child and the parent, between the child and the pastor, between the child and the Constitution, and, worst of all, between the child and actual reality. The educational goal seems to be to produce unthinking semi-literate degenerates who may one day participate in some revolution against the existing order of things.

It isn’t much better at the college level; in fact, in some ways it is much worse. Once upon a time only the best of the best in scholastic aptitude went on to college or university. Only a small fraction of high school graduates went on to higher education, and even a small fraction of college graduates went on seek higher degrees. Today, everyone is supposed to go. Literally. Every parent seeks ways and means to put every child through college; they see it as their duty. Even the dumbest of the dumb must go to college. Hordes of students applying for acceptance have converted academia into profit-driven degree factories. They accommodate the increased demand by dumbing down the entry requirements, and dumbing down the course material. What used to be entry level courses are largely replaced by what used to be called remedial courses, for students marginally prepared for college work. There is now a new remedial level, dumbed down from earlier days.

(When I got out of the Army I went to work in a factory, and went to a private computer programming school at night. The school placed me in my first job in data processing, as it was called in those days. I then went to Lawrence Institute of Technology on the G.I. Bill in the evenings to get a degree in computer science. My first semester included courses in technical math, physics and computer science. I flunked the math course, got a C in physics and an A in computer science; a perfect 2.5 grade point average, which is C average. It put me on probation for the next semester to either get my grade average up, or hit the road. I passed the math course, barely, and got my grades up enough to stay in school. But I also learned the humiliating fact that the math course, which I found to be so tough, was a remedial level course, for students not really prepared for college level course work. And I flunked it. I completed three semesters there before my employer transferred me to Dayton Ohio and I had to transfer to another school. Eventually I had to drop out completely due to work and overtime pressures and I never got any degree. Math was always a struggle. But what it taught me is that I am not college material, and I strongly suspect that most college students and most graduates are not really college material either.)

"Educating" Revolutionaries. The ground is better prepared to accept The Big Lie if children are first taught to question authority. The Scientific skepticism that says "question everything" is twisted to say "question authority" and "reject tradition." Here is what I wrote about it way back in the Heresy of Modernism page:

Early in the 20th century there formed the Marxist Frankfurt School, which was less an institution than a way of thinking, lead by certain modern elitist intellectuals, such as Max Horkheimer and Theodor Adorno. The Frankfurt School was a group that was greatly disillusioned with pure Marxism because of the failure of general, world-wide working class support for bloody revolution, and who then attempted to mix Marxist economic theory with the theories of Freud, with the purpose of sowing the seeds of a future general revolution. The future impetus for revolution would come from the psyche as well as from economic discontent.

Their primary objective was to sow discontentment, by gradually vilifying all authority and all tradition, right along with capitalism. They were perfectly free to do that, and they did it, with great success, and their ideas infect much of American academia today. Which partially explains how so many today must go to the university in order to learn that they are oppressed, which is an interesting place to learn such a thing. The thinking of the Frankfurt School spread throughout Europe, England and America, settling in the universities. The goal remained Marxist Utopia, but to get there, the grand planners believed, first, there must be revolution, and to bring about revolution, authority had to be called into question, meaning promoting the notion of Revolutionary Man, who would by nature oppose their straw villain, Authoritarian Man. Leading to revolution, anarchy, and, ultimately, a whole new form of authority, hopefully with them in charge rather than someone else. These were the seeds intended to sprout the future Communist revolution.

This was the planned, slow and methodical indoctrination of young students to make of some of them Revolutionary Man types, unhappy, disenfranchised, aimless, pointless, angry rebels without a cause. They would help to bring about a possible state of anarchy, which, like a desperately fought war, could provide an opportunity for the real political revolutionaries to seize and wrest political power from a legitimate, but weakened and distracted government.

This notion really took off during the 60s and 70s, with Eric Fromm and Abraham Maslow, who were widely publicized, popularized and promoted in the secularist press. Fromm described his ideal, admirable and non-authoritarian “revolutionary” this way:

“The revolutionary is the man who has emancipated himself from ties of blood and soil, from his mother and his father, from special loyalties to state, class, race, party, or religion.”

Isn’t that nice?

Maslow’s cover story to new teachers was that they sought to develop an educational revolution in which young people would have their beliefs and value systems reshaped to ensure that they were not and would not become potential “authoritarians.” God forbid.

During this period, John Dewey developed the ideas that coalesced into Humanism, and, in educating educators, imbued new young educators with the anti-establishment notions he hoped they would pass on to their students. Modernist opposition to the old, championing of the new, and pure anti-authoritarianism, born originally of the Enlightenment but fed by modernism, has had it’s successful long march through the institutions, similar to Mao’s long march through China, and it now owns academia. It owns the classroom.

