
Promoting Evil by Doing Good: The Evil Fruit of the PC Do-Gooders.

How Political Correctness and Good Intentions have overpowered Human Reason and Critical Thinking, to promote Self Destructive Evils.

Vic Biorseth, Monday, January 16, 2017

Elsewhere herein we have discussed people unknowingly Promoting Moral Depravity.  More recently in Truth Demands Division we have discussed Satan's three main counter-evangelizing strategies, to make men unconsciously embrace the improper notions of

  1. Inward Looking:  an unhealthy attentiveness to the naked human body and sensual pleasure for its own sake.
  2. Outward Avoidance:  a radical de-emphasis of Nature and of Nature's God in favor of purely subjective "truths".
  3. Destructive Division of Distinct Identifiable Culture under the evil mask of Total Unlimited Unity, i.e., Total Inclusiveness, Multiculturalism, "Bring Us All Together", "Global Culture", etc.  Eventually, this stratagem even turns the individual against himself. 

What this is about is the why and the how.  Marxism is at the root of most all of it.  It began with a warping of man's view of Philosophy

The philosophers have only interpreted the world in various ways. The point however is to change it! --Karl Marx

There you have it.  Change it, rather than study and understand it.  As Marxism advanced in human acceptance, this warped notion infected everything else. 

The point of Material Science changed from finding Truth to changing truth, for the betterment of society.  Giving birth to Scientism

The point of Education changed from preparing children to make a living on their own as adults, to "changing" children to make them "better". 

The point of Journalism changed from informing the citizenry to "forming" the citizenry, by putting invented spin and slant on News to create a "better" society.  Giving birth to Fake News

The point of Entertainment changed from pure entertainment to the transmission of subtle and subliminal messages to change the audience, to make them "better". 

All of this is what's at the heart of Political Correctness.  All of this is how otherwise good people, whatever else they do in life, incorporate a secondary motive of "making things better" by "doing good" in the mistaken interest of downplaying restrictive religion, opposing obsolete tradition and institutions, improving culture, saving the planet, restricting human activity, etc., etc., etc. 

And here we are.  If you ever wondered why, generation after generation, parents think the whole culture is going to pot, it's because it is going to pot, and they themselves, having been victimized by it, are now participating in it. 

And the answer is simple:  Get back to Truth, in all things. 

And know that Truth Divides. 


Sarcastic Acronym Hover-Link Footnotes: For the convenience of those readers using devices that lack a mouse, these footnotes are provided for all webpages, in case any webpage contains any hover-links. (If you don't have a mouse, you can't "hover" it over a link without clicking just to see the simple acronym interpretation. Click any footnote link to see the acronym and a detailed explanation; "Hover" the mouse over it just to see the simple interpretation.)

SLIMC1 Secularist Liberal Intellectual Media Complex
GESGOEAEOT2 Gradually, Ever So Gradually, Over Eons And Eons Of Time
PEWAG3 Punctuated Equilibrium's Wild-Assed Guess
TTRSTF4 Them There Real Scientifical-Type Fellers
TTRSPTF5 Them There Real Smart Perfesser-Type Fellers
TTRSJTF6 Them There Real Smart Journalistical-Type Fellers
SNRTACBT7 Surely No Right Thinking Adult Could Believe Today
STNSEACPB8 Surely Today No Serious Educated Adult Could Possibly Believe
WDN9 We Don't Know
BMDFP10 Baboons, Mongrel Dogs, Filthy Pigs and ...
HBAACOTE11 Human Beings Are A Cancer On The Earth
ACLU12 Anti-Christian Litigation Union
FLORMPORIF13 Flagrant Liar, Or, Mindless Parrot, Or, Innocent Fool
MEJTML14 Marxist Ends-Justify-The-Means Liar
IEJTML15 Islamic Ends-Ends-Justify-The-Means Liar
MPAV16 Marxist Principles And Values
WBESSWG17 Wise, Benign, Elite, Super-Scientific World Governance
TRMITM18 The Reason Man's In This Mess
IYI19 Intellectual Yet Idiotic
TTRSCBTF20 Them There Real Smart Catholic Bishop Type Fellers
IACMPVND21 Illegal-Alien-Criminal Marxocrat-Party-Voting Nation-Destroyers
PEJTML22 Palestinian Ends-Justify-The-Means Liar
PSYOP23 "Psychological Operation" Mind Trick
CDC24 Covid Developmentally Challenged
LGBTQ+ Every Letter Represents A Serious Psychotic sexual Identity Disorder
HEJTML26 Hedonist Ends-Justify-The-Means Liar
SEJTML27 Scientistic Ends-Justify-The-Means Liar

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Culture=Religion+Politics;  Who Are We?  Vic Biorseth

The Brilliantly Conceived Organization of the USA;  Vic Biorseth

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Enter ye in at the narrow gate: for wide is the gate, and Broad is the way that leadeth to destruction, and many there are who go in thereat. How narrow is the gate, and strait is the way that leadeth to life: and few there are that find it! Beware of false prophets, who come to you in the clothing of sheep, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
Jesus Christ; Matthew 7:13–15

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We The Enemy. Addressing We the Enemy of the Church, We the Enemy of America, We the Enemy of Culture, We the Enemy of Nations, and We the Enemy of Ourselves.

How Shame is turned upside down by evil to destroy Proper Identity. Shame is both noun and verb; by sly use of the verb, evil condemns the natural use of the noun.

Dayton Ohio "State Of Life" Luncheon Event. State of the Union? State of the State? State of the City? Don't overlook the State of Human Life On Earth.

FSSP: The Priestly Order of St. Peter and the Traditional Latin Mass. Fraternitas Sacerdotalis Sancti Petri (FSSP): A Catholic Life-Boat, saving Roman Catholic Identity and Unvarnished Truth on Earth.

The Secularization and Demonization of Donald Trump, By David Byrne

Our Afghanistan Problem: Never Ending? "Remain there so long as ISIS exists" insist the "experts", which is to say, forever.

You may call me a Divisive Divider if you wish; that is what I am. Marxism and Marxocrat Partyism only pretend to be Unifying; Their real goal all along has been to Divide and Conquer.

The Marxocrat Party's Cause-And-Blame Anti-American Political Weapon. Time after time they cause a problem and blame the Republicrats, or America, or White People, or Christians, or Jews, or Western Civilization.

"Red Flag" Laws themselves should raise a Red Flag of Alarm. Red Flag Laws might actually work in an America ruled by the Constitution; but America is actually ruled by Unconstitutional Political Parties.

On Superstitious Materialism and Pure Atheistic Nonsense. "Scientific" Materialism and all of its Imaginary Realities, Weaponized by the American Marxocrat Party for Purely Political Purposes.

All of Us White Supremacists, White Nationalists, Racists and Trump. The White Inferiorist Marxocrat Party Lie that Every White American who is not a Marxocrat Is and Must Be a White Supremacist.

The Anti-Trump Insanity of all the Anti-American Americans. The race-obsessed, Identity-Group-Multiplying, Diversity-Is-Our-Strength Nuts Meet The Great Divider, and Go Anti-Trump

The Racist Marxocrat Party's Diversity-Racism Switcheroo. The old Democrat Party of Black Slavery is now the the Anti-Majority Party yelling "Our Diversity is our Strength".

Roman Catholic Politics versus Traditionalist-Liberal Politics. Roman Catholic Politics describes Obedience to Creed, Dogma and Doctrine with Excommunication for Violators.

American Constitutional Politics versus Political Party Politics. Constitutional Politics describes Fierce Adherence to Oaths Of Office with Impeachment and/or Banishment of Violators.

It's not over. Every victory over Anti-Truth is Temporary. This world is ruled by Satan and he's not going anywhere, yet. With Truth, we can only defeat him, but not vanquish him.

No one is above the law, claim the lawless, pointing at the lawful. "No one is above the law" may be the most frequently repeated sentence among all who hold themselves above the law.

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The Disgusting Morals of the Anti-Trump Politicos. Examining the Absolutely Disgusting "Morals" of Baboons, Mongrel Dogs, Filthy Pigs and Anti-Trumpers.

On Our Anti-American Politicians and our Anti-Catholic Clerics. How Our New Traitors Practice Their Open Treachery and Their In-Your-Face Treason.

Utopian Globalism is an Evil Diversion from Reality. Marxism, the UN, the EU, Pope Francis all create Diversion, from Nations, from Separation from Evil, and from Truth.

On the Radical, Tyrannical Feminsanity Destroying Human Culture. Feminsanity is Feminism gone off the rails.

On the glaringly obvious innocence of President Trump. Mueller and his whole gaggle of lawyers should be disbarred for hiding the innocence of Trump.

The Tyrannical Leftist Lunacy of the Marxocrat Party. Tyrannical Leftist Lunacy Insists on Enforcing Its Lunatic Rules On You Against Your Will.

Marxocrat Induced Leftist Lunacy now infecting Republicrats. Induced Leftist Lunacy Owns the Marxocrat Party, and "Go-Along to Get-along" Republicrats Lend Support to Lunacy.

Could the Senate bring about a Republicrat Impeachment of Trump? With all the RINOs in the Senate and the "Silent Vote" option, actual impeachment of Trump is not out of the question.

Was it an Obama-Clinton Engineered Vatican Regime Change? The Sorosian, Alinskyian, Obamunist, Clintonista, St. Galen Mafia Vatican Regime Change cries out for a Special Prosecutor.

Enlightened, Modern, Leftist Social Mythology. Enlightened Leftist "Knowledge" is a False-Front; a Phony Stage-Act, Establishing New Social Myths in Human Society.

Communist, Globalist, Sorosian, Alinskyian, Evil Propaganda. Noting the word-for-word agreement of the Media and the USCCB with the Anti-American Marxocrat Party Political Agenda.

Perceiving Leftist Fakery: The Evil Public Mask Begins to Slip. Watch the Evil Leftist Rats of Fakery Scramble for Cover, in the Church, in the Government and in the Media.

Why do Catholics Pray With Patron Saints? Do Catholics Worship Saints?

Leftism: Anti-Catholic, Anti-American, Pro-Communism. Leftism is Marxism, pure and simple. It's time to recognize that fact and call it what it is. 

Attack Reality to Dispose of God: Doing the Devil's Work. Making Emotion rule Intellect, Feelings rule Reason, Consensus rule Reality, etc.; but the Creature cannot rule the Creator.

Satan's Evil Mirror, Reflecting Reality in Reverse. Worldly Politics aims an Evil Mirror at Man, reflecting Falsehood back from Truth and Immorality back from Morality.

The Spectacular Fur Pike: Proof At Last of Darwinian Evolution. The Legendary Fur Pike of Campfire Tales presents the world's best evidence for evolutionary theory.

The Western Cultural Conquest: Death From Within. Our own Cultural Conquest by us and our fellow self-conquerors, with Political Parties and Fake News (CNN) in the lead.

On Cultural Marxism's Induced Psychosis of Hatred. Induced Cultural Hatred of The Rich, of Nations, of rule-of-law, of America, of White People, of Men, etc., etc., etc.

Shun or Be Shunned; Condemn or Be Condemned. It is a time to Divide. It has already begun. Will we Shun Evil, or allow Evil to Rule the World and Shun us?

Americanism, the Heresy, is American Individualism Run Amok. Liberated Individualism, Untempered by a National Morality, is Cultural Marxism's Ultimate Aim: Heretical Americanism.

Catholic American Sanity vs Anti-Catholic Anti-American Insanity. Human Sanity begins with initial recognition of God; Human Sanity ends with full-on God-Denial.

Bullying, Communizing & Homosexualizing Catholic Clerics. From the Vatican to the USCCB, Major Clerics Never Met a Communist or a Sodomite They Couldn't Force On Parishioners.

Democrat Communists and Islamism. Democrat Communists also aligned with Islamists as their Hard Left Tool.

The Anti-Opposition aspect of the Communist Mindset. The Anti-Competition & Forced Social-Sameness of the Left triggers Irrational Rage against Any Opposition At All.

On the Anti-Competition Theme Underlying Communism. The American definition of Liberty demands Open Competition; Communism Condemns and Eliminates Winners and Losers.

Praying to Catholicize Trump. Praying for God to Catholicize our President, or at least move him ever deeper into his own natural Common Sense.

The Divisive Inclusiveness of Marxist Multiculturalism. The "COEXIST" Nuts are actually Divisive, Classically Illustrating Marxian-Sorosian-Alinskyian Divisive Inclusiveness.

Alinsky Organized USA. The Alinsky-Organized Marxocrat (formerly Democrat) Party had 24 years to Organize the US Government ahead of Trump.

On the New Communism and the New Communists. The Unrecognized New Communism and the Unrecognized New Communists, some of whom do not even know what they are

In Praise of the VA. Offering testimony of the Excellent Medical Care received at the Dayton VA.

The Cockamamie Anti-Americans of the Marxocrat Party. The Marxocrats are not the only cockamamie anti-Americans; plenty of Republicrats have gone beyond stupid into evil.

In Praise of Bullies and Bullying. A Stress-Free "Nice" Nation Devoid of Bullying Becomes a Backward Nation of Super-Sensitive Self Defeating Whimps.

Communism Rising: On Man, not God, Redeeming Himself. On Communism Rising in the Marxocrat Party and in the Catholic Church as a New Global Political Party.

Facebook, Twitter, etc., are Political Intelligence Traps. Owned and operated by anti-Americans who throttle and censor Good, and promote and magnify Evil 

The Real Racists are those who call everyone else Racist. The anti-discrimination warriors are the real discriminators. The ones who scream "Bigot!" are the actual Bigots. 

Marxist Super Tolerance Revealed to be Tyrannical Intolerance. The Marxocrat Party's Mask Is Off: Political Insistence on Tolerance of Evil has become Tyrannical Intolerance of Good.

Abomination in the Temple. Addressing the Communist and Homosexual Abomination Inside the Catholic Body of Christ on Earth.

Hate: The Opposite Of God. How Evil Cultural Marxism induces people to Hate the Church, their own Nation, White People, Men, Nature and Normalcy.

Homosexualism Versus Catholicism in the Vatican Sex Summit. Homosexualism is as irreconcilably antithetical to Catholicism as Communism is to Individualism. 

The Stupid, Unnecessary, yet Demanded "Conversation". "We should have that Conversation" demand the perpetually angry Useful Idiots of Cultural Marxism. The hell we should.

On American Individualism Versus Global Communism. The whole idea of America, as Declared into being and as Constituted, is based upon the Free American Individual.

On Agape, Philia and Intellect versus Lust, Passion and Emotion. Agape is God's love for man; Philia is Brotherly Love; Both are more Decisive than Emotional.

All the False Axioms Leading Man Astray. Whatever opposes Truth ultimately opposes God, and leads man away from Truth, which is away from God. Axiomatically holding a False Axiom, on Faith Alone, is Misdirected Faith..

On Growing the Good Third of the American Polity. Recognizing the Good Thirds, the Evil Thirds and the Disgusting Lukewarm Thirds that Coexist in Christianity, in America, and in Every Distinct Human Culture.

On the Meaning of Sovereignty. Sovereignty of Nations and Sovereignty of the Catholic Church are under attack by Global Evil wearing the mask of "Blessed" Diversity and "Beautiful" Multiculturalism.

The Absolute Intolerance of the "Tolerant" Marxist-Globalists. All the Leftist calls for Tolerance, all the false charges of "Intolerance" hurled against Real Christians and Pro-Americans, amid Leftist Absolute Intolerance of Real Christians, Pro-Americans, White People, Men, and Normalcy. 

Marxocrat Party Hatred of America at a Fever Pitch. Marxocrat Party Hatred transcends controllable emotion and becomes Uncontrolled Outrage against the very Institution of America.

Still Time To Get It Right. “Once you understand the role of energy in everything, you can begin to appreciate why there's simply nothing more important to get right. Energy is at the root of everything. If you have sufficient energy, anything is possible. But without it, everything grinds to a halt.” Chris Martenson

Are we now living in an LGBT World? If Pro-LGBT and Anti-Christianity now dominates American Politics, American Culture, and even quietly predominates in the Catholic Clerical Hierarchy, are we already living in an LGBT-Dominated World?

"Expert" Warfare Policy Versus America's Long-Term Survival. Should Experienced Generals and Recognized Experts set America's Foreign Policy, including even American War Policy, Overriding the Orders of a Duly Elected President?

Catholic Exceptionalism joins condemned American Exceptionalism. If the Marxocrat Party condemns American Exceptionalism, how do you think the Marxocratic USCCB feels about Catholic Exceptionalism?

Our Anti Anti-Truth Stand, which is Pro-God, Who Is Truth Itself. Opposing such evil movements as Communism, Islam, Satanism, Wicca, Atheism, State Secularism, General Spirituality, etc., is going against the grain today. Against our Marxocrat Party, against our Marxocrat Courts and, it would appear, even against our Pope Francis.

Trump's National Emergency is Wrong, but Obama's were Not? How was any problem in Burundi Africa an American National Emergency, but America's Southern Border being massively violated is somehow NOT an American National Emergency?

Are Anti-Americanism and Anti-Catholicism Anti-God Subsets? Whatever is Anti-Truth or Anti-Reality is Anti-God. Both Anti-Americanism inside America, and Anti-Catholicism inside Catholicism, are part of a larger Anti-God Movement.

Taking Out The Trash, in the Government and in the Church. Citizen President Trump is singlehandedly draining the Washington Swamp. While that is going on, Catholic Laity are now taking effective action against the Trash in the Church.

The Republicrats will be blamed for for the Trump Shutdown. Not only is that OK with us, but it is IT'S ABOUT DAMNED TIME, OK with us. None of the "Experts" in the Beltway get this, and that's the real problem.

Reversing the Marxocrat Party's Shutdown Rope-A-Dope Trick. Is Trump taking command of the old Government Shutdown Rope-A-Dope trick and using it against its inventors?

On the Self and Nationally-Destructive Ignorance of the Left. Blind, Ignorant "Leaders", Leading the Whole Nation into Deeper and Deeper Self Destructive Ignorance.

American Politics as they are, and as they should be. On the Corrupted American Politics opposing Trump, versus American Politics as they should be, uncorrupted and Constitution-Guided.

EENS: Catholic Distinction, Versus All Inclusive Diversity. Is the Blurring or Subverting of the Doctrine of EENS at the root of ending all Human Distinctions, including between Man and Animal, Man and Woman, American and Foreign, Civilized and Barbaric, Good and Evil?

The Ultimate Comeuppance, in the Church, the World and America. On the Comeuppance of the anti-American Marxocrat Party, the Comeuppance of anti-nation Globalism, and the Comeuppance of the Anti-Catholic Criminal Leadership in the Catholic Church.

Discerning the Enlightened Long-Term Trump War Strategy. Could it be that Trump's "Big Picture" is bigger than that of General Mattis?

All the Enlightened Fools and their Enlightened Follies. Just how Enlightened are they who now deny glaringly obvious simple Reality right in front of their eyes?

At it's core, the Anti-Trump Movement is Anti-Democracy. It's not just Anti-Trump, and it's not just Anti-American; It is the refusal of a sitting government to accept the results of a Democratic Election.

The Deep Catholic Roots of Human Civilization. It isn't merely Western Civilization that has deep Catholic Roots. Catholicism, more than anything else, civilized a formerly barbaric world. And as Catholicism goes, so goes Human Civility and All Civil Culture.

Political Projection: Politicized Psychological Projection. Political Projection is the Politically Commandeered psychological trick of the Left, weaponized, to attack morality, decency and good order in human society.

The Beginning of the End of the Anti-Order Movement? We could be witnessing the collapse of Disorder back into Order. A Social Wake-Up Call; a Natural Social Recognition of the "New World Order" and "Globalism" as being Satan's Evil Anti-Order Movement.

On Traditional Catholicism, Constitutional America, and Synergy. There is a remarkable Natural Synergy between the original, as-founded USA, and the original, Traditional, uncorrupted and incorruptible Roman Catholic Church 

Are corrupting Vatican operatives corrupting the Cloisters, too? Are there to be no more Superiors or Prioresses? No more strict Orders to live by? No more separation from the World? Cloisters must join some "Federation"? Does anyone smell Socialism and Alinsky Organizing yet?

Has President Trump Triggered a World Scientific Awakening? Before the Trump Presidency, the "Norm" had become pure faith in the Scientism of Cultural Marxism, and Real Actual Science was being attacked and made Anathema on the world stage

It's Time to End American Lame-Duck Government. All the "Lame-Duck" periods of government are good for is giving defeated politicians time to sabotage the offices, intentions and plans of the political winners before they take office.

Are you really Catholic? Then Stand and be Counted. This is the time, this is the place, for All Real Catholics to Make Their Stand.

The Globalist Hoaxes Attacking the Last Bastion of Freedom. The Climate-Change Hoax; the Sustainability Hoax; the Global Pollution Hoax; the Over-Population Hoax; the Innocent Migrant Hoax; all Globalist Hoaxes aim at the Destruction of America, the World's Last Bastion of Freedom.

Recognizing Anti-Human Being Human Beings for what they are. Anti-Capitalism Capitalists; Anti-Catholic Clerics; Anti-Law Jurists; Anti-American Americans; Anti-Nature Naturalists; Anti-Racism Racists; Anti-Family Family Members; Anti-Institution Institutions; and Anti-Humanity Humans.

Abolishing Political Parties: A Strategic Approach, by Daniel Taylor

On Absolute Literalism in Bible Interpretation. Can it be true that the only "True" Catholics are the Flat Earthers?

Breaking our Anti-American Court System. Constitutional American National Survival, let alone Restoration of Former Greatness, depends upon Breaking our Anti-American Court System and Breaking the Anti-American Party that Corrupted it and Owns It.

E-Zine News Letter. The Catholic American Thinker E-Zine News Letter

Original "Honest Partisanship" Divided Truth From Falsehood. Only when Partisans debate Truth versus Falsehood (Good versus Evil; Right from Wrong), do we see Original, Pure and Honest Partisanship.

The Pre-Existing Rope-A-Dope Trick. How Marxist Progressivism Got 2018 Mid-Term Election Votes through the Pre-Existing Rope-A-Dope Trick. People with "Pre-Existing Conditions" were terrified of any possible lack of Health Insurance Coverage. By Plan.

Mid-Term results illustrate the width of the Deadly Divide. Either half of the voting population do not recognized that one Party is indeed Marxist, or, Marxism itself is no longer recognized as the mortal enemy of both America of Christianity. Is that Deadly Divide hardening?

Vote Your Morality. If everyone does that, Christianity Wins. Christian Morality is the foundation and basis of all American Civil Law that is Constitutional and therefore Legitimate. Within any Christian Civilization, Christian Morality is the Fulfillment of the Civil Law.

Who is the real "Enemy Of The People" here? Trump called the Mainstream News Media the "Enemy of the People" and everybody, including FOX News, gets all upset about it. Why? Does the Truth Hurt?

More USCCB And CCHD Abomination. Your dollars in the (usually) "Third Sunday In November" annual CCHD collection are just going to support more USCCB and CCHD Abominations.

Open Revolutionary Violence: the Marxocrat Party Unmasked. Open incivility is the least of it. Marxist Tyrannical Power was Winning, and Trump stopped it cold. Now, America's Marxocrat Party turns to Actual Violent Revolution. (Or so they hope.)

Unlimited Unity? With Them? Hell No! Let them be Anathema! The President should "Bring Us All Together", with Communists, Moslems, Sodomites and Satanists? Why? If Heaven has Borders and there are no Illegal Immigrants in Heaven, then we should do likewise on earth. There can be no Unlimited Unity.

Shutting Down the Southern Border. Keeping Constitutional America in Existence as a Force for Good in an Increasingly Evil World requires Shutting Down the Southern Border.

The Global Humanitarian Crisis of the Migrants. Another Giant Global Crisis, created, fed and nourished by the United Nations, the European Union, COMINTERN, The Moslem Brotherhood, the Marxocrat Party, the USCCB and the Pope Francis Vatican. A Global Humanitarian Crisis of their own making.

The Marxocrat USCCB and the Culturally Marxist Vatican. All the homosexuality, homo-crimes and cover-ups are mere symptoms; the disease is Marxism, and all the criminality and political corruption it pushes. The USCCB and the Marxocrat Party are one and the same organic thing.. 

Bloody Revolution, in America? As the slower path of Cultural Marxism into Communism is being turned back by the persistent Trump Presidency, the Marxocrat Party quickly switches back to original, old time Marxist Violent Revolution.

The Intersectionality Versus Equality Stupidity. Intersectionality: Endlessly Identifying Oppressors and Oppressed. A Hopeless Opposition to the Constitutional Right to Equality, Championed by the Highest Educated Academic Social Stupid-Asses.

Why Cultural-Marxists insist on an "Independent FED". Why should America's Treasure be independent of America's government?

The Conspiratorial Criminal Enterprise Hiding In the Church. How it came to be, how it secretly grew, how it took control, and how it is now coming apart.

Hugh Owen Presentation - spread the word. Darwinism Debunked; Scripture Validated; Score 1 for Truth.

Uncovered Demons Lashing Out in Evil Desperation. The Rat Becomes Dangerous When Cornered. In Our Religion, Politics And Culture We Now See Ever Increasing Evil Desperation.

"Normalizing" LGBT in Human Culture: They Think We're Stupid. LGBT is already blessed and normalized throughout American Government; Pope Francis and all the Homo-Clerics still struggle to Normalize it in Catholicism through Corrupting Synods and Cover-Ups.

One Party Warning. Beware of One Party Rule. All forms of Marxist Anti-Capitalist Tyranny - Communism, Fascism and Nazism - had one thing in common: One Party Rule. The Party became the Government and the Tyrant was the head of the Party.

The Worst of Wilson's Evil Legacy: Our Corrupted Senate. Woodrow Wilson's Seventeenth Amendment Corrupted our Senate, wrecked our Republic and started us on the trail of becoming a Pure Democracy. Something America was neither designed nor intended to be.

The Good Guy Sleepers Taking America Down. The most effective traitor to Truth is the one perceived by most to be the Good Guy.

Satan's Sleeper Cells going into Self Destruct Mode. Marxist, Islamic and Homosexual Sleeper Cells, here, there and everywhere, being self-exposed for what they are, taking themselves and each other down.

Objective Truth is Reality; Subjective Truth is Opinion. The old fashioned Scientific Method is Empirical and Purely Objective. "Scientism" is Democratic, Statistical, Theoretical and Purely Subjective. Where Real Science seeks Reality, Scientism promotes Popular Theory.

The Marxocrat Party of Treason Running the Deep State. Marxocrat (i.e. Democrat) Party "Values" are Immoral, "Politics" are Communist, "Agenda" is anti-Constitution and anti-Christian, "Science" is anti-Reality and "Motive" is Treason.

Materialist Sleeper Cells Undermining the Christian World View. Marxist Sleeper Cells undermine Trump and America; Darwinist Sleeper Cells undermine Real Science; but undermining both of Them are the Materialist Sleeper Cells.

On the Genius of Trump: Where does it come from? No one in Washington, or maybe in the world, could accomplish the things he has accomplished as President, the way he accomplished them, in the time he accomplished them, against all the opposition he faced. How does he do it?

Watching the Catholic Homo-Conspiracy Melt-Down. The whole Catholic hierarchy is now shaking as homo time-bomb after homo land-mine go off, and Truth lights up the giant Catholic Homo-Conspiracy.

The "Values" driving anti-Americanism and anti-Christianity. The "Values" that drive the Clintonistas, the Obamunists, the Marxocrats, and all the Homo-Clerics like Wuerl and McCarrick.

On the Deep Loathing of America and American Police. American citizens, hating America, white people, men, police, etc., and even themselves. Why?

The Modern Catholic Heresy of Homoclericalism. Uncovering the many Heretical Catholic Homoclerics and their well organized crime and heresy of Homoclericalism.

On the Unrecognized Civil War underway in Western Civilization. Three Civil Wars: A Rising Up against a Discovered Silent Coup, (1) In the American Government, (2) In the Catholic Hierarchy, (3) In All of Western Civilization.

Identity-Politics: Attacking All Proper Sense Of Identity. Culturally Destructive Identity Politics: The Evil Machiavellian Sword of Satan.

The Rudderless Church of Pope Francis, and the Great Awakening. Someone wake up the Lord! The Faithful are now dangerously adrift in a Rudderless Church.

Kavanaugh Comes Out as a Pro-Abortion Sleeper. Kavanaugh Comes Out under Questioning as an Anti-Constitution Legal Precedent Worshiper.

On the Criminal Clerics of the Secret Catholic Crime Family. If anything in America cried out for a RICO investigation (besides the current corrupted Justice Department and FBI itself) it would be the Criminal Clerics forming the Homosexual Cabal now running the Catholic Hierarchy.

Francis, McCarrick & Other Homo-Clerics Corrupted Catholicism. Francis is at the top of the evil homo network victimizing men and boys all over the world, while play acting at "Catholicism". Pope Francis is and always was in on the whole mess.

Clintonism, Obamunism, and 18 U.S. Code § 1001 corrupted the FBI. The Justice Department, the FBI and even the CIA are now so glaringly corrupt that it is going to take a major overhaul of both organization and law to get American Constitutional Equal Justice back on track.

Blacklisting Whites, Christians, Men, Trumpists, etc. in America. Today's not-so-undercover Communists in America now reverse McCarthyism to blacklist all nonconformists to their own narrow, anti-American and Communist Worldview.

Infallibility Revisited, in a confused and confusing Pontificate. When Papal statements are vague, confusing or obviously wrong its time to step back and revisit Infallibility, in light of original Revealed Truth. Truth is never wrong, and never confusing.

Ezechiel's Prophesy to the Evil Shepherds, so prescient today. From the Wednesday Novus Ordo Mass readings; all Catholic Clerics should take note.

The Disgusting Homo-Conquest of Decency in Culture. The Tricky Aha! (Active Homosexual/Homosexual Activist (AH/HA, or, Aha!) ) movement that is blindsiding all Christian culture, both in and out of the Catholic Clergy.

On the Brennen Security Clearance Brouhaha: What on earth does Freedom Of Speech have to do with access to sensitive government information?

A Literalist Interpretation of Genesis 1 through 3?  Really? Doesn't Material Science disprove the Genesis Six Day Creation Story? As a matter of fact, no. Actual Applied Science confirms it. Well, whaddaya know.

A Convergence of Unveiled Evil, and its Increasing Desperation. The unveiled Corruption in American and World Governments; the unveiled Corrupted Global News Media; the unveiled Corrupted Catholic Hierarchy; is there One Evil Plan behind ALL OF IT?

A History of Anti-Christianity by Nito Gnoci. The True History of Anti-Christianity belies the false claim that Christianity is brutal; the opposite is true. Anti-Christians authored the world's worst wars, mass-murders, famines, enslavements and genocides.

Laying out a Long Game Strategy for America and Christianity. The American Constitution, in and of itself, is a Perfect Long Game Strategy. But Unconstitutional Political Parties took American Government way outside the Constitution, wrecking that Long Game Strategy.

The Violent Revolutionary Antifa Wing of the Marxocrat Party. The Marxocrat Party's Antifa Wing actually is what it falsely claims to be opposing: Antifa is Fascist to the bone.

Strength and Honor Catholic Men's Conference 2018. Church Militant/St. Michael's Media "Strength and Honor" Post Event Reflections.

Understanding the Self Despising Phenomenon. Americans who despise their own country, Cardinals who despise the Catholic Church, white people who despise their own race, men who despise their own sex, and the Self Despising Phenomenon.