“Down with authority” – the motto of the modern era – has little to do with real science. Remember, science was originally held to be the liberating factor for Modernism. Modernism was ringing the death toll for all critical thinking in Western culture. And the end of critical thinking means the end of the thinking Catholic. It's a double hit on science and on theology, in the interest of a poor and very fuzzy ideology.

Today, the most popular and least proved positions of scientism are broadly accepted by most populations as being axiomatic, or givens, assumed proven, and no longer in need of any proof; an axiom is a known. Thus it is with Darwin’s origin of species, neo-Darwinism’s selfish genes, Freud’s infantile traumas, neo-Freudianism’s repressed memory syndrome, the Gnostic-Jungian hidden meaning behind coincidences, and, the collective subconscious, Marx’s modes of production, the neo-Marxian global village, and so many other “truths” today that have nothing whatsoever to back them up other than thin air and quick, broad consensus. (We all just “know” that the globe is warming (or cooling again) due solely to the activity of man.)

There were and are all sorts of sub-errors built upon the foundation of these major errors, and we won’t go into all that again here; they have already been written about all over this site. What the above quote is pointing out is the importance of the Revolutionary Man stratagem within the larger long-term Marxist strategy to eventually bring us down. If you ever wondered where the popular saying of the ‘60s, that you should “Never trust anyone over 30” came from, this is it.

First, the future teachers, studying to become teachers, are taught to be horrified at the thought of the boogey-man Authoritarianism; then, in opposing Authority in their teaching, they will promote the development of the Revolutionary.

Let’s look at Fromm and Maslow’s infamous Revolutionary in more detail.

The revolutionary is the man who has emancipated himself from ties of

  1. blood
  2. and soil,
  3. from his mother
  4. and his father, from special loyalties to
  5. state,
  6. class,
  7. race,
  8. party,
  9. or religion.

I submit that Fromm’s definition of the Revolutionary comes very close to the definition of a dangerous sociopath. There is no one left out for him to be alienated from and antagonistic toward, including, most importantly, God.

In the Revolutionary's view, everyone is to be "emancipated" from; he is to become an island unto himself. He is to become an anarchist. Now, man is by nature a social creature, and when he becomes so alienated as to become an enemy of society, he becomes unbalanced. Like an isotope - an out-of-balance atom - he is unhappy in his state of being. He will not remain in a stable state; indeed he is not in a stable state. Like the unstable atom, he will do something.

If your child is public-school educated, then we are talking about your child here.

The Rewriting of American History in education. In the interest of demonizing Capitalism = The Free Market, in favor of Marxist Redistributionism, American history has been modified over time to show everything about America in a bad light. This movement has gone on steroids under this administration. If you think the only problems involve such things as excluding “under God” in the Pedge of Allegiance, then you’re not seeing the whole picture.

  • Christopher Columbus was not a devout Christian on a voyage of discovery and evangelization. No, he was an invader and a crusader out for conquest, gold, murder, enrichment, power and fame.
  • The Pilgrims did not come here to avoid religious persecution, seeking a new unoccupied place in which to found their own private colony where they could practice their own religion in peace. No; they came here to displace the current occupants, to conquer others and enrich themselves, and to take all of the existing natural resources for themselves.
  • The Founding Fathers and the Framers of the Constitution were not decent, upstanding and honorable men seeking to fix and enshrine the natural rights of man into secular law. No, they were reprobates, racists, opportunists, drivers of slaves and out to conquer the land and drive the natives out.

That’s the history your children are being taught in public school today. Children tend to believe what their teachers and what their textbooks say. Once established as fact in the formative years, a false teaching is very hard to disestablish. Now, some number of parents and some number of pastors may be able to undue some of this damage even as it is being done; but many others will not, and many others will not try, either because they believe it themselves, or they are blithely unaware of what's going on in formal education.

Degenerate Freedom differs considerably from the proper definition of American Liberty, and from the American citizen “freedoms” enshrined in our Constitution. To accentuate that difference, let us first define Freedom as envisioned by the Founders and the Framers, and as held by all who love the Declaration and the Constitution today.

First, the Founders held that man had natural rights, and that all men were endowed by God with these natural rights. They held that all men had the natural rights to:

  • Absolutely equal treatment before the law
  • Life
  • Liberty
  • The Pursuit of Happiness

They held that the proper purpose of government was to protect those rights of man. They then organized – Constituted – their new American government for that very purpose. Perhaps those rights would not be protected elsewhere, but they would certainly be protected here.

For the first time in world history, a government was formed following a Constitution that was written for the purpose of protecting the citizenry from its own government. America was Constituted as a nation of laws, and not just a nation of men. All men, including all men in government, including even Presidents, were to stand as equals before the law. No man was to be above the law, or equal to it, or immune from it.

The government was not the law; the Constitution was the law, and the government was subject to that law. The law stands apart from men.