The Catholic Shadow Government Running The Church. We have been losing the evil PSYOPS war in America, in Western Civilization, and even in Catholicism. A twisted-psyche Catholic Shadow Government now runs the Church. 

On The Disgusting Cardinal McCarrick Homo-Predation Business. The unveiling of the decades-long Cdl. McCarrick Homo-Predation history is small-potatoes news compared to the news that EVERYBODY KNEW ABOUT IT AND DID  NOTHING!

Fake News Hubris Destroys Diplomatic Decorum. How Screaming Rude Questions at a Non-Press Conference White House "Press Release" Event Was Then Negatively Spun With Typical Fake News Hubris.

Trumpian Truth now lights up Evil Republicrats. Paul Ryan and other Republicrats now stand self-identified as Evil Conspirators in the bright light of Trumpian Truth.

The Katholic Spring: A Red Revolution in Church and State. Like the first 1848 Springtime of Revolution and the 2010 Arab Spring, this Katholic Spring is just another manipulated, faux "People's Revolution".

The Uncivilization of America and Western Civilization. The increasing loss of civil dialogue in politics is not an accident, but a planned, orchestrated evil agenda of Uncivilization.

Permanent Revolution? Question: What is a "Permanent" Revolution?  Answer: A "Legacy" of Permanent angry  social disorder, where the unassaugeable anger itself becomes the permanent, culturally destructive "Revolution".

Are we looking at the emergence of a Trumpian New World Order? Is President Trump Making America Great Again, and also Making the World Great, too?

Is Brett Kavanaugh really Pro-Abortion? Anyone who would let any unconstitutional law, order, regulation or precedent stand just because it is "established" or "settled" or "standing" law is no real Constitutionalist. 

The Disgusting Trump Bashers Condemning The Trump-Putin Summit. The mask comes off of all the "Conservative" Trump haters who rage at Trump for not joining them against himself and his Presidency, and publicly calling his own perfectly valid election win into question for them.

Millennial Marxist Mind Control Project of Zuckerberg and Friends. With Fake News Networks and Print Publications being obsoleted by the Internet, the Useful Idiot Owners of all the New Media work to keep Global Marxist Mind Control Operative.

Left Promises Kavanaugh Approval Will unleash Marxocrat Muderers. Terry McAuliffe says millions will die. Yale students and faculty promise "people will die". We can only wonder who the Marxocrats hope to murder this time.

On Properly Defining Treason. Toward Re-Defining Treason as supporting America's mortal enemies. Is not a war of Political Ideologies, where one ideology seeks to destroy a nation, an actual war?

Leftist Political Hatred of the Constitution on Public Display. They despise the 2nd Amendment; they loathe the Constitutionally limited power, scope and size of government; they can't stand the three separated branches.

Global Truth Dawning causes Evil to Destroy Itself. As Truth slowly dawns on all the Soros-Funded Revolutionary Factions, they all begin to eat each other and to hate themselves.

On Concupiscence, Time and Prayer. "Idle Time is the Devil's Playground" doesn't suggest all work and no rest or recreation. It suggests using Prayer to steal time from the Devil.

Trump v. the Shadow Government: the Splitting of America Begins. Our new Civil War is already on. It's between all the Constitutionalists coalescing behind Trump, and all the Domestic Enemies of Constitutional America.

In Praise of Trump's Patriotism, Nationalism and Populism. To oppose Nationalism is to oppose America. To oppose Populism is to oppose Representative Government. To oppose Patriotism in a nation worthy of Patriotism is Stupid.

Blue Wave, or Red Wave? Blue Wave my foot. The Left's angry "Revolution" may involve a Red Wave instead. Every day and in every way, The Left just keeps getting dumber and dumber and dumber.

The AntiChrist AntiAmericans Pushing For an American Civil War. Notice how anti-Americans are always anti-Christians. America's AntiChrist AntiAmericans would "transform" Constitutional America into a godless dictatorship.

The Creeds, and Credal Faith, teach the Mystery of God Himself. Who could "scientifically" understand the Trinity, or the God-And-Man nature of Jesus? We can only embrace Divine Revelation through Catholic Credal Faith.

Marxist-Globalist Values Versus Judaeo-Christian Morals. "Those are not our Values' and "That's not who we are" claim the Obamunists, dividing themselves out from America. Well, theirs are not our values and 'They" are certainly not who we are.

Our Toothless Congress versus the Deep State Shadow Government. Talk, talk, talk. Bluster, bluster, bluster. Bloviate, bloviate bloviate. It's all for the cameras. The reason they don't solve the problem is they are in on it.

Scripture, properly read, opens up the Wisdom of the Ages. To unlock the wisdom of the ages, the Bible must be read with a prayerful mind, open to more than a purely literal interpretation of the words on the pages.

The Dividing Begins in America and the World. Evil Globalism and Multiculturalism is undoing itself, as the Global Dividing Begins with Evil clearly identifying itself in public.

Self Feeding Self Eating Globalist Lies. Like a snake eating its own tail, the self-feeding and self-eating lies of Globalism are all encompassing, and all destroying.

Who pre-planned the "Separated Families at the border" crisis? Who induced them to come here? Who paid for foreign government ads telling them how to get here and what to say and do? Who induced the unaccompanied children flood among the illegals?

Making America Constitutional Again. America is unique in that she has no human ruler or rulers. The Constitution - a fixed legal document - is the only real ruler, of the government and of the people. The real key to making America Great Again is to Make America Constitutional Again.

Comprehensive Immigration Reform: Close All Immigration. Shut it all down as it was until 1965. It doesn't get any more comprehensive than that.

Two Big Lies Demonizing America and Christianity. Two Big Lies:  1: America was the original inventor and world center of black slavery; 2: Homosexuals are born to be homosexuals and the Church condemns them for being born.

The Corrupted Catholicism at the Root of World Culture Rot. Corrupted, Perverted, Falsified and Evil "Cultural Catholicism", actively participating in delivering all the World's Human Souls to Satan.

Worldly Republicrats Compromising America Out Of Existence. Our Cowardly Congressional Worldly Republicrats, in a Mad Rush to get Amnesty For Illegals, Quick, before more Pro-Trump Republicrats get elected in the Mid-Term Election.

Evil Silence neither Admonishes Sin nor Challenges Falsehood. Silence in the Face of Clear Evil is Evil Silence, Cooperating in the advance of Falsehood and Sin.

Cardinal Sean O'Malley of Boston's Inappropriate and Dishonest Attack on President Trump's Immigration Policy. The Truth About Separation of Families at our Southern Border

Witnessing Truth Rising and Lies Falling Everywhere. President Trump started a big ball rolling with great inertia, and now we are watching all the lies falling, all over the world.

A Catholic Good-News Bad-News Day. Massive Recognition of Error Meets Vague, Subjectively Interpreted, Infinitely Variable Doctrine. Is this Good-News Bad-News Clash A Turning Point?

Making America Great Again means Making her Good Again. President Trump's determined goal of Making America Great Again is ultimately going to force him to Make America Good Again, making him a better and better man in the process.

How the Ununitable calls for Universal unification. Good and Evil are Ununitable. So long as evil exists in the world, the Good cannot unite with Everybody.

American Citizens should trust "rank and file" federal agents? Sez Who?

The Supersensitive, Fragile, Delicate "Feelings" of Marxocrats. It's so easy to hurt the poor little feelings of Supersensitive Marxocrats that everyone else's speech must be legally restricted and controlled, but not theirs.

Happy 50th Anniversary To Us. Marking 50 years of marriage, and ever growing love.

Alinskyian American Government. Comrade Obama, peace be upon him, was twice elected to be our Soros Funded Alinsky Organizer-In-Chief. Is it any wonder that we now have an Alinskyian American Government?

On Marxocrat Party Stupidassism. The anti-Christian, anti-American, anti-nation, anti-white race, anti-male, anti-human being, anti-human population, anti-carbon dioxide, pro-Marxist, pro-Islam, etc., pure Stupidassism of the Marxocrat Party.

Domestic Enemies of the Constitution Coming Out In The Open. More Importantly, Internal Domestic Enemies of the Catholic Church Are Now Coming Out In The Open.

Lofty "Spirituality" cannot replace Living Catholic. Over-emotional, trans-inducing, tongue-speaking Spirituality, or even a more quiet sense of spiritual self-satisfaction simply cannot displace the religious requirements of Catholicism.

The Slow Domination of America by Islamic Sharia Law. If you don't believe that Dawah, Islamic Gangsterism and slow, steady Civil-Jihad are taking over the streets of America, watch this.

A Question. Submitted through the "Submit an Article" form. 

Deepest Errors are "Residual" Errors born of Original Errors. The Deepest Errors are those left behind after the Original Error is finally corrected. No long-lived uncontested Error is ever corrected without leaving Deeper Errors behind.

In Praise of If you too suffer from the lost Catholic consistency and multiple moral theologies coming from our Bishops, you need to get into and get back to your true Catholic Roots.

Elitist Globalism is Crashing, while Common Trump-ism is Rising. See the all the Elitists running around, as the Plots of Elite Globalism come tumbling down.

America's Marxocratic-Catholic Racketeer Bishops. Our Marxocratic Justice Department, if it ever gets cleaned up, may pursue RICO law violations against Marxocrat Party-Dependent Catholic Racketeer Bishops.

The Marxocraticly Stupidified Population. When your neighbor abandons the Edison light bulb and buys an electric car, for the sake of the Planet, he has been Stupidified by Marxocrat Party Policy.

The Marxocrat Party, Standing In Untruth. While the Marxocrats Stand In Untruth, the Republicrats Stand for Nothing In Particular, merely Blowing With the Political Wind.

Conscience and the Catholic American Thinker. What does Conscience have to do with, first Faith, and second, Politics? What does it have to do with Science, or with Reality?

On America's Hidden Criminal Government. Does President Trump recognize the breadth, depth and scope of the actual Criminal Enterprise now running America behind the scenes?

Marxist and Islamic Privilege Coalesce in Marxocrat Privilege. White Privilege my ass. Male Privilege? Excuse me? How stupid do they think we are? It is Marxocrat Party Privilege that is acting to destroy Constitutional America and dominate world society, Unopposed, thanks to the Marxocrat Dominated Deep State.

Traitor John Kerry just keeps committing Treason against the USA. He just can't help himself. He always was a Traitor and that's what Traitors do. And that's why he's right at home in the Marxocrat Party.

The Need for Reunification of the Divided Faithful. Divided Catholicism, Divided American Politics and Divided Human Civilization Cry Out for Purging of Evil and Reunification.

Dividing Our Church: Is That Satan's Plan? Our Lord Jesus, the Separator, Divided His Followers out from the Jewish and Gentile Houses and nations. Is Satan now doing the same thing to the Church?

On the Evil of Error. How is Error Evil? Well, Error is Falsehood, the opposite of Truth. Whatever opposes Truth opposes God.

Trump, the Bull, Wrecking the Establishment China Shop. If Draining The Swamp means Wrecking The Establishment, and it does, then Trump is just doing it, Single-Handedly.

On the need to increase your Vocabulary of Islam. If the word "taharrush" is not in your vocabulary of Islam now, it will be in the near future, and you won't like it.

The Case For Banishment. When Evil "Inclusiveness" has brought our own conquerors, murderers and enslavers in among us, it is time to initiate a program of Forced Divisiveness and get them out.

On our Super-Nice Enemies, in our Unrecognized Psychological War. As we are taught to "Hate the Sin but Love the Sinner" while the Sinner just keeps Sinning, are we becoming Anesthetized to the Evil of the Sin, and to the Reality of the Sinner?

All the Nice Inclusive Catholics, Walking Toward their Doom. The Marxocrat Party Voter Base consists of purposely alienated and enraged Victim-Groups filled with hate. The Nice Inclusive Catholic Movement is building the same kind of "Base", with purposely manipulated and agitated Sinners.

A Novus Ordo Journey to, the High Sanctity of an "Old" New Mass. One Pastor's Journey, enhancing the "New" Mass Liturgy with the "Old" Traditional Sanctity of the Latin.

Self-Defeating-Falsehood. Self Defeating Falsehood, which may be a Natural Law, is slowly winning the battle in American Politics. Is it quietly at work in the Church, too?

Knock-knock; shake-shake; Jeff Sessions, are you awake? All of us ordinary American citizens can clearly see the DOJ and FBI Criminal Enterprise for what it has become. Jeff Sessions is either part of it, or he's asleep at the wheel.

The Absolute Arrogance of the Anti-Trump Left. Absolute Arrogance and Certainty of Position is now the Hallmark of the Deep State Shadow Government, and the Deep Church Shadow Magisterium.

On Evil Suppressing Good, and Falsehood Suppressing Truth. Washington Politics, writ large, are Suppressing Good and Favoring Evil. But the People elected Trump, and Trump will not be Suppressed. Is he, alone, turning the tide back to Good?

On the Great Eucharistic Heresy of Pope Francis and Friends. The gradual 50-year growing of the Great Eucharistic Heresy met its own climactic Champion in Pope Francis.

The Antifact Movement, seeking Dictatorial Control of Facts. Antifact cannot and will not stand for the open profession of Actual Facts. Antifact suppresses all speech and all literature and all history that favors Truth. Only Falsehood is to be allowed in open public discourse.

The Antipopes. Will Francis eventually be Deposed, and recorded in history to have been another Antipope?

Is Pope Francis Merely Confused, or Purposely Confusing? We see the Cultural-Marxism Movement Purposely Confusing Science, Classical Education, Politics, Religion and Philosophy. Is Pope Francis In League with it, and Purposely Confusing Catholicism?

The Silly Errors: Beyond Stupid, into the Realm of Silliness. Untruth and Falsehood is rarely subtle and never totally hidden. But some of it is so wrong, and so stupid as to be downright Silly.

Truth Divides. Truth is Reality, and Reality does not change. Truth is Constant and Persistent; Error is ever growing and ever changing. Error is Falsehood, or Lies. Truth Divides between Reality and Unreality.

Our Left-Leaning Purely Political Pope Francis. It is Holy Week, and thoughts about our Political Pope should not displace that serious meditation. But they do; I can't help it. I am tortured by them.

Unmasked Rage describes the Desperate Anti-Trump Left. At last the mask is off and the Left stands before us au naturel, and what we see is the insane unmasked rage of Satan himself.

Community Organizing Catholicism. With the USCCB already Alinsky-Organized, the work of bottom-up grass-roots Community Organizing Catholicism commences.

Witnessing Darwinian Deterioration in high places. Unavoidable genome degeneration is wreaking havoc on theoretical Darwinism. "Scientism", and upper academia, already left in the dust, don't even see what's coming.

On laymen manhandling Jesus in the Catholic Mass. Should handling Jesus be a such commonplace, ordinary thing? How did we ever get to the point of daring to touch Him?

Unabashed, Open, Smiling Evil Everywhere You Look In Leadership. The openness about it should be shocking, but it isn't. Not any more. Smiling Evil is now Mainstream.

Parallels between President Trump and Charlemagne. Charlemagne single-handedly rebuilt the Holy Roman Empire; Donald Trump is single-handedly rebuilding Western Civilization.

Beloved Quotations of Chairman Frankenpope. Chairman Mao's Little Red Book of Quotations is being amended and gradually built onto by Chairman Frankenpope

On God-given Rights of Man being turned against Man, by Man. What are Human Rights? Where do they come from? Do they "Evolve"?

Vatican leads Truth Suppression on Islamic Crime. How Official Truth Suppression by the Vatican and the Highest Levels of National Governments Feed, Aid and Abet the Globalist, Marxist, Islamic Conquest of Decent Human Civilization.

On The Good Bishop, Bad Bishop Hierarchical Clergy War. The Good Bishop, Bad Bishop Delineations are perfectly clear: It is Grace versus Disgrace.

A Catholic Embracing Communism; and Remaining Catholic? How can any Pope, or any Catholic, embrace Communism, which is is irrevocably antithetical to the Catholic Church? Yet, Pope Francis is Embracing Communism.

Stealing Sovereignty, for Aliens, Criminals and Jihadists. How the Left with Sanctuary Cities and Islam with Growing No-Go-Zones are Stealing Sovereignty from the USA.

Making Mass Shooters by Teaching Hatred. Teaching Children Hatred, Teaching Atheism, Teaching Revolution, and Making Mass Shooters.

Displacing God in Culture, for Fun, Profit, and Revolution. For Marx and Engles, it was for Revolution; for the Lustful, it was for Fun; for the Entrepreneurs of Lust, it was for Profit. And they all worshiped Darwin.

On Recognizing Diabolical Massive Geopolitical Lies. The Diabolical Lies destroying Religion, Politics, Science, Medicine, Nations, The Family, Decent Human Culture, and ultimately, Mankind.

On Catholic Americans Embracing Evil, in the name of "Progress". It isn't Progress, it's Regress. In chasing our tails seeking public safety and security, we move ourselves into a Police State. Condemning crime, we restrict ourselves, and unleash Criminals and Criminality. In seeking Peace At All Costs, we will be conquered by War.

On Nitpicking Trump's words, his Tweets, and even Trump Himself. I don't know about you, but I'm getting sick to death of people who call themselves "Conservatives" and "Constitutionalists" and "Pro-Americans" just Nitpicking Trump to Death.

Church Militant Resistance Cincinnati/Covington, Call To Arms. Fr. James Martin S.J., who proudly advances the Rainbow Flag of Sodom, is coming to speak in our Archdiocese as if he represented true Catholic doctrine, which he opposes.

Eucharist Rising: Restoring Eucharist to the Center of Catholicism. If we are not a Eucharistic People, are we still Catholic? Restoring Eucharist to the Central Place of Honor, and turning Priests to Ad Orientum, will inevitably lead to Eucharist Rising in the hearts and minds of the Faithful.

A Catholic Embracing Islam; and Remaining Catholic? How can any Pope, or any Catholic, embrace Islam, when Islam is irrevocably sworn to destroy and eliminate the Catholic Church? Yet, Pope Francis is Embracing Islam.

American Poop-Pile Cities: The more Leftist the more they Stink. The more Left-Liberal the government of any American city is, the more numerous, wider and higher the Giant Public Poop Piles become.

On Evil Rising, in the Church, in America and in the World. Everywhere we look today, in the Catholic Church, in Protestantism, in Education, in Entertainment, in Literature, in Art, in Music, we see Evil Rising.

Criminal Control, not Gun Control, is what is needed. Gun Control laws affect only the law-abiding citizenry, not the criminals. Criminals, by definition, disobey laws. "Control" laws transform self-reliant rugged individual American citizens into dependent docile herd animals while encouraging and enabling even more crime.

Alinskyianism: Organizational Activism for Societal Destruction. Alinskyianism is the "Religion" that pretends to be Organizing To Uplift Man, but in reality is Organizing to Corrupt and Destroy All Existing Human Social Institutions.

To be Anti-Nature is to be Anti-God, Who is the Author of Nature. All the Naturalists and "Pure" Materialists actually oppose Nature under the guise of redefining it in "Scientific" terms. In denying God they twist nature and reality.

The Predictable Aftermath of Any Shooting: Quick Demonstration. How shell-shocked students are manipulated, quick, while they're still all emotional, by Soros-Funded Alinsky-Organizers, to emotionally "Demonstrate" for Marxocrat-Party Causes.

Planned and Organized Ungodliness Aimed at National Suicides. Building on the "Godless Culture" article, Planned and Organized Ungodliness shows the Diabolically Evil Orchestration and Choreography behind Western Nations Self-Destructing.

The Social Self-Destruction of Increasingly Godless Culture. What do all the mass shooters have in common? Godlessness. What does the advance of Cultural Marxism and Leftist Ideology promote? Godless Culture.

Creation v. Scientism: Creation Science v Darwinist Scientism. At this point in history, it is quite evident that Darwinism is scientifically disproved. Yet, the "Scientific" world embraces Darwinism and disclaims Biblical Creation. So, Creation v Scientism pits TWO faith-based belief systems against each other. ONE is right.

For REAL Election Stealing Collusion, look at George Soros. There was and is REAL Election Stealing Collusion between whole Marxocrat Party's Shadow Government and none other than George Soros.

When the Masquerade Ends, Unmasked Evil Stands Open and Proud. The whole reason for the Masquerade is to get us comfortable in the close company of Untruth. Then, when the Masquerade ends, we are not so shocked and repulsed by Evil Untruth.

The Ninety Nine Percent Lies. 99% of Dreamers are good candidates for citizenship? 99% of FBI agents are patriotic defenders of the Constitution? Based on what? These are just "Ninety Nine Percent" lies.

The Constipated 'Bama and 'Bama Mama Portraits. The Official Obama Portraits: Nothing Particularly Presidential about them, and that's quite appropriate.

Circular Lies are those lies that clearly apply to the Liars. Rest assured that whatever names the Left call President Trump better suit the speakers. Whatever slanders they issue about America or Christianity more properly apply to themselves. That is the nature of the Circular Lie.

The Anti-Christians. By Nito Gnoci, Part 4 Of 4.

Evil Globalism: Watching All the Marxists Denying the Obvious. Marxists promote Evil Globalism as the path to Utopia, predicting only Dystopia and Ruin as the destiny of Sovereignty and Nationalism. They Lie. The Reverse is True. 

American Unconstitutionalism in the Constitutional Government. Rush Limbaugh is Mistaken about our 242 year history of Constitutional Rule-of-Law. Close, but no cigar. All three branches have violated the Constitution and their oaths of office with impunity, and they just keep doing it. American Unconstitutionalism now rules us.

Anti-Civilization Factions of Multiculturalism and Diversity. All the Soros-Funded, Alinsky-Organized Factions of Street Demonstrators, Marching Themselves and Human Civilization into Hell. Under the false facade of Global Unity and Love, they divide, and splinter, and sow hatred.

On the Ongoing Multiple-Faction War Within Catholicism. If we can't get our own faith right, no other war matters, for civilization itself will be lost. The ongoing multifaceted war within Catholicism will determine the ultimate fate of the world.

Psychological Projection of Evil Intent by Political Parties. Marxocrat Party false claims against President Trump are all Psychological Projections. Evil Marxist Ideology naturally assumes that everyone else is evil, too. Especially anyone in opposition to their own rigid evil ideology.

The Obamunist Clintonista Marxocratic Shadow Government. The Shadow Government sees itself as, well, the Government. That's why they're so bold. They think themselves immune from prosecution, because, after all, they're running the whole shebang.

Quod Apostolici Muneris: Leo XIII on Socialism. Pope Leo XIII warns the world of the insidious threat to all civil society posed by the ideological poison of Socialism. True to the ultimate goal in Marx's Manifesto, it menaces all existing social institutions.

Diuturnum: Leo XIII on the Origins of Civil Power. In Diuturnum Pope Leo XIII speaks of "Communism, Socialism, Nihilism, hideous deformities of the civil society of men". It's time to remember and reinvigorate his words.

On the Visceral Marxist Hatred of the American Left. They can't conceal it any more. The Marxocrat Media and the Marxocrat Party absolutely despise America and We The People, and that visceral Marxist hatred is out in the open.

The Immigrant-Nazi Movement. The Immigrant-Nazis are yet another Soros-Funded, Alinsky-Organized, Marxocrat Party Protected, News Media Championed, Anti-American Revolutionary Front Group.

Illegal-Alien-Criminal Marxocrat-Party-Voting Nation-Destroyers. IACMPVND = Illegal-Alien-Criminal Marxocrat-Party-Voting Nation-Destroyers. Another Marxocrat Party Stratagem to destroy Capitalism and National Sovereignty in favor of a Communist World.

Do we have a Pro-Abortion Pope in Pope Francis? Receiving an Abortion Activist into the Order of St. Gregory for her work in Funding Abortion would seem to indicate that we have a Pro-Abortion Pope. Right?

Who Leads Culture, between Religion and Politics, and to Where? The question of who's leading culture is of vital importance for man. Religion, we all know, should be leading, but it appears to be following, and accommodating, The World.

Our Alien Millennial Generation, Opposing All That We Stand For. Just try to explain American History, or Freedom, or Equality, or Jesus Christ, to any Alien Millennial, and just watch him get all Offended.

Allegiance to the Flag and Allegiance to God are two different things. National Allegiance is not Nation Worship. Only the Godless and the Ungodly "worship" a nation or a political ideology, such as any variant form of Marxism.

Is the planned International Roman Conference a Pre-Conclave Meeting? International conference of Bishops on divisions in the Church just may be a pre-Conclave meeting, to examine Pope Francis' Amoris Laetitia.

Only the Hard Truth of Catholicism will save souls. We Americans can join with non-Catholics and Weak Believers in our Politics, but only the Hard Truths of the Catholic Church will deliver souls to Heaven.

Missing the Main Point of the Living of Life within Human Culture. Liberalism and Liberal Thought often miss the Main Point of Life, when they form Permanent Political Parties, which slowly destroy Human Cultures.

Transparency in Government versus Hidden "Sausage-Making". Real Legislation, we are told, is ugly, like Sausage Making. You don't really want to see it. Transparency in the legislative process is not recommended.

The Ship is Off Course. Elena DiMaria, Saturday, January 20, 2018

The American Left: The New Center of International Communism? The old Soviet Union is no more; is the new locus of evil Communist Revolution in the world now centered in the American Left?

On Civil War coming to Christian America. Are we already in it? The Church is at war with herself over theological issues. America is at war with herself over Constitutional issues. Is actual Civil War possible?

Indissolubility of Marriage: The Linchpin of Christian Culture. Take away the Indissolubility of Marriage and you destroy the Normative Family, which is the Primal Social Unit of Human Culture. Marriage is Despised by Marx, and - by Pope Francis, too?

The Treacherous Lies of Marxism, Destroying all that is good. Destructive Treacherous Lies of the News Media, the Marxocrat Party, the FBI, Academia and Hollywood Celebrity all aim at the End of Constitutional America. And ultimately, the end of Man.

The Anti-Christians. By Nito Gnoci, Part 3 Of 4.

American-Fences. A Poem by Rochelle Marie Harper.

President Trump: the Focal Point and Target of All Anti-God Rage. All Anti-God Rage today is directed at Donald Trump, the most unlikely, unexpected, and SOLE champion of God on the World Stage Today.

On the Utter Moral Depravity of the Left, led by the Hollywood Elite. The Marxocrat Party, the News Media and the Hollywood Elite all play-act at public decency "on stage", but they all actually live and swim in the same cultural cesspool of Utter Moral Depravity.

Sheer Panic in the Deep State with Trump Still President. There is sheer panic in the Marxocrat Party, in the Mainstream Media, in the FBI, in Justice, the CIA, the NSA, even the Secret Service. Now they, and not he, are in legal jeopardy.

On the softer LGBTQ title of the Pro-Faggotry Movement. Pro-Faggotry: Promoting the normalization and enculturation of open homosexuality, as “LGBTQ Rights", imposed on world culture by the US Marxocrat Party, the UN, and by Pope Francis, of all people.

Growing Dependency and Destroying Independence, for Marxism. Growing Government necessarily means Growing a sense of Dependency on Government, while destroying the sense of Independence in the Citizenry. 

Loving Trump Tweetery and Watching the Left go Nuts over it. If it wasn't for Trump Tweetery, the Twitterverse wouldn't be what it is today, and Twitter might even be struggling or even have failed by now.

The Ultimately Fatal Moderate Position. The deadly lure of "fair" sounding moderation always leads away from absolute Truth. Truth cannot be compromised. Anything that can be moderated cannot be true.

On the Anti-American Partisanship of our American Political Parties. George Washington warned us about the formation of Political Parties, and of Regional and Political Agenda Partisanship, which would destroy our Constitutional Republic. And here we are.

It is unrecognized Deep Penetrated Falsehood that is degrading us all. Socially accepted deep penetrated falsehoods, under the guise of "Social Progress", act to eliminate distinct human cultures.

Disagreeing with Rush on motivation of New Republicrat Trumpists. Establishment House and Senate Republicrats, including Leadership, did not originally resist Trump merely because they thought the “Collusion” lie was going to bring him down. Some, yes, but most, no.

Witnessing the Transformative Battle of Souls. I don't know whether it's the Final Battle or not, but it is most certainly a Transformative Battle, of Minds and of Souls.

All Four Pillars of the Church are Under Attack from Within. The Four Pillars of the Church - One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic - are all seen to be in play, in our lifetime. Up for grabs. Under debate, within the Church.

The Anti-Christians. By Nito Gnoci, Part 2 of 4.

Farewell Billy Boone; may your life have pleased the Lord. It's hard to part with an old friend, but parting comes, and time waits for no man.

Few things are dumber than the Marxist Fixed-Wealth Principle. Wealth = Profit = Expendable Income = Private Property. New wealth creation, by any citizenry free to do it, is unlimited. Marxism’s “Fixed Wealth” image is a government-growing freedom-limiting lie. 

Social-Justice "Progressives" are really Regressives. Social Justice "Progress" is Cultural Regression; Cultural Degeneration. Social Justice Warriors champion Untruth and Human Depravity in every area of human life.

How Identity Politics Destroy Original Identity. Unconstitutional "Identity" rights now trump actual Constitutional rights, to make Americans not challenge anti-Americans, and to make Christians not challenge anti-Christians.

Stupid, Stupid Globalsim (SSG) Version 2 (or SSG2). Stupd, Stupid Globalism 2 asks what happens to the American Citizen's Constitutionally Guaranteed civil rights to Equality, Life, Liberty and Property under the proposed Global Government.

On Stupid, Stupid Globalism, and the Pure Authoritarians Pushing It. You might think it couldn't get any dumber than Socialists who keep re-trying Failed Socialism again and again. But Globalism gets Two Stupids, as the all-time Champion of All Social-Stupidities.

Rush Limbaugh is right about Al Franken not really quitting the Senate. He didn't resign. He said he would resign within the next few weeks. Like, maybe, after the Alabama special election. Then, maybe; unless he doesn't. My money is on Franken not quitting.

On the Highly Educated Stupidity of the World Elites. Educated Stupidity demands a Two-State Solution for Israel, Special Rights for Non-Existent Genders, Global Climate Controls, and Equal Wealth for Everyone On Earth.

Unconstitutional Authoritarian Impositional "Rights". Impositional Rights are those that are Unconstitutional, Unlegislated, Unrepresentative of We The People, and Imposed upon us against our will by Pure Authoritarian Dictatorial Government.

Pope Francis' Official Pro-Adultery Acta Apostolicae Sedis. The Acta Apostolicae Sedis (AAS) is the official gazzette of the Holy See, established by Pius X for Decrees, Encyclicals, Decisions and Appointments.  

The Unholy AUSCP (Association of U. S. Catholic Priests). The Unholy AUSCP, leading Catholicism into Priest-less Parishes, Women's Ordination, Homosexual Priests, and the end of true Catholic Faith and Practice in America.

One More Deep State Lie to cover: the Greedy Capitalism Lie. Capitalism is NOT a "System Of Greed", and Marxist Economics do NOT lead to Social Utopia, but to Political Domination, Misery, Poverty, Famine and Death.

Colluding Deep State Liars of Congress, Federal Agencies and News Media. On the lies and disinformation put forth as truth by all of our Organized Deep State Liars. 

Watching All the Ungodly Pop-Stars go into Crash and Burn mode. "I saw Satan like lightning falling from heaven." (Luke 10:18). The mighty come down hard when they fall. All the Ungodly Heroes of the Ungodly Left are now falling like lightning, one after another.

Cat Fights over Leadership of Unconstitutional Bureaucracies. If what a bureau does is not even listed in Article One Section Eight, and it is thus out-of-scope for the government to even address, then, why does it even exist?