The Constitution is a fixed legal document, written in English, that says very specific legal things. It is the supreme law of the land. No other law, from any source whatsoever, may be superimposed above it. That would be un-Constitutional. The Constitution describes and fixes the organization of the government, and establishes its rules of operation.

You can read the details in the American Foundational Principles page, and the American Constitutional Principles page. The important thing to point out here is that American citizens are free to move about and act in their own self interest, as they see fit, so long as their behavior stays within fixed and reasonable laws. They are free to improve their own condition and prosper by their own diligence and honest work. They are perfectly free to

get ahead = make profit = accumulate wealth = private property

and no one, including the government, can stop them from doing that.

So Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness equates to freedom of opportunity. Freedom of opportunity automatically brings into being the completely natural, unintended, unplanned and uncotrolled phenomenon of:

The Free Market = Capitalism = Great National Prosperity.

This form of government requires the government to leave the citizenry alone. Again, this form of freedom is absolutely unique in all of world history.

But Freedom, to Democrats, is a completely different animal. First of all, Democrat Party ideology is basically Marxist and Redistributionist, and therefore they oppose private property, and so they stand diametrically opposed to the freedom described above. While they won’t say it out loud or in plain English, Democrats and other degenerates oppose the American Founding Principles and the American Constitutional Principles.

They seek rule by an elite class of intellectuals, because the ordinary citizenry is deemed to be incompetent to properly take care of themselves and handle their own private affairs. They therefore falsely define the Constitution as an “organic” living, breathing document open to variable interpretation in light of new “discoveries” and the advancement of human knowledge through science. They place themselves above the law; they seek to make themselves the law.

The degenerate form of "freedom" involves opposition to Judeo-Christian morality. Morality is seen as a negative; as "judgementalism." Good judgment is no longer seen by the degenerates as the defining characteristics of adulthood, responsibility and common sense. Judgmentalism is the new sin, and moralizing is equally sinful.

To the degenerate, promoting morality is "imposing your morality on me" and something to be resisted. In degenerate thinking, morality itself is bad.

The new “degenerate” freedom is, essentially, a list of things the degenerates feel they should be free to do, without legal restriction, without being ostracized or even criticized for it.

Democrat freedom includes freedom to participate in and live a lifestyle involving illicit sex, without being ostracized, shunned or criticized by anyone, or excluded from any company.

They should have freedom of homosexual marriage, and/or to living a free and open homosexual lifestyle, without ever being ostracized, shunned or criticized by anyone, or excluded from any company, including any Church or any work place.

They should have unlimited freedom to commit abortion.

They should have freedom to receive free, tax-paid or Obamacare-premium paid artificial contraception to support their chosen life styles.

If you don't think all of this is making us into a degenerate people, consider this: Just one generation ago it would have been unthinkable for anyone to put such things as homosexual marriage or legalized marijuana on any state-wide election ballot and have it pass. But those things were on multiple state ballots in this election, and in multiple states, they passed.

Here we are.

All of this - the support of The Big Lies; the education, care and feeding of the Revolutionary; the favoring of Marxism over our Constitutional Republic; the demonizing of Capitalism = The Free Market; the demonizing of Getting Ahead = Earned Profit = Wealth = Private property; the demonizing of American history; the Degenerate sense of Freedom - is very strongly supported by the Mainstream News Media, by Entertainment, Movies, Music, Art and Celebrity, by Publishing Houses, and, of course, by Formal Education and the Academy. In the ongoing process of the increasing the degeneration of succeeding generations, they were the first to become totally degenerate. They feed the process and speed it along.

So the ground has been prepared over many, many generations, for a greater fraction than normal to receive positively The Big Lie, and believe it when they hear it. But there is another group added into the mix, who may have already put the American electorate over the tipping point, even if they reject some or all of The Big Lies.

They are the gimmee-gimmee entitlement dependents, most of whom have enslaved themselves to the state through various government hand-out programs. Rush Limbaugh recently correctly identified them as the Santa Clause brigade – those who see the Democrat Party as Santa Clause, since they are the Party of redistribution and entitlements. Rush has been unfairly criticized for this identification, but he is quite correct. What is redistribution, after all?

Redistribution is, philosophically speaking, taking money from someone who earned it, and giving it to someone who did not earn it.

Now, it doesn’t ever work out that way, because the whole amount that is taken is not redistributed. There is the Party to consider. All those big houses, all those cars, all those airplanes, all those vacations and parties cost money; and there is the considerable and always growing salaries and benefits of all those increasing numbers of fat and happy bureaucrats to pay. So the original earners lose big, but the gimmee-gimmee entitlement beneficiaries only get the crumbs. They remain forever impoverished, and fooled.

No one can deny that the Democrat Party is the Party always seeking to increase entitlements, and the Republican Party is the Party always seeking to reign in spending. What that means is that the Republican Party is always running against Santa Clause. That’s a tough opponent for any politician to run against.