Phony "Alinsky Bucks" showing up in CCHD Collection Baskets. Who'da thunk it? Catholics, paying the Grand Master Puppeteer George Soros and his Global Population Control Puppets (Comrade Obama, peace be upon him, Madame Hillary, the USCCB) with Alinsky Bucks.

Anti-Capitalism is Anti-Christian and Anti-American. Anti-Capitalism denies "Thou shalt not steal" and "Thou shalt not covet", it denies American Constitutional Civil Rights, and it opposes Natural Law.

Anti-racism racism, anti-sexism sexism, anti-taxing taxes, etc., etc., etc. We are now ruled by anti-discrimination discrimination, anti-spending spending, and, we may as well face it: anti-reality reality.

Stupidity Rising: As the political pot boils, Elite Stupidity rises to the top. As more Trumpian Truth enters the American political recipe, our "Elites" are increasingly exposed as Liars, Lechers, Abusers, Perverts, Common Criminals, Corrupt Profiteers and just plain stupid.

America is either a distinct Christian Nation, or she is not. The American National Ethos is distinctly and uniquely Christian; The American Constitution and Laws are distinctly and uniquely American. Destroy either distinction, and America is no more.

The Anti-Christians. By Nito Gnoci, Part 1 Of 4

Culture = Religion + Politics, yes; but Religion and Politics have Gone Nuts. All Institutions have crumbled under the assault of the anti-institution sentiment, which is driven by the Globalist-funded, Alinsky-Organized, Cultural Marxism Movement.

Machiavellian Word Games: Commandeering Language for Communism. On the diabolically clever playing of Word Games, aimed at frightening, tricking and fooling the world's populations into joining the Globalist International Communist Movement.

I see it; I recognize it for what it is; but I don't understand the Why of it. Hatred of Christianity by people raised in Christianity; hatred of the USA by people raised up in the USA; there it is, right in front of us. But, Why?

Unpunished Desecration of Flag, Anthem and Country is Not New. Unpunished misbehavior feeds, breeds and multiplies more such misbehavior. Burning and Desecrating American flags is not new; it's old. That's why it's growing. There is nothing new under the sun. 

The Blessing of Age: It is good to not be young today. I give thanks for the blessing of age every time I look at the young, and see their aimlessness, pointlessness, purposelessness, and unjustified general anger.

Redounding Evil: All the Chickens Coming Home to Roost. All the Lies, all the Falsehoods, all the Trickery, all the opposition to Truth, in our Religion, in our Science, in our Politics, in our whole Culture, are redounding back on Now Identified Evil.

Government "Economic Stimulus" typifies Marxist Economic Stupidity. All of Marxist Economics is just stupid. Not just wrong, but stupidly wrong. Clearly, Marxists never learned simple arithmetic in grade school.

Simple Tax Facts blow the need for any income tax out of the water. From the "How ya gonna pay for it?" idiocy to the "Tax cuts for the Rich!" lunacy, all Marxocrats will ever accept is more income tax, more spending, more government, more Socialism and Less Freedom.

What, exactly, is Christian Civilization? And is Western Civilization still Christian, and precisely what does that mean, to be Christian?

Restoring our American Identity. With the election of President Trump, the Jig is Up, and we are recognizing and coming back to our own unique Christian American Identity. But do we recognize our enemies among us?

Noblesse Oblige: To be recognized as Noble, one must actually be Noble. The French "Noblesse Oblige" carries the obligation of Nobility into all aspects of the living of a life. If one would be seen as Noble, then one must put Nobility into action.

The Kumbaya Time Bomb: Inclusiveness building deadly Divisiveness. Universal Inclusiveness - the Kumbaya Time Bomb - is a dirty trick that benefits only the Ruthless Conquerors who intend to capitalize on the resulting inevitable Chaos and Divisiveness.

On the Social Affects of Roman Catholic Clerical Faggotry. As Catholic Clerical Faggotry eats away at the Church from the inside, "Cultural Marxism" works to destroy decency and cohesiveness in all of Western Civilization, from the inside

Lord, help our return to Simple Common Sense. Common Sense and Independence are Overwhelmed by Community Sense and Social Dependency; Churches close and "combine" as they work on LGBT Equality and Social Justice and we can't figure out why.

An American Resistance Counter-Revolutionary Movement. America needs a Political Movement mirroring Michael Voris' Catholic Resistance! Movement. American Resistance would counter our Multiculture and return to identifiable American Culture.

Deepest Treason: High-Placed Traitors Investigating Each Other. Traitors at the level of Jeff Sessions commit the Deepest Treason against the USA. The deepest members of the Deep State "Investigate" and cover up each other's deep treason.

Finally, the Natural Self Identifying Evil of the Left is Unrestrained. In Leftist-Elite Circles, Evil is the popular and in-thing to be. Elite, Self Identifying Evil has always yearned to go public.

With Truth Rising, the Lies scream louder, like desperate cornered rats. Truth is Rising everywhere, despite the best efforts of Satan, Marx, Mohammed, Hollywood, Journalism, Heretical Cardinals and Bishops, the Deep State and the Washington Establishment Club.

Institutionalizing Social Instability. How the Left busily blesses evil, curses good, systematically breaks down all established institutions, and institutionalizes social instability.

Trumpism: Pro-Capitalist, Populist-Nationalism. Communism is anti-Capitalist Globalism; Fascism/Nazism is anti-Capitalist Nationalism; all have Marxist anti-Capitalist roots. Only Trump's Populist-Nationalism conforms to the US Constitution

Generational Degradation + Deep State Spies = Deep Doo Doo. Trump's America is in Deep Doo Doo. All the evil tentacles of Cultural Marxism are strangling truth, knowledge, morality, faith and reason, while Deep State Spies attack Trump Himself.

Insatiable Leftist Hatred: a Form of Absolute Political Insanity. Leftist Hatred doesn't merely defeat opposition, but seeks to harm them, even destroy them, and, yes, even murder them.

Stephen Paddock and the Purposeless, Pointless, Undirected Life. So, Stephen Paddock displayed no religious views and no political views and no "movement" or "cause" affiliations. Why is that, in and of itself, not seen as socially problematic?

The Early Universe and the Human Embryo. On the Similarities of the Embryonic Human and the Embryonic Universe.

Filial Correction of Pope Francis for the Propagation of Heresies. The Filial Correction was written July 21 and delivered August 11, 2017. It is the first step in the Canonical process of Deposing a Heretical Pope.

Is America still a Christian Nation? And if not, then, what are we? Normally I don't pass on "Honk If You Love Jesus" type emails, especially after being burnt by virus-containing pass-it-on emails. But this one struck a chord.

The Anti-Nationalism Dirty Trick: Anti-Nationalism is Anti-American. The thing about Anti-Nationalism is that America happens to be a Nation. To be Anti-Nationalist is to be either Globalist or Anarchist, and thus, Anti-American.

All Anti-American Sentiment is Marxist Anti-Private-Property at its Roots. All the Anti-America NFL Stars were first tricked into opposing Private Property, and they just aren't smart enough to figure it out.

Progressive Communism explains the Republicrat Senate Inaction. Progressive Communism gave us our Democratically Elected Senate, our Redistributive Progressive Income Tax, the FED, Separation of Church and State, Abortion, Homosexual Marriage and Obamacare. And that ain't all. 

On the Alinsky-Induced Suicide of the Now Anti-American NFL. How a whole giant commercial industry was led to self destruction by a pitifully few organized "Useful Idiot" ignoramuses. Cultural Marxism-not Whites and not Cops-created the Anti American NFL.

Is Jeff Sessions one of the Deepest Swamp Creatures? Why no prosecutions of Madam Hillary and other criminals among the Marxocrats? How about Trey Gowdy? Was his incriminating examination more toothless political bluster by the deepest swamp creatures?

Bringing back McCarthyite Blacklisting to Restore Constitutional America. The Resurrection of McCarthyite Blacklisting would be the best way to encourage all of our Rabid Anti-American Americans to Self-Deport.

Was Globalist Pope Francis listening to the Trump Speech to the UN? As Globalist Pope Francis works to conform the Church to the World, President Trump draws the line between Nationhood, i.e., Distinct Human Cultures, and any dreamed-up Globalist Multi-Culture

The Trump UN Speech Transcript. President Trump's UN speech, delivered September 19, 2017, to the United Nations. 

Our Evil Partisan Party System, Unconstitutionally Running our Government. The Exact Republic-Dooming thing Washington warned about in his farewell address, which came to be in the next election, now threatens President Trump and the last vestiges of the American Republic.

Cultural Marxism: Induced Sociopolitical Stupidity. Cultural Marxism is, itself, an induced sociopolitical stupidity. Marxist ideology seeks to transform and conquer culture, and the first step is to put emotion in charge of intellect.

Does President Trump know he succeeded a Red President? Of course he knows. Black is the New Red. And Green is the New Red. Even Islam is the New Red. Comrade Obama, peace be upon him, is a Communist.

Direct Confrontation of our Enemies is what's missing in American Policy. Marxism and Islam are using the Trojan Horse approach to getting in among us, promoting "Diversity", "Multiculturalism" and Moral Corruption, to prepare the way for our downfall.

The Seven Days of Genesis, from a Scientific point of view. In a "Faith and Reason" Workshop, common ground, accommodation and peace were sought between Genesis' Seven Days, Cosmology and Evolution.

On the hidden Destructive Intent of all the Alienated and Disaffected. Evil Destructive Intentions are why all those Americans who hate America don't leave America, and why all those Catholics who hate Moral Doctrine don't leave the Church.

The Stupid Mask of Evil, by which Evil is no longer seen as Evil. The Stupid Mask of Evil, worn by Clintons, Obamas and their Party, fooling the public into seeing them as Stupid, maybe, but not Evil.

The Predominant Anti-Americanism in America and Everywhere Else. Anti-Americanism in American Government is just like the Anti-Catholicism in the Catholic Hierarchy, and the Anti-Nation-Globalism in the UN.

Raw Emotion: Marxism's Weapon against Intellect and Reason. Marxism feeds and grows Emotion in populations, to then "Emote" Representative Government out of existence through Emotion-Driven Advocacy.

The Evil Saint Galen Mafia Unmasked. Identifying the Cardinals of the Saint Galen Mafia, who made Bergoglio Pope and are working to overpower Catholicism with Modernism.

On the ongoing Marxification of America and Western Civilization. Think of Marxification as a Cultural Cancer. If you want to know how Marxfied we are, compare what our supposedly Constitutional government is doing to the actual Constitution's wording.

Thomistic Evolution? Really? Aquinas Reasoning supports Darwinism? Thomistic Evolution is an attempt at blending flawed material science with Genesis, so that Christians who had their faith shaken by faith in Darwinism can do a Christian-faith-restored happy-dance.

How the Marxocrat Party and Journalism are Loving and Growing Antifa. Just as the old Democrat Party Created and Grew the KKK, the new Marxocrat Party and Journalism are now Creating and Growing Antifa USA.

America's Trumpian Dilemma: To go Global, or go American. Our Trumpian Dilemma is the decision point between getting us back under our own Constitution or going out of existence as a recognizable nation.

Speaking of anti-bigotry bigots, what about anti-Catholic Catholics? We addressed America's anti-Fascism Fascists and anti-racism racists, but we didn't address the fact that all of that hidden anti-Americanism is also hidden anti-Catholicism.

On Anti-Bigotry Bigotry, and Anti-Fascism Fascism, etc. The worst form of Bigotry pretends to be Anti-Bigotry. Anti-Hate-Speech is, in reality, Anti-Free-Speech and Militant Anti-Racism always becomes another form of Racism.

The Vital Relationship between Authority, Leadership and Order. Man needs Authoritative Rules. America needs her Constitution; Christians need their Revelation; Both need Leadership that Serves Only External Authority.

Marxist Victimization: The Phony "Classes" of Victims and Victimizers. Cultural Marxism invents "Classes" and sets them against each other in Phony Class Wars between angry "Victims" and guilty "Victimizers". 

On the Deadly Inclusiveness infecting the Catholic Church. If Jesus was the most Divisive man in history, why is His Church now so unreservedly Inclusive? Catholic Inclusiveness perverts Mercy by applying it to unconverted, unrepentant sinners.

Poking and Prodding Peaceful Americans to Incite Violent Revolution. Even as insidious Cultural Marxism advances anti-American sentiment in the population, Violent Revolutionaries continue their Poking and Prodding of the Citizenry to anger them into violent reaction.

Our Identity Crisis is, precisely, our Lost Sense of Separateness. To be Holy is to be Set-Apart from all that is not holy. To be American is to be Set-Apart from all the rest of the physical world. In both cases, loss of that Separateness is loss of True Identity.

Is there a Moral Equivalence between Communism and Nazi-Fascism? No, Communism murdered more millions than Nazism or Fascism in its subjugation of populations. But then, what does "Morality" have to do with either variant of Marxism?

Hatred of Christianity and of America, Denied, and yet Displayed. The blind hatred of the Marxocrat Party and their News Media for all civilized and civilizing cultural institutions is clear and obvious. So why doesn’t the whole population see it for what it is?

Marxist Instigation, Racist Reaction, and Marxist Blame of Trump. Marxists in Government Positions purposely brought on all the violence in Charlottesville in the first place, and then acted all innocent.

The Ghoulish Medicine Practiced by Modern Transplant Specialists. Whatever you do, do not check that little box making yourself an organ donor when you die. The rules have changed in favor of Ghoulish Medicine, and you may be murdered for your organs.

On Unrecognized Popular Traitors, Fooling and Betraying America. John McCain Exemplifies the Marxocrat-Republicrat Double-Agent, enjoying undeserved Hero-Worship while he works to Undo America.

Anti-Humanity: The Evil Sentiment that drives the World Elites. Scratch an Anti-American American and you will find an Anti-Human Human. The real Diabolical Evil driving Communism and all Communist Sympathy is Rabid Anti-Humanity.

American National Destruction: The Aim of America's Elites. The "Washington Establishment" that owns and operates the Political Parties, predominantly Marxist, actually seeks and intends America's National Destruction.

Catholic Leaven: Counteracting the Satanic Leaven in the Church. The evil trickery of innocent-sounding "Diversity", "Multiculturalism", "Inclusiveness", etc., brought Evil into the Church as an Aggressive, Persistent, Evil Leaven that must be counteracted.

Comrade Obama Unmasked: Confirming what we strongly suspected. New Book documents the Deep Communism and Global conspiratorial aspirations of Comrade President Obama, encompassing even the Catholic Church.

The Tax Code is the Main Drain Plug for the Whole Damned Swamp. Kill the Tax Code and you Break the Money Link of Treachery that feeds the Worst of the Deadly Swamp Creatures.

America Hatred is not natural; it is learned, acquired and trained behavior. Academia, the Marxocrat Party and the Fake News Media are all steeped in America Hatred. So much so that they actually promote and sponsor deadly violence against America.

On our Revealed Cause for Being, versus Theory divorced from Revelation. When strictly faith-based Darwinism denies the Revealed Cause of everything, it must "evolve" increasingly nonsensical theories for Uncaused Matter.

Theoretically Incompetent Congress standing in the way. This is feigned incompetence, masking sneaky Machiavellian politics. The sitting Congress and the sitting Court prove once and for all that the Political Parties are The Swamp.

Feminist and LGBTQ Lunacy Versus Nature, Normalcy and Civilization. The Femi-Nazi and Homo-Nazi Lobby pushing LGBTQ Lunacy on Western Civilization forms a Third Front, joining Marxism and Islam, for the Destruction of Decent and Free Human Society.

America's Constitutional Redemption, through Presidential Action Alone. Jeff Sessions could get out from under his Recusal, Congress could have "Repeal And Replace" taken out of their incompetent hands, and the Trump Agenda could actually take off.  If.