Democrats are running Spanish-speaking political ads in Mexico telling people how to come to America and apply for entitlements such as food stamps. Government websites have similar instruction sets for foreigners, on how to come here and successfully apply for government entitlements such as SSI payments. The intent is clear: to get more people here who will always vote for Santa Clause.

Eventually, redistribution will kill the goose that lays the golden eggs, and the system will fail. When there are no more earnings, there will be no more entitlements, and the pocess of massive destitution, desperation and starvation will begin. Even seeing that future event on the horizon will not deter the Santa Clause brigade. Most of them are or have become or will become creatures of impulse, not of plan. They will live day to day, benefit to benefit, and hope that the eventual catastrophe will come some time after they’ve had their turn at the feeding trough.

The Benghazi Lie. Comrade Obama, peace be upon him, steps up to the microphone and once again tells the world how an obscure internet posted movie clip, which had about 200 viewer hits before his first announcement of it, was what caused the terrible incident at Benghazi. And you and I stare, in jaw-dropping incredulity, at the sheer audacity, the unmitigated gall of the man, in publicly speaking once again, on the record, this clear and obvious, flagrant, categorical lie. Days, even weeks after the incident, he repeats the same lie, again and again. Before the UN, he stands and lies, repeatedly. He sends a surrogate to repeat the same flagrant lie on multiple Leftist TV talk shows. We all know that he knew the truth from the start; but he continues to publicly lie about it.

We know he was watching it in real time. We know he is lying about it. But here’s the thing: he’s not talking to us; he’s talking at us, but not to us. He’s talking to his base. And his base doesn’t know squat about it. And the mainstream media is going to keep it that way.

He is just as pleased as punch that you and I are upset about it. He’s not going to try to convince us; he means to defeat us. And he hopes we don’t like it.

The Tea Partiers, the Nine-Twelvers, the Patriot groups and Liberty groups are all wide awake and paying attention, and we see what’s happening here. The Tea Partiers woke up back in 2008. But the Democrat voter base does not listen to Beck, or Rush, or conservative sites and blogs. Most of them get their “news” and “commentary” from entertainment, comedians and music. A minority of them actually pay attention to news, but only mainstream news, which means Democrat propaganda. None of them would be caught dead listening to Beck or Rush or even FOX News. So all they are ever going to hear about Benghazi is what their President or his surrogates say about it

The average Democrat voter could not tell you what or where Benghazi is. They don’t have the first clue about any newsworthy incident there, or any news media sponsored cover-up. The most informed among them will probably tell you that the Benghazi story is just a typical Republican political distraction from more important issues.

I have elsewhere in this site given my opinion on what Benghazi was all about. (See The End Game and Treachery and Treason.) If my opinion is correct, then Benghazi was a small part of a much larger plan, involving multiple nations and multiple embassies. The Whitehouse was involved in the plan from the beginning, if not the author of it. The scape-goat video was an integral part of the plan. Many embassies were to be attacked, many lives lost, many hostages taken, possible wars and civil wars begun, and the world was to appear to be on fire. The video was to be blamed for all of it, in a crack-down on free speech in America. Fortunately, the effort failed; the few weak demonstrations petered out and the world did not catch fire. Not even close. No gigantic world-shaking crisis for the President to respond to.

Benghazi, which was supposed to be just a small blip on the radar screen amid a world in chaos, turned out to be the single news-getter. No one was supposed to notice what happened in Benghazi, but it became the central story. It is a scandal, but only in the House, and no one is paying attention to the House. Beck, and Rush, and the conservative blogs are aware, but not the Democrat voting base, because, you see, it’s not being accurately reported in the mainstream news media.

Now, finally, some few Leftist commentators have grudgingly admitted that there was no demonstration in Benghazi, but they go on to talk about how that video caused all sorts of other violent demonstrations, most notably in Egypt.

I submit that there exists in all the world not one single shred of evidence that that video caused any demonstration anywhere on earth. The whole thing is a lie, and the media knows it.

The Abortion Lie. The Tea Partiers are out to take away abortion rights, is the Democrat Party lie. They say we intend to outlaw abortion. But, you see, we are Constitutionalists. We seek to restore the Constitution to its proper position as the supreme law of the land. And, government authority is limited and enumerated, in Article 1 Section 8 of the Constitution. Abortion is not listed in Article 1 Section 8, and therefore, the federal government is not authorized to even address abortion, in law, in taxes, in funding, in restricting or in prohibiting.

It is a lie.

The shoe is on the other foot here. The Democrats established a bogus “civil right” of unlimited abortion through legal precedent established by immoral Justices of the Supreme Court. Abortion is only properly addressed in civil law at the state or lower levels of government. Before Roe v Wade and Doe v Bolton, there were a few states that had limited legalized abortion. After the precedents set by these adjudications, unlimited abortion is treated as a civil right everywhere, and legislated, representative state law in all 50 states and the District of Columbia is effectively abolished. The Court said, in effect, "To hell with community standards, and to hell with representative law; the federal government knows best."