On the Serious Ramifications of Jeff Sessions' Recusal Screw-Up. The Recusal Screw-Up ALONE allows the Deep State to illegitimately challenge the Presidency while Protecting their Washington Swamp.

The Popular Rabidly Anti-American American Politicians. The very presence of the Anti-American American, like that of the Anti-Catholic Catholic, presents more of a threat to the larger body than any alien mortal enemy.

Exploiting Global Warming as a Global Government Strategy. Global Warming: A self-enriching scam for Al Gore; an entertaining toy for George Soros; a Political Stratagem for Evil Marxism; and now maybe a doctrine of Catholicism?

Denying the Miraculous while Pretending to Affirm God's Revelation. All arguments denying the Miraculous attack Divine Revelation, opposing Objective Truth. Opposing Truth always ends in Nonsense.

On Coming Around to Creationism. Evolution Of Species is not scientifically verifiable and therefore fraudulent when presented as "Scientifically Factual". Revealed Truth needs no such verification. It is Revealed.

Confused Ecumenism in Catholic Education and Catholic Thought. Confused Ecumenism was not born of Land-O-Lakes, or the "Contraception" Revolt at Catholic University, or the Enlightenment, or Modernism. It began with Judas Iscariot.

Live Interviews.  All Live Interviews of Vic Biorseth

Blessed Divisiveness: Breaking the Evil "Inclusiveness" Obsession. What "Multicultural" Catholicism, American Politics and Western Civilization need is a proper sense of Blessed Divisiveness, to restore the religious social-civil roots of Moral Christian Society.

The Communist Bourgeoisie: Rich Capitalist Revolutionaries. From Elon Musk to Dan Rather, from CNN to Google, from Solyndra to the Clinton Foundation, the Communist Bourgeoisie use Capital to destroy Capitalism.

Random-Rebellion: The Making of Rebels Without a Cause. The Educationally Formed "Revolutionary" is at the real root of every single family, religious, philosophical, ideological & sociopolitical problem in America today.

The Government Safety Net: The Barbed Hooks of Socialism. "Everyone Agrees" on the need of a Government Safety Net for the Unfortunate. Why? Because it births and grows Socialism and replaces the Constitutional Republic with Marxism.

Catholic Simplicity Versus the Super Complexified World.  Recognizing the glory of God and the sweet smell of incense is so simple it offends the ungodly mind. Most will always prefer accommodation with the world to Catholic Simplicity.

Deep Church Traitors: Homosexual Plants in the Shadow Church. "Most" Deacons, Priests, Bishops, Cardinals, etc., are "Good" Clerics? Sez who? Where's the evidence of that? 

Deep State Traitors: Ideological Plants of the Shadow Government. "Most" FBI, CIA, NSA, etc., agents are"Good" Americans? Sez who? Where's the evidence of that?

On Self-Inflicted Western Barbarity and the End of Civil Order. Insidious Cultural Marxism's Corrosive "Inside" Victory over Western Civilization: The Rise of Western Barbarity.

"Evolving" Dogma, Vague Doctrine and Splintering Catholicism. Not merely splitting, but splintering Catholicism, just like the splintering of America and of Western Civilization, is being accomplished from the inside.

Scriptural Judgment: for a Brother, a Samaritan, a Philistine. In the discerned the will of God, is human judgment a one-size-fits-all universal thing, or is it to be applied differently for Christians, non-Christians and mortal enemies of Christianity?

The "White Man's Religion" lie Versus the "Racist Islam" truth. Black Slavery, still active in Islam, invented by Islam, has a thousand year-plus history, against a mere three centuries of the European-American spin-off, and it never had an Abolition Movement.

Draining The Swamp must include Condemning The Stupid. In the end, Social Division will be required to restore Constitutional America and American Greatness. And that means Anathematizing The Stupid.

Tweet Trump Tweet! Drive the Fake News Nuts and Drain The Swamp! Fake News & Marxocrats can enrage their base with flagrant malicious lies inducing the shooting of Republicrats but the President can't tweet a comical parody video against THEM? Tweet, Trump, Tweet!

Attacking Catholic Darwinism, from the purely Catholic perspective. This site has always challenged Darwinism from the purely scientific perspective.  Now, we see another Catholic champion of Truth attacking Catholic Darwinism from Revealed Truth.

On going back to the Original Bible, after all these Revisions.  The Douay-Rheims is the English translation of the original Vulgate, the world's first one-book Bible, put together by St. Jerome around 400 A.D. From now on, this is my Bible of reference.

The Institutional Church, Institutional Nations and Institutional Man. The Institutional Church, like any instituted nation, is a solid, fixed, objective thing. You can point to it and say "there it is". Institutional Man is "Institutional" by Natural Law.

Is the Novus Ordo Mass already a mostly Protestant Mass?  A Protestant Mass?  Excuse me?  Was that really somebody's plan from the beginning?

Identifying the Enemy is the first requisite for victory in war.  If you let the enemy join your ranks, lead your forces, preach from your pulpits, hold political office, legislate, execute and adjudicate your laws, then, how have you not become your own enemy?

American Constitutionalism versus Any Other Political Ideology.  American Constitutionalism is to Politics what Roman Catholicism is to Religion:  The Only "Real" Way To Go.

Emotionalizing the Intellect as Preparation for Revolution. Emotionalizing Religion, Emotionalizing Science and Emotionalizing Politics: Displacing Rational Thinking with Pure Raw Emotion, for the eventual Violent Overthrowing of Human Civilization.

Conquest by Stealth, of the Church, America and the World.  Antonio Gramsci's stratagem of Conquest by Stealth uses a reversal of 1 Corinthians 5, applied against the Church, against Nations, and against all who would separate themselves from Evil.

This Little Light of Mine on This Little Ark of Ours.  The lowest of the lay citizenry, armed with revealed Truth, bringing their light aboard this little ark, for a rebirth of the Church.

The Middle-Ages were not Dark; these are the real Dark Ages.  The stupid war between Science and Theology is being won by Theology, but you would never know it, because Scientism "owns" education, broadcasting and publication.

Truth, Antitruth and Catholic American Man.  Antitruth creates convenient but false and temporary Comfort-Zones.  Truth may be temporarily inconvenient and uncomfortable, but is the only Permanent Natural Happiness.

The Swamp Fights Back: Never Underestimate Deep Marxist Muck.  The Marxist-Globalist Deep-State Swamp Fights Back against President Trump, We The People and our Constitution.

It's the Violent Revolutionary Ideology, Stupid.  The Political Ideology of James Hodgkinson was the Bloody Marxist Revolution now typical of the American Marxocrat Party and the Fake News Media.  Why doesn't everyone just get that?

What is the Purpose behind Purposeful Ambiguity?  The Cultural Movement out of Practicality, or Practical Reality, and into General Ambiguity, is Systematic.  Looking for the Purpose behind the Purposeful Ambiguity Movement.

Southwest Ohio Resistance Group looking for a few good Catholics.  I can't believe I'm the only "Resistance Group" guy in the whole Dayton area ready to draw my Catholic sword and advance on the enemy.  Are the only strong Catholics around here all way south of town?

The Suicidal Politics allowing Enemy Ideology Political Participation.  On the insane abandoning of simple common sense required to bless and welcome mortal enemy ideologies into full participation in the whole political process.

Globally Despised Trump Now Running Globally Despised America.  Marxism-Infected Western Thinking has been trending to Cultural Marxism for 100+ Years, and Along Comes Globally Despised Trump, to Upset the Global Apple Cart.  (It’s All Anti-Capitalist Sentiment.)

A Globalist Comeuppance at the hands of Trump.  Fake News, Fake Science, Fake Education, New World Order, Secularism, Marxism, Islam, all Globalist Movements Piled-On to Get Trump, and Trump is handing them all a Globalist Comeuppance.

Bedroom Laws:  Making Abomination Legal by Violating Subsidiarity.  Under the mask of "getting government out of the bedroom" the champions of abomination put the federal government in charge of your bedroom.

On the Green Foolery, in which Green became the new Red.  The Green Foolery fooled generations of students into joining "Green Revolutions" on phony emergency bases, all to benefit the more hidden but very real Marxist Revolution already under way.

The Coexistence Lunacy.  All the Coexistence Nuts, inviting, welcoming, protecting and blessing their own future murderers.  (And ours.)

On Going-Catholic in this Anti-Catholic World.  Going Catholic, or going MORE Catholic, is the Only Real Antidote for the Spreading Global Social Poison of Untruth, Unreason and Evil.

Complying with Jihad, with chin-up, stiff upper lip and all that.  Show no fear and keep your chin up.  It makes it easier for them to cut your throat.  Show them how you are not the least bit terrorized, by complying with Jihad.  That'll teach 'em. 

Treason and Stupidity:  co-dependent cooperators against Civilization.  The Traitor needs to fool someone.  Treason "recruits" cooperators.  Really big treacherous deceptions demand really big frauds.  Treason and Stupidity need and feed each other.

Are we the real Catholic Church, or the Church of All Nice People?  Does the real Catholic Church worship God, or itself?  Is it a distinct religion, or is it a "Blend"?  Is Truth Himself unchangeable, or malleable?

Is it Science as Idolatry, or Religion as Superstition?  Science was corrupted the moment it divorced Christianity; corrupted science then dropped the Scientific Method, adopted Science of Consensus, and became Science as Idolatry.

Arm the Citizenry, for the best internal National Security.  And how do we Arm the Citizenry?  Very simple.  Get the Government out of the way and the citizenry will arm themselves.

The Relentless Evil of Satan Persists, so long at this world exists.  Post Memorial-Day signals of "Peace Rising" are undercut by the relentless evil that persists on earth, advancing the cause of evil through deceptive treachery.

President Trump calls for Memorial Day of Prayer.  You won't hear about President Trump's call for a day of prayer anywhere in the anti-American Fake News, so here it is.

Political Arguments: Constructive, Destructive and Downright Stupid.  Political Arguments controlled by Political Parties morph into Agendas for Pure Party Power.  Political Power that usurps or replaces legitimate Government Power is Treasonous Power.

On-Line Resource for Learning the Extraordinary Form of the Mass.  From finding the Sunday and Daily Liturgical Calendar Propers and Readings, to Full Catechesis, to a Direct Comparison between the Extraordinary and the Ordinary Forms.

Truth Wins in the end, because Truth simply Is, and Truth does not change.  No matter how deep the swamps, no matter how deep the lies and deceptions, no matter how bad the politics, no matter now corrupt the one true religion, in the end, Truth Wins.

Who will drain the Catholic Swamp, and how, exactly?  Trump is draining the Washington Swamp; what about the Catholic Swamp?  Our last perfectly capable Pope abdicated for apparent political reasons, certainly not health.  Was he Swamped?

Providing National Security Without the Anathema Option.  If Anathematizing Islam is "not who we are", then, who are we?  National Security devoid of any National Anathemas means Security Measures enforced only against ourselves and our liberty and freedom.

Trying the Anathema Option for National Security.  (Nothing else is working.)  The abandonment and non-use of the Anathema Option is at the root of our own Religious Suicide, National Suicide, Cultural Suicide and Western Civilization Suicide.

"Civilized" Islamic Nations versus the True Islamic Religion.  When Politics drives Religion in Islamic Nations, the whole world is safer; when Religion drives Politics in Islamic Nations, the whole world is menaced.

The Ungodly Never-Trumpers who don't even know what they are.  If a Marxist Useful Idiot knew he was a Useful Idiot he wouldn't be a Useful Idiot.  Similarly, Ungodly Never Trumpers don't even know how they promote Ungodliness.

Extremist Faith:  In Catholicism & Islamism, Marxism & Americanism.  True Catholicism is the most Extremist religion on earth.  So is "true" Islam, the other way.  And, Marxism and American Constitutionalism are extremist political opposites.

Washington Swamp Critters: Deadlier than any Everglades Critters.  Draining the Washington Swamp unveils all the venomous Clintonistas and Obamunists of the Shadow Government, running the Deep-State Politics of graft, blackmail, take-down and rigged elections.

We Gotta Impeach Trump, for Being Elected, Among Other Crimes.  We were Nailing Down the Coffin Lid on American Capitalism, Building True Socialist Justice and Saving the Planet, and He Stopped the Whole Process!

On our Judicial Traitors, using our Courts to bring America down.  Globalist, anti-American Judges and Justices who consistently oppose the very Constitution they falsely swore to uphold and are charged in office to obey, protect and work from within.

On the necessity of using Barbarian Allies against the worst Barbarians.  Saudi Arabia, Egypt and other Moslem nations so fear ISIS that they will ally with despised America and Israel against it.  But never forget that Barbarian Allies are still Barbarians, at the core.

On the Dividing Lines that make distinct religions, nations and cultures.  Globalism, the UN, the EU, Marxism and Islam all blur dividing lines to force the world into one impossible hodgepodge mixture of cultures, from the most civilized to the most barbaric.

Purposeful Unbalance of Culture through Unnatural Forced Inclusiveness.  The ultimate aim of Marxism is not "fairness" or "justice", but increased unbalance, disorder and chaos.

Media Lies, Corrupted Deep-State Agencies and Marxified America.  The Establishment-Owned Deep-State and their Media Leaks Versus President Trump and America As Constituted.

On The Demonic Replacement of Distinction with Diversity.  Diversity, Plurality, Multi-Culturalism, etc., acting against distinct religions, distinct nations, distinct borders of every kind, even distinct individual being.  Against Distinction Itself.

All the "Catholic" Ducks:  If a Pope walks like a duck ...   If a critter walks like a duck, and talks like a duck, and is constantly seen in the company of ducks, it may be proper to assume that the critter just might be a duck.  Including Catholic critters.

Did the breakdown and loss of the Scientific-Method begin with Darwinism?  In the Evolutionary Trail of Modern Scientism, Marxism points back to Freudianism, and farther back to Darwinism.  Was that where Modern Man initially took Science off the rails?

Spineless Leaders cause more cultural harm than Traitorous Leaders.  Spineless Leaders who push rather than pull, who lead from the rear of the column, and who are too weak or cowardly to actually confront any enemy.

Church Militant Resistance Movement:  Will you join it?  For once, a "Resistance" Grass-Roots Movement that is for Culture and not against it; for Magisterial Teaching, and against Error.  (Is that already Counter-Cultural?)

On the All-Out Assault on Truth, in the Church and in Politics.  Fake News, False Doctrine, the rise of Indifferentism through Diversity, and the ultimate Blessing Of Evil, all done in the Face of Unchanging and Unchangeable Truth.

The Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Rope-A-Dope Political Trick.  Getting the populace all exercised to grow the government over yet another political false premise involving yet another imaginary Constitutional "Right".

Red Jihad:  How Marxism uses Islam as just another Revolutionary Tool.  The Red Left consistently  feeds the "Islam Is Peace" lie, blames the Right, Capitalism, white people or the USA for acts of Jihad, to help  feed and grow Pre-Revolution Chaos and Disorder.

Forced Return to Constitutionalism:  The Only Realistic Swamp-Draining.  The only realistic way to "Drain The Swamp" is to brutally club anti-Constitution Government Officials back under their own Constitution, or out of Government altogether.

The Rise of the Anti-Culture; the Anti-Church and the Anti-State.  While responsible "Leaders" look the other way, or pretend not to see, The World is taking all good institutions down from the inside.  That is what the new Anti-Culture is all about.

Indifference to Cult is the Most Destructive Lie of Human Culture.  How can an Identifiable Culture last if children are taught to "make up their own minds" about Cult?  Indifference toward cult eventually destroys all culture.

All the Universally Believed Lies of the Left, feeding Cultural Devastation.  The universally believed lies pushed by evil men and their Useful Idiots and Agent Provocateurs, "Revolutionizing" human culture away from Simple Common Sense and Natural Law.

On the Managed Decline of Catholicism in America.  The Managed Decline of the Catholic Church in America, like the Managed Decline of American Constitutionalism, is being treacherously orchestrated FROM THE INSIDE.