These decisions had the effect of making new federal law, and new federal law is the exclusive Constitutional domain of the Congress, not the Court. But Congress, at the time, just sat there and did nothing. It remains for a future Congress to legislatively set aside these two legal precedents for all future cases in law, and send the issue back to the states where it belongs.

Furthermore, Obamacare seeks to force everyone into health insurance, and through unconstitutional government mandated health insurance premiums, pay for other people's insurance coverage for the “services” of abortionists.

Who is forcing who to address abortion in federal law?

The Contraception Lie. The Tea Partiers are out to take away contraception rights, is the Democrat Party lie. They say we intend to outlaw contraception. But, you see, we are Constitutionalists. We seek to restore the Constitution to its proper position as the supreme law of the land. And, government authority is limited and enumerated, in Article 1 Section 8 of the Constitution. Contraception is not listed in Article 1 Section 8, and therefore, the federal government is not authorized to even address contraception, in law, in taxes, in funding, in restricting or in prohibiting.

It is a lie.

The shoe is on the other foot here. Obamacare seeks to force everyone into health insurance, and through unconstitutional government mandated health insurance premiums, pay for other people’s insurance coverage for contraception. In Obamacare, Obama is saying, in effect, "To hell with community standards, and to hell with representative law; the federal government knows best."

Who is forcing who to address contraception in federal law?

The Free Health Care Lie. This one is a biggee. I can hardly believe so many in the Democrat base are so incredibly stupid as to believe this one. Obamacare will not be free for anyone, including those not covered by it. It is going to cost everyone significant bucks; no exceptions.

It was touted to mean a reduction in health care premiums of $2,500 per year; it will instead cost an additional $2,500 per year, at a minimum, on top of existing costs.

Every employer will be required to provide Obamacare for all employees working over 28 hours per week, or pay a fine per employee, per week.

Every citizen not covered by employer-provided Obamacare will be required by law to purchase Obamacare, or pay a fine that will be collected in the form of an IRS tax bill issued every year, and not be covered. So you will pay to not be covered.

The Pre-Existing Condition Lie. If Obamacare gets repealed, there will be no pre-existing condition coverage is the Democrat Party lie.

I had mild asthma all of my working career. Every time I changed employers – which was quite often – I changed insurance plans, and every insurance plan covered my pre-existing condition with full knowledge a forehand. Pre-existing condition coverage was the norm, at least throughout my long and speckled career.

If you wait until you have a catastrophic illness – which is really the only thing any health care insurance should cover – to buy health insurance, then, what you buy will not be insurance; you will be purchasing a benefit. It would be like having a relative die, and then seeking to buy a life insurance policy so you could collect on it. You buy insurance before the insured event, not after; otherwise it is not insurance.

The single biggest factor in health care cost involves insurance, and the myriad special codes associated with everything the provider does, from examination through diagnosis, treatment, therapy, prescriptions, surgery, rehabilitation, etc., for purposes not of improving health care, but of improving the billing process for insurance claims. The radically complex code system has nothing whatsoever to do with the doctor’s business, and everything to do with insurance claims.

The key to eliminating these codes, and to eliminating problems involving catastrophic illness followed by unemployment followed by loss of insurance, would be to make all health insurance policies owned by and paid to the insured party. Not to the doctor; to the patient.

That would either take a Constitutional Amendment (because health insurance is not listed in Article 1 Section 8 of the Constitution) or passage of state law, restricting ownership and beneficiary status to the insured party, whether the policy is paid for by an employer, the government or the insured party.

If the insurance companies think they could get the free citizenry to somehow comply with their complex coding system in order to get paid, they would be free to try, in an increasingly competitive health insurance arena, including lots of new participants who would be more than willing to meet that challenge.

If the insured party owned the policy and was the party paid, the policy wouldn’t go away when his employment or anything else changed, although he might have to start paying the premium if he wasn't already paying it.

Doctors could go back to just being doctors again, paid by patients, and life would be simpler all around.

Getting America Back.

If Constitutional America survives and if we ever regain Constitutionalist control of Congress and the Whitehouse, we need to do something to cut back on election fraud. The federal government cannot direct states in how to run their own elections; however, the federal government should be able to direct how national elections involving federal government candidates and issues are run.

For national elections, a specific date should be fixed for all voting everywhere. Photo ID should be required. Same day registration should be prohibited. Early voting should be prohibited. Absentee ballots should suffice for people in military service or in hospital, or who for other legitimate reason cannot present themselves at their registered polling place on the appointed day. Some trustworthy method of counting absentee ballots should be provided, particularly for the military. Base commanders, national guard or reserve commanders or their designees could count military absentee ballots on the appointed day and transmit the results appropriately.