The Apolitical Lord Jesus, Who Split Religion and Politics.  Until Jesus, Religion and Politics were Combined.  Jesus hit history with a force that split time itself, established the New Calendar and Split Worldly and Ecclesial Government Apart.

The Moslem-Marxist Barbaric Collusion against Human Civilization.  All the evidence points to a deep Moslem-Marxist Barbaric Collusion against religions, nations, and even civilization itself.

The Perps:  All the upside-down Social Lies, and their Perpetrators.  Unmasking the Perps.

Unrecognized Revolutionaries, in Churches, Governments and Citizenries.  Determined detractors of existing Doctrine, Law and Order, who never leave the Institution they despise, are Unrecognized Revolutionaries, who intend to Take Over, or, Bring The Institution Down.

Truth Hating Catholics:  See No Evil, Speak No Evil, Hear No Evil Clerics.  The three divisions in the Church Hierarchy:  Those who champion the Truth, those who oppose Him, and those who avoid Him.  The Opposers and the Avoiders are Truth Hating Catholics.

All the America Hating Americans, working hard to bring America down.  The American Citizenry has been infected with America hating Americans from her birth.  But this national self-hatred really took off after the birth of Communism.

Civilized Moslems:  Ataturk's Turkey and the Shah's Iran had them.  Once, Civilized Moslems, Educated Women and Peaceful, Attractive, Beautiful Cities predominated in lands where now we see little other than Typical Islamic Barbarity.

Social Darwinism, Neo-Freudianism and Marxist Utopianism, all, Displace God.  Social Darwinsim applied Biological Evolution to Human Societies; Neo-Freudianism emphasized Human Culture over Individual Biology; Marxism emphasized the Collective over the Individual.

Trump Flips:  Are they Flips, or "Art Of The Deal" Deal-Making?  Note that in every so-called Trump Flip-Flop, Trump winds up in a much better relationship and/or a much stronger negotiating position with some former adversary.

On Disciples, Timid Believers and Traitors to the Faith, on Maundy Thursday.  Entering the Easter Triduum, all three groups will be spoken of in the Passion Readings.  To which group do you belong?

A Trump Inspired Global Turning:  A World Returning to Cultural Sanity.  Kiss the notions of a "Post-Christian World" and a "Post-American World" goodbye.  We may be seeing a Massive Global Turning Away from Imminent Global Disaster.

Globalist Pope Francis' Marxist Program to End All Sovereign Nations.  Our Globalist Pope leads the attack on all National Sovereignty to bring an end to all national borders in favor of Total Global Disorder, ostensibly for the good of the Planet and the Poor.

Trump Hitting Syrian Airbase was the Right Thing To Do.  "Do the Right Thing."  Advice you should have gotten from your Father, Mother, Priest, Elders, Teachers. etc.  A thing is either Right or Wrong.  It's not Democratic; it's Right or Wrong.

Politics Defined:  Nations are Political Entities; War and Peace are Political.  Religion orders human behavior.  Politics control human behavior.  Politics, Defined, is where Eternal Truth meets Temporary Worldly Ambitions and Rulers.

Marxist Politics in America:  The Political Revolution that is conquering USA.  No one seems to recognize the Progressive Marxist Politics that are displacing the Constitution, aimed at eventual establishment of another typical Communist Dictatorship in America.

On Innies and Outies:  No, not Belly Buttons, but Personal Philosophies.  Rights are Innies; Responsibilities are Outies.  Feelings are Innies; Realities are Outies.  Personal Comforts are Innies; Guiding Principles are Outies.  Sins are Innies; Doctrines are Outies.

Benghazi Liars Susan Rice and Adam Schiff Aid and Abet Treason Again.  After all their public lies covering up Obama administration gun-running collusion with Al Qaeda closing with the Stevens assassination, they now lie again to break a Presidency.

Planet of the Atheists:  An Education-Induced New World Order.  Globalist Revolutionary Educators are systematically breaking down Human Civilization to replace it with a new Planet of the Atheists.

Mitochondrial Eve & Y-Chromosomal Adam v Darwinism and the "Natural" Homo.  If all human DNA traces back to Mitochondrial Eve and Y-Chromosomal Adam, then the religion of Darwinism and the "Naturalness" of the homosexual condition are both refuted.

Why does Flynn need Legal Immunity?  Because the Legal Process is so Corrupt.  So long as the Senate, the House and Courts, Judges and Justices up and down the line are driven by Political Party Agenda and not by the Constitution or the Law as written, Truth does not matter.

Repealing Obamacare means getting the federal government completely out of it.  The Political Parties will never repeal it.  Repeal it Hell; Kill it, and the States and Private Sector will scramble for the business.  Strike it down as flagrantly unconstitutional and illegal law.

Trump, the Freedom Caucus and the Bogus Health Care "Entitlement".  The Freedom Caucus was right; but Dead Right; the rest of the Party Opposed them.  Trump is making them unite, as a Party, while fracturing a unified Marxocrat Party.

Trumping The Parties:  President Trump is Changing American Politics.  President Trump's Deal Making is out manipulating the professional manipulators of the Washington Establishment Club, and picking apart their Political Parties.

How Our Anti-American Political Parties Oppose Constitutional America.  Party Agenda is Everything; the Constitution is Nothing; Marxocrats Oppose Everything American; Republicrats are Weak or Sneaky Bipartisan Cooperators; All Favor a Globalist New World Order.

Nationalizing Catholicism:  Introducing the Democratholic Church of America.  While we have been off worrying about our own government suppressing our religion, Party Politics has been quietly infiltrating the Church and turning it into a Government Agency.

The Elite, Effete, Upper-Class Science-Deniers of the New World Order.  Denial of God is denial of Truth, which leads to denial even of solid empirical facts that do not support the inevitable man-made alternative ideology.

Hard, Cold Reality squeezes Leftist Lies, and Leftie Lunacy pops out.  Many people raised and bathed in lies all their lives simply cannot handle the shock of reality.  The inevitable confrontation brings out real Leftie Lunacy.

Empty Confessionals, Popular Liturgy and the Communion Stampede.  Nobody notices or even thinks about all the empty confessionals, but everybody "participates" in Liturgy and everybody receives the Most Blessed Sacrament.

The Islamic Connection between ISIS, Random Terrorism and Global Jihad.  It is the unseen Islamic Connection that is conquering Western Civilization: The Known Terrorist Groups, Native Born Convert Terrorists, Global Jihadists, etc. are all Moslems who read the same Koran.

Breaking Government "Sausage-Making" to Repeal Obamacare.  Political Government Sausage Making versus plain and simple Constitutional Government is the sole problem with repealing Obamacare.

The sole path to Islamic Heaven is to die a martyr in performance of Jihad.  That's it.  Islam assures no one else of salvation.  Male martyrs get a permanent erection; female martyrs get a permanently erect penis.  No kidding.

Notable Quotable Judie Brown, on Trump, Life and Death.  American Life League's Quotable Judie Brown nailed the essence of the response to Trump's offer to Planned Parenthood.

The Politics versus Truth dichotomy conundrum.  Even knowing how vehemently both Establishment Political Parties hate the Constitution, it's still shocking how openly they oppose that which they have all sworn to uphold.

Looking more closely at Pope Francis' chosen Papal Pals.  If a critter walks like a duck, talks like a duck and is constantly seen in the company of other ducks, the logical conclusion is that he most probably is a duck.

Alinskyite Dolan:  Anti-American American, Anti-Catholic Cardinal.  Cardinal Timothy Dolan may be the perfect Undercover Alinskyite Anti-Institution Subversive Radical Marxist Revolutionary.

Liar, Liar, Pants On Fire, Nose As Long As A Telephone Wire.  "Liar Liar" applies to the whole Washington Establishment, both of their Parties and their whole Fake News Media, in their obsessive-compulsive mission to destroy Trump.

On Ending Quantitative Easing and Bursting the QE Bubble.  Does a stock market crash mean an economic crisis?  Not necessarily.  A burst of the QE Bubble could be a step toward Market Sanity.

The Great Evil Nationalism Lie:  Nationalism is not Evil; Globalism is Evil.  The Evil Nationalism Lie says that nations with borders are not needed, which is to say, there is no such thing as Evil that needs to be kept out.  Don't worry your little head about it.

The Great Melting Pot Lie:  America is and always was a Distinct Culture.  The American "Melting Pot" of Immigration cooks an Assimilation Stew, in which Immigrants become Americans, rather than American Culture becoming Suicidally Diverse.

Marian Consecration ain't easy for us "Marthas".  It's the part about worrying about one thing only: fully returning the love that is given, and trusting that everything else will be taken care of.

2nd Sunday of Lent, Transfigured of our Lord Cycle A  Hope, inner soul room, transfiguration

Trump Rising:  "We'll fully fund Planned Parenthood if they stop Abortions."  Planned Parenthood's Answer:  No!  We're PROUD to be committing Abortions!

Globalist Stupidassism in the Vatican.  Globalist Fraud after Hoax after Scam, all promoted in the Pontifical Academy of Science and the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences "Workshop on Biological Extinction."

The greatest threat to Constitutional America?  Immorality.  Insidious, growing Immorality poses a greater threat than the growing ideologies of Marxism, Islam, Globalism, or any of America's external enemies, combined.

"Good Cop, Bad Cop" Political Parties versus We The People.  The Republicrat Party is the Good Cop, the Marxocrat Party is the Bad Cop, both are owned and operated by the same Establishment Club, and We The People are the "Suspect".

On Good Globalism, Bad Globalism, and Nationalism.  The International "Good" Aims of Catholicism and larger Christianity versus the "Evil" Aims of Communism, Islam and Freemasonry, related to the Natural Civil Order of Sovereign Nations.

Unconstitutional Obamacare, and Unconstitutional Replacementcare.  If federal control of private industry is illegal, then why would any sworn-in, honest and fully conscious Congress simply replace one blatant illegality with another?

Wiretapping Trump:  Why is anyone surprised?  Wiretapping Trump may be among the least of all the Obamunist - Marxocrat Party crimes against the Constitution and the Citizenry of the USA.

Original Design preserves the Church, and preserves America.  The Original Design of the Church was of Divine Authorship.  The Original Design of the USA was as "perfect" as any mere men could ever design.

On the California Secession Movement:  Hold the Yippees and Yahoos.  A California Secession should be put down as was the Democrat South after the Civil War.  Per Amendment XIV, "Rebels" could never vote or hold elective office again.

It's all about Marxist Revolution, not sexual license or saving the planet.  "Organizing is a euphemism for Revolution."--Saul Alinsky, who invented Grass-Roots Community Organizing for Eventual Marxist Revolution.

Return to Constitutionalism means a return to Original American Faith.  Constitutional Originalism requires understanding the Faith of the Authors of the Constitution at the time of Ratification.

On the Establishment Rage aimed at President Trump.  Globalist, Marxist, Anti-American, Anti-Christian, Anti-Law, Unbalanced Establishment Rage aimed at the Trump Presidency and Agenda, is Dedicated and Committed to Destroying his Presidency.

Trump Speak:  What's new in Trump's speech to Congress?  Nothing whatsoever.  Trump Speak is People Speak.  He's been saying the exact same things from the very beginning.  The Establishment, the Media and all other Globalists and Cultural Marxists were never even listening, until now.

"Offer it up?"  What the hell is that?  Where is the Grace in That?  When all is woe, you feel abandoned by God, and you say "God, where are you?", there He hangs, suffering on the Cross, abandoned and mocked, saying "People, where are you?  Is it all for nothing?"

How is Mary the Mediatrix of All Graces?  Isn't Jesus the sole Mediator?  Again, it depends on whether you view it in Earth time, or Heaven time.  In Eternity, past, present and future all exist in the same "moment".

On Satan's Blind Rage against "The Woman".  Was the war between Satan and The Woman, or, between the Seed of Satan, and the Seed of the Woman?  It depends upon whether you view it from Earth, or from Heaven.

The Looming Islamic War:  Sunni, ISIS, Shia, Kurds, Russia, Israel, USA?  Sunni nations allying with Israel against ISIS?  Excuse me?  Shia nations allying with Russia?  Who's on First here?

Amnesty Schmamnesty!  Feelings are feelings and the law is the law.  "Feelings" and "Values" and "Who We Are" and other Freudian-Marxian tricks are not the law, and they do nothing for National Security other than to harm it.

How Sworn in Operators of the Law can actually Hate the Law.  The Marxocrat Party, John Boehner, Mitch McConnell, John McCain, Lindsey Graham, etc., all solemnly sworn to uphold the Law, but who actually Hate The Law.

Who is guaranteed Freedom of the Press?  CNN, or you and me?  The First Amendment Rights were written to protect all Citizens, not to solely protect Partisan Propagandist Corporations to the exclusion of others. 

Draining Swamps (Plural) through the Information Revolution.  Well, ya gotcher Global Swamp, ya gotcher National Swamps andja gotcher Catholic Clerical Swamp.  And Information Technology is the Roto-Rooter in all of them.

Koran is a Cult and should be Outlawed.  Or, get ready for violence on our own soil.

How obstinate and (stupid) Egalitarianism acts to destroy civilization.  Are we not all children of God, to be treated absolutely equally, and is that not Egalitarianism?  Well, in a word, no.

The Source of Radical Islamic Terrorism?  Mohammed and the Koran.  Radical Marxist Terrorism comes out of the Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital.  Similarly, Radical Islamic Terrorism comes right straight out of the Koran.

How Cultural Marxism induces the commission of National Suicide.  Ideological Marxism has almost totally abandoned armies and force of arms, switching to Subversion and getting us to commit National Suicide.

American Exceptionalism in a nutshell:  Citizen Upward Mobility.  Unique American Exceptionalism is why everyone wants to come here.  Here, citizens can "move up" and improve their own condition in life.

In this Information War, a Disinformation Program has established Unreality.  An Information War is unlike any war we have ever fought.  Now, what Truth fights, is massive persistent belief in Unreality.

President Trump and the Strong, Manly Leadership we were all looking for.  Strong, Manly Leadership has finally arrived in America.  The Church still waits for it.

Watching President Trump Breaking the Fake News Media.  Wow.  I mean, like, wow.  Watching Trump Breaking the Fake News Media is the Best Show In Town.  It's a beautiful thing.

Evil Globalist Desperation drives the Rush to Impeach Trump.  They are desperate to find a way to impeach Trump, now, while they still own the Chief Justice and an "Establishment" majority in Congress.

Were Mary of Magdela and Mary of Bethany the same woman?  Could an earlier freeing of demonic possession be the reason behind Mary of Bethany's radical faith, through true recognition of exactly Who Jesus Was?

The still unrecognized evil goal of the Trump Opposition.  It isn't just Trump they are after, and it isn't just Constitutional America they seek to destroy.  The unrecognized evil goal is Globalism, and the end of nations and liberty of man.

President Trump, a Sign of Contradiction in the World.  Am I the only one who sees Trump as what we are all called to be but are not; a sign of contradiction in the world, opposed by many?  Or am I nuts? 

Scripture, War and Peace.  Does Scripture ban war, forbid division, invite unlimited unity, and thereby deny the existence of evil?

The Pasquino Statue comes alive, with questions for Pope Francis.  Posters all over Rome revive the ancient "Pasquino Statue" tradition of lay people questioning the Pope.

The George Soros Republicrats.  Is anyone surprised that Soros money backed McCain, Graham, Ryan, Rubio, etc.?  I'm not. 

Massive Public Outrage for Hire, to the Highest Bidder.  The Woman's March on Washington, the ongoing Airport Demonstrations, all, and more, all bought and paid for, in advance.

On "Killer" Putin and the Indefensible Trump Remarks.  Putin's a Killer, but, like, we're not, so we should all just run and hide from Putin.  Right?