There can be no legitimate, non-fraudulent reason for Democrat support for early voting and same day registration, or Democrat opposition to voter-ID laws. Charges of racism related to these issues are just flagrant lies. We are aware of the George Soros funded and directed effort to concentrate Democrat efforts at eventually winning all 50 state level Secretary of State offices, because these offices officially certify all election results. We know that the Democrat Party leans Marxist and we know that Marxism professes that The Ends Justify The Means, and that they therefore lie and cheat.

We should all assume a priori that the Democrats will cheat on elections.

What to do.

What will happen next is not given to our understanding; it is in the hands of God. It may be that we are in for a prolonged period of chastisement; it may be that Constitutional America is doomed; it may be that she will come back stronger than ever. Only God knows. Our faith calls us to Hope, and to trust in God, and to continue in faith no matter what transpires.

The Herculean and heroic efforts of the Tea Partiers and others in this last election should not be lessened; they must be increased. A political ground game is at last established; it needs to be further developed and improved. If it hadn’t been for this gigantic awakening of decent Americans, Obamunism might have won a landslide. Consider what might have transpired if there had been no Tea Party.

The Enemy had the Degenerate vote, the Stupid vote, the Gimmee-Gimmee vote, the Anti-Authority vote, the Racialist vote, and, of course, the pro-Marxist anti-American revolutionary vote; which means practically the whole of the media, show-biz and celebrity, and just about all of academia. The Tea Party very nearly defeated all of that.

The group that needs to be concentrated on is the largest and therefore most dangerous to the Constitution, and that is the Gimmee-Gimme vote. Many in this group are new members, and they are not happy to be there.

But they are there.

Many are now entitlement-supported because of lost businesses, lost jobs, killed opportunities and terrible business and economic circumstances. They don’t want to be in this group, but they have no choice. We have got to work to give them hope that they can get out of this group and back on their feet, before time and circumstance makes them addicted and totally dependent upon the entitlements they are receiving.

The reason the Tea Party needs to redouble its efforts is that Obamunism has put America into rapid economic decline, and every day more people are going to go into the Gimmee-Gimmee group, through no fault of their own. It is happening by plan. We need to get these people back out of that situation and back in charge of their own destiny before they too become unthinking, day-to-day economic slaves of the state. The mission itself demands redoubled effort.

We cannot count on the "establishment" Republican Party; for all the good they do for Constitutional America they may as well be the enemy. If the Tea Party doesn't do it, it won't get done.


One. Reconcile with God. It all begins with you. Begin right where you are.

Return to God, in repentance for your sins, in fasting and prayer, in humble supplications for forgiveness. Pledge to God eternal allegiance to His will and His law, and eternal sorrow and repentance for all past transgressions. Pray for forgiveness, guidance, strength to do His will, and support in the effort.

Fast and pray in atonement for your fellow citizens, and for heavenly support in the effort to return them to the glorious ideals of America as founded.

None of us are going anywhere worth going without God.

If we turn to Him, He will fight for us. It is prophesied in Jeremiah, and elsewhere. Without God, we can do nothing. With God, nothing is impossible.

[14] if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.
– 2 Chronicles 7:14

A people returning to God begins with you, but this is not a one man show. The Truth of God must be in your mind, in your heart and on your lips. You must speak it and show it to others. Do not think you can merely repent and pray alone, and expect that your prayers and supplications alone will save your nation.

Take these immortal words and emblazon them in your mind:

[4] "Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD;
[5] and you shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might.
– Deuteronomy 6:4-5

Speak them out loud every day. Make them part of your morning offering and your evening prayers. Speak them where they have never been heard. Speak them where someone needs to be reminded of them.

Get yourself back into your Church or Synagogue as a regular congregant; offer your worship and your prayers in community with others. Do not be a secret or a private believer, but a public one.

Be not afraid to speak the Truth of God to others in public. Speak of God to your employee, to your employer, to your fellow worker, to your relatives, to the clerk, the mechanic, the postman. What have you got to lose, besides your nation? You will not lose your immortal soul by doing these things. Be not afraid.

Speak boldly of the Truth of God, and He will sustain you.


Two. Reconcile with family. Family reconciliation has to begin with you.

Renew communications with long-lost members. If there has been any rift, do what has to be done to heal it. This is not the time for pride to interfere. Swallow your pride and take the steps needed to heal old wounds and get together in renewed sense of familial love. Apologize, even if you feel an apology is unwarranted; do it anyway.

Remember the story of the Prodigal Son, and recall it in light of the idea and the ideal of Liberty.

The Prodigal Son chose to take his inheritance early and leave the family. The father granted him the liberty to do so, and gave him his fortune. He didn’t have to do that, but he did. When the fortune was gone and starvation threatened, the son repented and returned to the family fold in humility. Instead of being turned away, he was embraced and welcomed, as the long lost son who had returned. Again, the father didn’t have to do that, but he did. The Good Son was embittered at first; but the father explained that the Good Son had everything – his inheritance was everything that was left – and the son who was lost was now found again. Now the story goes no farther than that, but I like to think that the Good Son saw the truth in this, and that when he came into his inheritance, the Prodigal Son was still welcome and lived in the house as a brother.

Earlier in this writing we spoke of the conjured-up Revolutionary Man created by educational indoctrination. This is a direct attack on the family, aimed at destroying the normative family. It must be not only resisted, but reversed. Special effort must be made to draw those family members closer who have been infected with this education. You must make special efforts to befriend them, speak truth to them and prove to them that the family will support them, and that family is better than solitary existence.

The family is the primal social unit. As the family goes, so goes society.

Do whatever you can to strengthen your family and to support family members.


Three. Determine that you personally will always profess truth on every issue, and that you will publicly and privately resist and oppose falsehood and error. Test everything; believe nothing you hear from the Mainstream Media on first hearing.

Recognize that America has been infected with a specifically secularist, anti-Christian and anti-American Social Taboo - which says that the two subjects you are supposed to avoid in public are your religion and your politics. You have got to break this taboo. The two most important subjects in your life are your religion and your politics. The two most important subjects to your nation are religion and politics. The Founders and the Framers and their generation did not hesitate to speak openly in public and in any company about religion and politics, and so should you.

What subjects could be more important to your life on earth, and to your immortal soul? Entertainment Tonight? The E Channel? MTV? The NFL?


Speak of God, and speak of America, boldly, and in all company.

Do everything in your power to steer family, friends, colleagues and acquaintances on to reliable sources of information, such as conservative talk radio, Glenn Beck’s TV show and good conservative sites. Oppose the big networks. Oppose the major print media.

At every opportunity, speak the truth on any issue that has been falsely reported. Speak the truth about political campaign ads and political tricks of the enemy.

Do whatever you have to do to get your kids out of the public school system.

Raise them in Godliness, and do everything in your power to steer the larger family and the extended family in right ways.

Serve the Lord.


God will do the rest.


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SLIMC1 Secularist Liberal Intellectual Media Complex
GESGOEAEOT2 Gradually, Ever So Gradually, Over Eons And Eons Of Time
PEWAG3 Punctuated Equilibrium's Wild-Assed Guess
TTRSTF4 Them There Real Scientifical-Type Fellers
TTRSPTF5 Them There Real Smart Perfesser-Type Fellers
TTRSJTF6 Them There Real Smart Journalistical-Type Fellers
SNRTACBT7 Surely No Right Thinking Adult Could Believe Today
STNSEACPB8 Surely Today No Serious Educated Adult Could Possibly Believe
WDN9 We Don't Know
BMDFP10 Baboons, Mongrel Dogs, Filthy Pigs and ...
HBAACOTE11 Human Beings Are A Cancer On The Earth
ACLU12 Anti-Christian Litigation Union
FLORMPORIF13 Flagrant Liar, Or, Mindless Parrot, Or, Innocent Fool
MEJTML14 Marxist Ends-Justify-The-Means Liar
IEJTML15 Islamic Ends-Ends-Justify-The-Means Liar
MPAV16 Marxist Principles And Values
WBESSWG17 Wise, Benign, Elite, Super-Scientific World Governance
TRMITM18 The Reason Man's In This Mess
IYI19 Intellectual Yet Idiotic
TTRSCBTF20 Them There Real Smart Catholic Bishop Type Fellers
IACMPVND21 Illegal-Alien-Criminal Marxocrat-Party-Voting Nation-Destroyers
PEJTML22 Palestinian Ends-Justify-The-Means Liar
PSYOP23 "Psychological Operation" Mind Trick
CDC24 Covid Developmentally Challenged
LGBTQ+ Every Letter Represents A Serious Psychotic sexual Identity Disorder
HEJTML26 Hedonist Ends-Justify-The-Means Liar
SEJTML27 Scientistic Ends-Justify-The-Means Liar

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Culture=Religion+Politics;  Who Are We?  Vic Biorseth

The Brilliantly Conceived Organization of the USA;  Vic Biorseth

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Enter ye in at the narrow gate: for wide is the gate, and Broad is the way that leadeth to destruction, and many there are who go in thereat. How narrow is the gate, and strait is the way that leadeth to life: and few there are that find it! Beware of false prophets, who come to you in the clothing of sheep, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
Jesus Christ; Matthew 7:13–15


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Isaiah 57 revisited: America's progressive pagan elites. Staring into the Abyss

Evolutionary Theism Implies That Christ is Wrong About Creation"For if you believed Moses, you would believe Me, for he wrote about Me. But if you do not believe his writings, how will you believe My words?" John 5:46-47

Utopianism. Progressive Utopian Cultural Marxism Poisoning Minds, Churches, Schools, Politics

Acts 17:18-19-modern pagan and pantheist antithesis of the Word of God Ecclesiates 1:9 "What has been is what will be.."