Democracy Breaking:  Returning America to a Constitutional Republic.  Repealing Wilson's 16th and 17th Amendments, and returning to America's brilliant original conceptual design.

Party Breaking:  Catholicism's Key to Church Greatness.  Catholicism's real key to making the Church great again is to break clerical allegiance to Party and return sole allegiance to the Revealed Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Party-Breaking:  Trump's Key to American Greatness.  Trump's real key to Making American Great Again is to break allegiance to Party and return sole allegiance to Constitutional America.

The Minimum Wage Lie: Raising unemployment, uplifting no one.  You just can't fool the natural law that controls economics.

The Stupid (or Evil) Bishops Helping the Global Islamization Cause.  Leading Dioceses (and America) into social suicide. 

Potentially Wrong Decisiveness v Always Wrong Indecision.  President Trump's bold decisiveness contrasted with Pope Francis' Pronounced Indecision.

On the new (to me) heresy of Popalitry.  False belief that a Pope can do no wrong leads to Pope Worship.

Do we have a Diabolically Controlled Pope?  Every time he opens his mouth, he makes himself a fool. 

Cultural Marxist Indecency is always on public display.  It's so obvious even the lying media can't hide it any more.

The "Hitlerian" Trump Slander: Communism's Oldest Deceptive Strategy.  Fake News Media, the Pope, the Marxocrat Party, and even Republicrat "Establishment" types raise the specter of Nazism associated with "Populist" President Trump, who isn't even an ideologue.

American-defined Equality, Life, Liberty, Property: that, we can unite on.  In the American interpretation only - not the Marxist interpretation, and not the Islamic interpretation.  We should unite with any who embrace these Four American Foundational Civil Rights

It's "Time To Unite" with anti-Americans and all forms of evil?  My Ass!  We The People should reach out to them?  As they are?  Why? !!!  Shouldn't they be trying very hard to convert themselves and reconcile with us?  If not, why not?

The Dubia Aftermath shows that Pope Francis still doesn't get it.  Non-response to the Dubia means a Warning; non-response to that means a second Warning, and finally, a non-Pope Council to depose the Pope.

The Inaugural aftermath shows that the Establishment still doesn't get it.  Horror of horrors!  Trump keeps saying what he always keeps saying!  And the Marxocrats may be Marxified, but the Republicrats are just plain Stupidified.

Praying for President Trump on Inauguration Day.  Invoking the Protection of the Holy Spirit on our new President as all of American and world Cultural Marxism becomes more and more dangerously unhinged.

The Anti-Reality of Show Biz, exemplified by "The View".  Leftist opposition to Nature, Men, Christianity, Life, Human Babies, Marriage, etc., amounts to insane opposition to Reality itself, by nearly all of Hollywood.

On the Freeing of the Bradley/Chelsea Manning Creature.  Only in Obama's America could Bradley Manning commit treason, go to prison, get a sex-change operation at our expense and then be turned loose.

"Blacklisting" McCarthyites was America's First National Poison Pill.  Now, Cultural Marxists are "Blacklisting" every expression of love of America, and our own sitting government, almost in its majority, hates America.

All the Congressmen boycotting Trump's inauguration are of one Marxist mindset.  How much ya wanna bet all the Congressmen boycotting the inauguration should have been impeached from office and charged with criminal malfeasance in office long ago?

The Marxified Racism of Rep. John Lewis is OK because it's anti-white.  Taking full advantage of racist Black Privilege, Rep. John Lewis exemplifies the new purely politically-based Marxist Racism of his beloved Marxocrat Party.

Should we treat Islam differently than other religions?  If not, why not?  Doesn't Islam treat the whole non-Islamic world differently than it treats Islam?

Promoting Evil by Doing Good: The Evil Fruit of the PC Do-Gooders.  How Political Correctness and Good Intentions have overpowered Human Reason and Critical Thinking, to promote Self Destructive Evils.

Joe Biden keeps getting Medals from Evil Men for supporting Evil Deeds.  Comrade Obama, peace be upon him, awarded him the US Medal of Participation.  Notre Dame awarded him the "Laetare" Medal of Moral Equivalency.

Wouldn't it drive Fake-News nuts if President Trump joined the March For Life?  The whole Marxocrat Party, their Fake News Media and All Hollywood Nobility would go ballistic.

Is Putin's Hack of our Election why Hillary Won the Popular Vote?  If the Russian Election Hack actually affected the election, maybe that's why the Popular Vote went to Hillary.

Cyber Security:  A Globally Accessible Totally Secure system is an oxymoron.  A computer system may be globally accessible or totally secure, but not both at the same time.

Determining how stupid it can get when it just keeps getting stupider.  Desperately trying to finally answer the question "How Stupid Can It Get?" in a limitless, growing, dynamic environment of exponentially multiplying, ever increasingly radical stupidities.

Linda Kimball

The evil materialist faith of global Luciferianism, Technocracy, Socialism, and Marxism

Prayer Against Wicked Ideologues Rescue us, O Lord!

System of Lies: Ideological Paradise on Earth and Why the Bloody, Violent Dream Will Not Die

Christendom and Protestant America’s Apostasy into Paganism A Timeline

The presence and influence of powers, principalities, and demons in our age of apostasy into godlessness

Nihilism…All That Exists is Matter and Energy The Worldview that Caused the Collapse of Christendom and Protestant America

Revisiting Nihilism: The Will Turned Toward Evil and the Destruction of Western and American Civilization

The enemies of God, reality, truth, western civilization and our souls Linda Kimbal column

The Last Hour and the New World Order Prayer

Our Call to Battle: Rise of the Spirit of Antichrist Prayer Article: “And this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.” (1 John 4:3)

God to Mankind: NOW Do You See the Stupidity, Depravity, and Evil in Your Hearts?

Raising the New Tower-- Occult Evolution: Antediluvian, Babylonian and Modern Expressions

Psychopathy and the Western and American Tyranny of Evil Leftist Progressive Myths

Supernatural Genesis 1-11 vs. Pagan Darwinism God and Liberty or Fallen Mankind and Tyranny

Luke 21: 29-31: Some Signs Of America's Abandonment And Spiritual Bondage

Eternal Paradise Or Hell? How And Why Both Choices Are Freely Made

Luciferian Humanists: Citing the Genesis Account is Evil "Any country grounded in Judaeo-Christian values can't be overthrown until those roots are cut ... "

Who is intolerant because ashamed: Creationists or Evolutionary Theists?

Death of the Christian God in Hearts of All Humans Why America and W. Europe are Committing Suicide


Pagan-Darwinian-Materialism Redoubt of Miserable Self-Deceived Non-Self Nihilists

Americas' Spiritually Dead, Deep State and Ruling Class Nihilists Walking Dead Parasitic Idolaters

Doctrines of Demons and the Modern Pagan and Pantheist Antithesis The West's Greatest Threat

Gnosis: The Main Expression of Paganized Christianity in the New Age Inner Knowing, Self-Salvation

Our Age of Malicious Perversion How Truth, Meaning, and Reality Have Been Perverted

The Serpent's Gnostic Luciferian Elite Oligarchy and Global Powers Demonic Darkness Over the West and America

The Creation Model Versus Modern Pagan Models
2 Corinthians 10:5

What Kind of God Do You Believe In?
2 Cor. 10:5 Destroying 'scientific' arguments for false Gods

Evil Spirits, Death of God, Satanic Inversion Pagan America's Reality of Madness, Demonic Bondage, and Non-Self

Judgment and Wrath The Biblical Explanation for Madness and Evil

The Worldview of Evil Spirits Revolution, Evolution, Materialism, Nihilism, New World Order, and More

Gnosis The Main Expression of Modern Paganized Christianity

America's Transformation Into A Mystical Pantheist God-State What the Death of God Has Wrought

Message to All Wearied Truthtellers: Let Isaiah Be Your Inspiration the Remnant

The Triune God, Supernatural Heaven, Souls, Hell, and Demons Do They Exist?

Teachings of Demons The Aeon of Horus, Reign of God-Men, and End of the Christian God

Revelation 2:7" ...the closing of a steel door – a solemn, cataclysmic slamming of a door."

Systemic Nihilism: End of the Human Race Eternal Damnation of Human Souls

Infernal Apocalyptic Atmosphere Over America Disintegration into nothing

Global and Ruling Class Criminal Elitists Their Ring of Power and Pact with the Spirit of Death and Hell

Blessed is the Man Who Does Not Listen to Falling Stars Who Follow After Damnable Heresies

Darwinism: An Abomination Aborting and Rotting the Church. The falling away and apostasy from the one true and personal Holy Triune Creator God has not ended

The Evil One and the Impenitent Who Receive His Mark“. And the LORD God formed man (and) breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.” Genesis 2:7

The Fall of Mankind, the Religion of Evolution, and the Antichrist. "Pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall." Proverbs 16:18

Why Secular Liberals Actively Promote Evil. Mentally Retarded Liberals

Cultural Marxism. The Many Hidden Faces of Living Active Communism

The Devil, the Big Bang, Evolution, Extraterrestrials and the Genesis Problem

The Ascension To Power Of Misogyny. Hatred of Women

Gnostic Chiliastic Evolution: Satan's Alternative Plan of Salvation. The Great Reset

Why Proclaiming Jesus Christ the Word Became Flesh is Offensive. The Technocratic Utopian World Order

The Divine Androgyne, Pandemonium, and the Battle for Our Souls. Satan's Rising New World Order

America's Modern Pagan Oligarchy, Aztec Gods, and Human Sacrifice. Isaiah 57 Revisited

The Peace Symbol: Occult Sign Meaning Death Against Christians. Hatred of Jesus Christ and Christianity

Americas’ Spiritually Desolate, Parasitic, Ruling Class Nihilists. Satan and Powers and Principalities

Global Oligarchy, Forces of Darkness, and the Spirit of Antichrist. Forces Darkness Within Church and State

Darwinism: Idol of mind symbolizing hatred of Triune Creator God. And Logical End of America

Is the World a Computer Simulation in the Minds of Robotic Overlords? Magic Science, Transhumanists, Gnostic Physicists.

Your soul: Cost of admission to the Progressive Pagan City of Man. New Egypt, Babylon, Sodom and Gomorrah

Iron Curtain Over American Minds Progressive Marxisms’ Ideological Utopia

Satan’s New World Order Blueprint and Key Strategy. Christian Capitulation To the Serpent's Consensus Process

Chaos, Breakdown, Demoralization, Destruction: America's New Normal. How it came about and where we are going.

Demonic Darkness: America's Invisible Wave of Evil. Staring into the abyss

Cain, Marxism, Leftism and America's ruling class of 'superior' humans. The dragon they have in common

Modernist Christians in a Man-Centered Universe. Scientific Neutrality and Biblical Deconstruction

The Connection Between Baphomet and Why Researchers Are Creating Interspecies Embryos. 2 Corinthians 10:5

Isaiah 57 revisited: America's progressive pagan elites. Staring into the Abyss

Evolutionary Theism Implies That Christ is Wrong About Creation"For if you believed Moses, you would believe Me, for he wrote about Me. But if you do not believe his writings, how will you believe My words?" John 5:46-47

Utopianism. Progressive Utopian Cultural Marxism Poisoning Minds, Churches, Schools, Politics

Acts 17:18-19-modern pagan and pantheist antithesis of the Word of God Ecclesiates 1:9 "What has been is what will be.."

Trotsky's Permanent Revolution From Hell In America. The Soviet System in America

Why Transgenderism Is Being Forced Upon America and Our Children. The Divine Androgyne

The Evil Eye Of Envy: Why Being ‘White’ Is Offensive To Some People. No Vice Worse Than Envy

Absolute Nothingness and Non-Self: The Reigning Worldview of Global Power Elites and Western Ruling Classes

What is Evil? Man-made alternative realities

Cliff Kincaid

Trump is Destroying Reagan's Legacy By Cliff Kincaid

Trump is a Marked Man By Cliff Kincaid

Terrorist Attack in Baltimore By Cliff Kincaid

Moscow Terror Attack is Another KGB Operation to Fool the West

Obama’s New Nazi-Communist Alliance

On the "Days Of Rage" Planned For The 2024 Marxocrat Party Convention Some of you just couldn't believe that the formerly Democrat (Confederate) Party had already gone totally Communist before the 1968 Party Convention

Making Russia Great Again By Cliff Cinkaid

De-Nazification and De-Communization in Russia The The mutual non-aggression Hitler-Stalin Pact, which started World War II, has been carefully “forgotten”

Climate Emergency To Produce a New World Order By Cliff Kincaid

The Next Phase of Obama’s “Permanent Revolution” By Cliff Kincaid

Evil in the White House In This War, The Enemy Is In The Ranks, Standing Right Next To You

Satanism, Communism: What's The Difference? Look To The Roots Of Communism

Fox Is the Leading "Trans" Channel There are some rather peculiar goings-on at the Fox News Channel.

Trump and His Communist Enemies The Demonized Joe McCarthy Turned Out To Be Accurate In Everything He Claimed: Fox News Is Wrong About Him And About Much More

The Five Stooges on Capitol Hill They Think We Need Even More Doped No-Hopers In The American Intelligence Community

The Biden Doctrine of Demoralization and Defeat By Cliff Kincaid

A Republican Church Committee? Do Pro-American Republicans Even Know Who Frank Church Really Was?

A Top to Bottom Housecleaning of America When we clean our house, my wife has a slogan, “Top to bottom,” meaning you have to target the whole house. The same advice applies to nations.

China's Mass Murder Experiment Phase Two

Bury The Dead And Move On Fuggedaboutit!

9/11 Truth This is the real 9/11 Truth: Our “intelligence” agencies are infiltrated.

Moving Toward Gorbachev’s “World of Communism” It's called the Monster Plot.

The Errors of Russia, the Dupes of Putin, and Another Holocaust Can The Increasingly Faithless Free World Be Saved From Russia?

World War Quietly Conquering A Distracted and Blithely Unaware World. Could it actually be Satan's world war on despised humanity?

Stand With Ukraine Against Russia and China By Cliff Kincaid

Tucker Carlson Carlson Gets His Comeuppance. Tucker's View: It is not moral for us to intervene in support of any nation's (Ukraine's) democratic self-determination and against Soviet military expansion.

The Need for Secure Borders. Have we so easily forgotten what borders are for? Have we forgotten that evil exists in the world? Have we forgotten how to keep apart from this evil?

Can Ukraine Survive Putin and Biden? Can America? Can the Free World? Can Faith in God?

The Soviet Union: Back From The Dead The Return of the Evil Empire

Could an American Surrender be in the offing with Biden at the wheel? Is this not the perfect time for Communism to strike, with Commies now governing America, China and Russia? What would Biden do?

Abortion and Communism. If you ever wondered where all the popular abortion-contraception-sexuality-perversion nuttiness came from, look to Marx's Communist Manifesto.

The Secret Life of Martin Luther King, Jr. A life almost totally at odds with his reputation as a minister of the Gospel.

"We belong to the Church militant; and She is militant because on earth the powers of darkness are ever restless to encompass Her destruction. Not only in the far-off centuries of the early Church, but down through the ages and in this our day, the enemies of God and Christian civilization make bold to attack the Creator's supreme dominion and sacrosanct human rights." --Pope Pius XII

"It is not lawful to take the things of others to give to the poor. It is a sin worthy of punishment, not an act deserving a reward, to give away what belongs to others." --St. Francis of Assisi

Find a Latin Mass

Truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is.—Winston Churchill

Note the Military Assault Rifle common to the American Founding Era.

The smallest minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities.—Ayn Rand

Atheist Genesis:

In the beginning there was nothing, and nothing happened to nothing.
And then nothing accidentally exploded and created everything.
And then some bits of everything accidentally encountered other bits of everything and formed some new kinds of everything.
And then some bits of everything accidentally arranged themselves into self-replicating bits of everything.
And then some self-replicating bits of everything accidentally arranged themselves into dinosaurs.

(See The Darwinism Pages)

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