Trotsky's Permanent Revolution From Hell In America. The Soviet System in America

Why Transgenderism Is Being Forced Upon America and Our Children. The Divine Androgyne

The Evil Eye Of Envy: Why Being ‘White’ Is Offensive To Some People. No Vice Worse Than Envy

Absolute Nothingness and Non-Self: The Reigning Worldview of Global Power Elites and Western Ruling Classes

What is Evil? Man-made alternative realities

Cliff Kincaid

Trump is Destroying Reagan's Legacy By Cliff Kincaid

Trump is a Marked Man By Cliff Kincaid

Terrorist Attack in Baltimore By Cliff Kincaid

Moscow Terror Attack is Another KGB Operation to Fool the West

Obama’s New Nazi-Communist Alliance

On the "Days Of Rage" Planned For The 2024 Marxocrat Party Convention Some of you just couldn't believe that the formerly Democrat (Confederate) Party had already gone totally Communist before the 1968 Party Convention

Making Russia Great Again By Cliff Cinkaid

De-Nazification and De-Communization in Russia The The mutual non-aggression Hitler-Stalin Pact, which started World War II, has been carefully “forgotten”

Climate Emergency To Produce a New World Order By Cliff Kincaid

The Next Phase of Obama’s “Permanent Revolution” By Cliff Kincaid

Evil in the White House In This War, The Enemy Is In The Ranks, Standing Right Next To You

Satanism, Communism: What's The Difference? Look To The Roots Of Communism

Fox Is the Leading "Trans" Channel There are some rather peculiar goings-on at the Fox News Channel.

Trump and His Communist Enemies The Demonized Joe McCarthy Turned Out To Be Accurate In Everything He Claimed: Fox News Is Wrong About Him And About Much More

The Five Stooges on Capitol Hill They Think We Need Even More Doped No-Hopers In The American Intelligence Community

The Biden Doctrine of Demoralization and Defeat By Cliff Kincaid

A Republican Church Committee? Do Pro-American Republicans Even Know Who Frank Church Really Was?

A Top to Bottom Housecleaning of America When we clean our house, my wife has a slogan, “Top to bottom,” meaning you have to target the whole house. The same advice applies to nations.

China's Mass Murder Experiment Phase Two

Bury The Dead And Move On Fuggedaboutit!

9/11 Truth This is the real 9/11 Truth: Our “intelligence” agencies are infiltrated.

Moving Toward Gorbachev’s “World of Communism” It's called the Monster Plot.

The Errors of Russia, the Dupes of Putin, and Another Holocaust Can The Increasingly Faithless Free World Be Saved From Russia?

World War Quietly Conquering A Distracted and Blithely Unaware World. Could it actually be Satan's world war on despised humanity?

Stand With Ukraine Against Russia and China By Cliff Kincaid

Tucker Carlson Carlson Gets His Comeuppance. Tucker's View: It is not moral for us to intervene in support of any nation's (Ukraine's) democratic self-determination and against Soviet military expansion.

The Need for Secure Borders. Have we so easily forgotten what borders are for? Have we forgotten that evil exists in the world? Have we forgotten how to keep apart from this evil?

Can Ukraine Survive Putin and Biden? Can America? Can the Free World? Can Faith in God?

The Soviet Union: Back From The Dead The Return of the Evil Empire

Could an American Surrender be in the offing with Biden at the wheel? Is this not the perfect time for Communism to strike, with Commies now governing America, China and Russia? What would Biden do?

Abortion and Communism. If you ever wondered where all the popular abortion-contraception-sexuality-perversion nuttiness came from, look to Marx's Communist Manifesto.

The Secret Life of Martin Luther King, Jr. A life almost totally at odds with his reputation as a minister of the Gospel.

"We belong to the Church militant; and She is militant because on earth the powers of darkness are ever restless to encompass Her destruction. Not only in the far-off centuries of the early Church, but down through the ages and in this our day, the enemies of God and Christian civilization make bold to attack the Creator's supreme dominion and sacrosanct human rights." --Pope Pius XII

"It is not lawful to take the things of others to give to the poor. It is a sin worthy of punishment, not an act deserving a reward, to give away what belongs to others." --St. Francis of Assisi

Find a Latin Mass

Truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is.—Winston Churchill

Note the Military Assault Rifle common to the American Founding Era.

The smallest minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities.—Ayn Rand

Atheist Genesis:

In the beginning there was nothing, and nothing happened to nothing.
And then nothing accidentally exploded and created everything.
And then some bits of everything accidentally encountered other bits of everything and formed some new kinds of everything.
And then some bits of everything accidentally arranged themselves into self-replicating bits of everything.
And then some self-replicating bits of everything accidentally arranged themselves into dinosaurs.

(See The Darwinism Pages)

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